mo 9 Jan 2023
 | JOBS The Framlingham chippy is looking for part time staff, St Elizabeth Hospice needs furniture van drivers at the Martlesham Retail Centre and you have until tomorrow to apply as Homework Club Assistant for the Eastern Angles in Ipswich. |
we 14 Dec 2022 | ♫ A three act concert in Woodbridge this Saturday including the interestingly named Bold and Saucy Wrongs (we suspect it's Shakespearean). Appropriately at this difficult time proceeds will go to Families in Need Ipswich. |
tu 13 Dec 2022 | ♫ Friday the Ipswich Hospital Band in concert at St Peter's Charsfield with spiced drinks and inevitably a raffle. |
we 9 Nov 2022 | ♫ We have a slightly uncertain memory we saw Shakatak at BBC Pebble Mill in 1983, the same year that Dark Is The Night peaked at 15 in the UK charts. They were clearly jazz influenced but we were a little surprised that they are playing the Ipswich Jazz Club next month, an early Christmas treat eh?
mo 22 Jul 2022 | JOB The Eastern Angles are recruiting a Project Officer for Ipswich community heritage. |
we 29 Jun 2022 | Register for and attend the East of England online Co-op Live tonight and they'll donate £5 to a food bank you choose from Colchester, Ipswich and Norwich ... we've registered.
tu 14 Jun 2022 | We're a little vague what this is about but it's in Ipswich next week and does involve free wine and canapés. |
we 8 Jun 2022 | We've added Lucy Crossland competing in Hacheston and the Ipswich Sport Karate championships to Suffolk Ladies.
mo 6 Jun 2022 | Yesterday's Ipswich Cardinals 14-21 Colchester Gladiators was a little tetchy but disorder was limited to one outbreak. Later there was a flop so ... more here
we 25 May 2022 | It was free to spectate and a family atmosphere for Ipswich Sport Karate Club in the Hacheston village hall Saturday. We particularly enjoyed ref Matthew Hyndman who when a tiny was up against a not so tiny quite rightly gave the tiny gestured hints. The Ipswich in the club's name is a slight misnomer as the club meets in Hacheston and next month in Laxfield.
tu 10 May 2022 | A local(ish) american football derby this Sunday when hosts the Ipswich Cardinals play the Norwich Devils. |
th 24 Mar 2022 | ♫ The jazz and blues stage at July's free music festival in Christchurch Park Ipswich will benefit from the fine shuffles of Paul Lamb and the King Snakes. Also catching our eye Bessie Smith tribute Ma Bessie and her Blues Troupe.
we 23 Mar 2022 | 8.30pm Monday 21 March a shed was set alight in a back garden on Coltsfoot Road Ipswich. The shed, contents, and some fence panels were destroyed. Any info contact Suffolk Police quoting crime reference 37/17040/22, you can call 101.
tu 7 Dec 2021 | We first encountered Ray Gelato as part of the Chevalier Brothers on a vinyl recorded using valve equipment. Much later we saw him with a big band at the Snape Maltings. Sunday his quartet is playing the Ipswich Jazz Club. ♫
fr 29 Oct 2021 | Sobering that Ipswich Hospital, West Suffolk Hospital and all community hospitals in the area have suspended visiting because of Covid. |
we 6 Oct 2021 | Now this is the way to do a shuffle. A life time playing Paul Lamb and the King Snakes with support Back Porch this Sunday at the Ipswich Jazz Club. ♫ |
fr 24 Sep 2021 | Next Thursday is the last day to register for the St Elizabeth's Hospice Midnight Walk around Ipswich Saturday week.
su 22 Aug 2021 | Travelling to Ipswich via Framsden and Westerfield the weekend before last we were surprised that none of the bus shelters seemed to have timetables. |
fr 6 Aug 2021 | Tomorrow beginner skateboard lessons at Whitehouse Skatepark Ipswich, they're free and no need to book. |
su 1 Aug 2021 | This afternoon at the Ipswich Cardinals for the first time we just spectated an american football game .... it was pleasant. |
fr 2 Jul 2021 | Aldeburgh benefits from a dog boutique called Wag and Bone, part of the A1214 in Ipswich (we think of it as Ipswich's North Circular) has plastic poles separating the cycle lane from the cars and EACH's Bubble Rush in Norwich tomorrow is sold out. |
tu 19 Jan 2021 | The Suffolk Animal Rescue charity shop in Ipswich is of course closed but manager and Brandeston resident Lucy Daykin on 01728 685632 can still accept donations. Welcome items include books, CDs, DVDs, and printer ink cartridges full or empty. |
th 26 Nov 2020 | Before the lockdown in the Ipswich M&S a dad pushing a buggy full of loudly grizzling small boy. Dad says to grizzling small boy Have a day off Wayne. |
we 14 Oct 2020 | ♫ This Sunday the Ipswich Chamber Choir are live streaming JS Bach's Cantata No 48 from St Mary-le-Tower in Ipswich. |
we 26 Aug 2020 | The St Elizabeth Hospice Midnight Walk next month has gone virtual. |
sa 8 Aug 2020 | An arrest early last month in Ipswich has led to the recovery of multiple power tools from multiple burglaries and thefts across Suffolk. The constabulary web site has pictures and the police are asking potential owners to come forward.
