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mo 27 Jan

Aladdin in FramPygmalion Pantomime Aladdin It's Lamptastic! in the Framlingham Community Rooms Saturday.

sa 25 Jan

The seeds are out in the Framlingham Co-op so spring must be on the way!

fr 24 Jan

Tomorrow the Phoenix Singers are hosting an all day Choral Workshop at Thomas Mills School Framlingham.

tu 21 Jan

 JOBS  Robert Hitcham's Framlingham is looking for kitchen staff for a 2.5 hour day.

tu 14 Jan

The Advent Windows in Double Street Framlingham raised £1,591.68 for the Fram First Responders and Médecins Sans Frontières.

we 8 Jan

The Fram British Legion 2008What was the British Legion in Albert Road Framlingham and the first home of Film@Fram is FOR SALE by auction and looking rather sorry for itself.  Here it is New Year's Eve 2008 with the intermission buffet.

sa 4 Jan

Advent Windows Day 9Last chance tomorrow to see the as always amusing and enjoyable Advent Windows in Double Street Framlingham.  This year QR codes for donating to the selected charities. Bah, humbug!

fr 3 Jan

Amy Liptrot author of The OutrunFilm@Fram We encountered in the early hours The Outrun read on BBC radio by the lovely voice of Tracy Wiles.  We then read Amy Liptrot's autobiography of alcoholism, wild swimming and Scottish islands.  The memories are sufficiently sweet we didn't want to spoil them by seeing an unsatisfactory film but Mark Kermode's review has moved us to see it @ Film@Fram Wednesday.

tu 31 Dec

A red Neomouv Step Through City electric bikeSuffolk ConstabularyA red Neomouv Step Through City electric bike was stolen from outside Curry India in Station Road Framlingham in a 30 minute window Sunday night.  Any info please contact Suffolk police quoting crime reference 37/73448/24, you can call 101.

fr 27 Dec

The Framlingham Co-op was open yesterday so it'll be open today.

mo 23 Dec

Ed Sheraton in Earl Soham and 2006NOTICE  The Ed Sheraton coach tour of Framlingham won't run Christmas or Boxing Day but the service will then be back to normal including New Year's Day. ♫

sa 21 Dec

Last chance saloon today at the Cake Bench Framlingham which is closing not just for Christmas but Forever!

sa 14 Dec

♫ Despite miserable weather a very decent house yesterday in St Clare's Fram for a Framlingham Ladies Choir concert with free tuck and beverages afterwards. Free tea

su 24 Nov

Saxted Green Post MillStorm Bert yesterday shredded the Framlingham Station's PIZZA banner and now continues to blow today and Andy Fordyce reports the Saxtead Green windmill was taking full advantage of the wind.

sa 23 Nov

Fram and Sax Cats Christmas Fair in the Saxmundham Meerkat Hall this morning.Bah, Humbug!

we 20 Nov
World Children's Day

Bah, Humbug!Reluctantly like the rest of the UK most of Suffolk adopted the Gregorian Calendar in 1752 but there is the anomaly that Framlingham town council thinks Christmas is in November.

sa 16 Nov

Man in the Hat at The Fram Railway♫ Tonight Crowd-Poppin, Boot-Stompin, Rabble-Raisin, Country-Rockin! from Man in the Hat at the Framlingham Railway and Folk Rock, Pop, Gypsy Jazz and Blue Grass from Mad Dog Mcrea at the Debenham Leisure Centre.

mo 18 Nov

Darren Smith fishmonger - 01502 519732Darren Smith fishmonger on Framlingham market returned from aBuy us a coffee late holiday looking so healthy it was probably breaking one of the town council's many rules.  We much appreciate the coffees and mussels are still in season?

fr 15 Nov

Infrastucture WorksInfrastructure works on the Victoria Mill Road Framlingham green aren't to do with the proposed development opposite.

Everyone welcome karaoke tonight in the Riverside Centre Stratford St Andrew and tomorrow night choral Autumn Joy in St Michael's Framlingham.

mo 11 Nov

Remembrance DayA lot more people than we anticipated this morning at the Framlingham war memorial for the two minutes silence.  Ex town clerk Eileen Coe told us increasingly more people attending every year.

sa 9 Nov

Next Saturday the Framlingham Scouts and Guides are having a Quiz and Supper (two courses!) Evening as a fundraiser.

The programme for tomorrow's Remembrance Sunday in Framlingham. Remembrance Day

th 7 Nov

Surprisingly because he's not a Fram College boy film director Martin Scorsese took cufflinks to Woodstock. Film editor Thelma Schoonmaker

su 3 Nov

Southwold and Le Tour The Southwold and Tour de France connection seems tenuous and as unlikely as Johnny Depp in Framlingham.

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