fr 7 Aug 2020 | JOB Paralegal/conveyancer wanted by Kersey solicitors in Ipswich. |
we 29 Jul 2020 | In this episode of BBC Radio4Ex's sitcom Cabin Pressure the crew visit Ipswich to refresh safety procedures ... just l♥ve first officer Douglas Richardson's dry sarcasm:) |
tu 21 Jul 2020 | St Elizabeth Hospice is hosting a virtual Pet Pageant with a Morrison's hamper for Best in Show. Being virtual means you can bring your pet snake as it won't terrify the rabbits:)
tu 16 Jun 2020 | Cheery blokes in Ipswich added to Suffolk Gentlemen. |
th 11 Jun 2020 | A scary police car chase around Ipswich, thankfully in the early hours. Darrell Lambert got four years for this and other crimes plus six years disqualified.
su 22 Mar 2020 | The Wolsey Theatre in Ipswich has cancelled all shows until September (♫So it might as well rain♫) but tickets for the autumn season go on sale next month.
su 15 Mar 2020 | Paris-Nice ended a day early yesterday, the UK Women's Tour (which has a stage finish in Felixstowe) postponed from its June start, both the Ipswich Cardinals and in Norwich the Iceni Spears have suspended training. Friday we were supposed to see Eric Church in that there London but yes, it was postponed. The world's going to be a bit duller for a while ...
mo 17 Feb 2020 | St Elizabeth Hospice's next event is Welly Wednesday in Christchurch Park Ipswich this Wednesday. It's a 2.5km sponsored walk with inflatable obstacles and welly wanging.
mo 3 Feb 2020 | Suffolk Roller Derby recreating old time derby fun in 2018 and Ipswich. |
th 9 Jan 2020 | Christmas' advent windows in Double Street Framlingham raised £933.25 for the Ipswich Hospital Children's Appeal and Save the Children. That's nearly 50% more than 2018's £640. |
mo 23 Dec 2019 | Poignant visiting the Ipswich Cardinals yesterday for the first time since owner Ralph Alexander passed away. Despite early rain, Christmas and a very ... more here |
su 22 Dec 2019 | In Ipswich last night as always the Eastern Angles Christmas show was very jolly and today is the winter solstice ... despite flooding and Brexit from now on things should get better.
mo 2 Sep 2019 | Police are concerned for 24 year old mother Ashleigh Fisk and her two very young sons missing from Ipswich possibly since Tuesday. |
th 22 Aug 2019 | Gosh it's 12 years since we saw Red Rose Chain Shakespeare in Rendlesham Forest and we are now a little vague which play it was but we do recall l♥ving it. Red Rose play Romeo and Juliet until Sunday at Jimmy's Farm on the outskirts of Ipswich and reckon it'll be just as good.
th 15 Aug 2019 | We were surprised and much saddened to learn that Ipswich Cardinals owner and general manager Ralph Alexander has passed away, it seemed to ... more here |
tu 30 Jul 2019 | Sunday it looked like it was going to be an Ipswich Cardinals walkover with two early touch downs against an outnumbered East Kent Mavericks. Approaching the end of the first half the Mavericks recovered their own dropped ball to run it in a ... more here |
mo 24 Jun 2019 | Annoyingly the diversion for the closed Westerfield level crossing is NOT signed but we still made it to Ipswich Cardinals v Maidstone Pumas yesterday. Surprisingly there were no refs and general manager Ralph said other games were also ... more here |
mo 27 May 2019 | Remember Hassan who opened the Pizza Grill in Bridge Street Framlingham? These days he is the California Grill in Ipswich but today was on the Castle Meadow for the Gala Fest with his baby son Hassan Jnr. The paella looked wonderful and judging by the queue probably was. Lots of smiles and as always the Gala Princesses looked and were princessly.
su 26 May 2019 | In the past seven months 23 keyless entry Mercedes Sprinter vans have been stolen in Ipswich. |
th 25 Apr 2019
 | Saturday at White House Farm Great Glemham Maggi Hambling will open the Alde Valley Spring Festival and certainly she will be as entertaining as always. In the evening and the Debenham St Mary's Ipswich G&S will present their concert Music for everyone! ♫
th 14 Mar 2019 | Like we said Tuesday in a further attempt to please Mr Google the gridiron UK section now has an Ipswich Cardinals page. |
su 24 Feb 2019 | The St Elizabeth Hospice Bubble Rush in Christchurch Park Ipswich is terrific fun even when it rains. Cheaper early bird tickets are available now (you click 'Register').
we 30 Jan 2019 | In an Ipswich B&Q yesterday we asked Where are the toilets? and got the reply To use or to buy? |
we 2 Jan 2019 | It must be well over a decade since we saw an Eastern Angles Christmas show and we don't recall the now available free parking at the rear of the Ipswich theatre but it's still a small cast working their socks off. Saturday it was five actors who had Fenland Screamers tightly polished prompting laughter and applause from the audience. We got to be part of a rope bridge and had an actor sit on our lap ... unfortunately not one of the ladies. The show continues this month including a run at the Seckford Theatre Woodbridge.