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LinkNClean.zip v1.00 (20kb) - cleans up the data file nk_prod.dbf, generated by NaTKiT1, which can become inconveniently large.  (The file nk_prod.dbf is described in Appendix B of the user guide.)   NClean checks the date of the nk_prod.dbf file and if it doesn't match the current date NClean deletes it.  NClean then runs NaTKiT1 which creates a new, empty nk_prod.dbf.

To install download NClean.zip, unzip and read ReadMe.txt.

Link to larger picNBackup.zip v1.00 (3kb) - facilitates backing up a NaTKiT station. NBackup.zip contains the three batch files NBackup.bat, NCopy.bat, and NRestore.bat, and the text file ReadMe.txt.  They help to backup and restore a NaTKiT test station's DATA files.

NBackup allows you to quickly create a copy of a station or restore its data.

NCopy allows you to quickly create a copy of just a station's test sequences.

NRestore allows you to easily copy the files from the floppy to the test station installation.


As well as periodically backing up your NaTKiT installation to some external media it's a good idea to occasionally make a safety copy on the hard disc.  (What if your hard disc develops a bad sector right in the middle of the NaTKiT software?)  A good time to make a safety copy is before upgrading the NaTKiT software or installing a new calibration file.

NaTKiT1 software versionFirst check the 'readme.txt' file on the issue floppy to see what late information there is.   Next run NaTKiT and note the current software version.  It is shown top left of the screen after NaTKiT1.

If NaKiT1 is installed in the directory C:\NATKIT1 then a copy of the installation can be made to the directory C:\NK_BCKUP by entering the Dos command:



If there is already a directory NK_BCKUP, perhaps from some previous upgrade, then either delete or rename it before making the safety copy.  (From Dos v5.0 onwards entering the Dos command 'HELP XCOPY' will give you information on the command XCOPY.)

Install's upgrade pathPlace the upgrade disc in drive A: and enter the Dos command 'A:\install'.  The start up screen will show below the copyright message from which version the software is being upgraded, eg '0.65 -> 0.72'.  If your current installation is not the same as the left hand figure then you MUST upgrade to that version first.

The Install 'Upgrade' screen After you select 'START INSTALLATION' and if there is already a NaTKiT1 installation in the destination directory the install programme will offer you:

Select 'Upgrade' if it it is the first time you have run install.  Upgrade will copy over the relevant new files.

If you have upgraded and files have become corrupted or lost you would select 'Overwrite'.  Overwrite copies just the non-data files from the floppy.

If you do find there is a problem when you run the upgraded NaTKiT then the quickest way to restore the old version is to 'RENAME' the directory containing the upgraded version something like NK_NEW, eg 'RENAME NATKIT1 NK_NEW'.  Then RENAME the backup directory with the name of your installation, eg 'RENAME NK_BCKUP NATKIT1'.

If, as it will, everything goes well then the quickest way of removing the backup directory, if you have Dos v6.0 or greater, is the Dos command DELTREE.  (Entering the Dos command 'HELP DELTREE' will give you information on the command DELTREE.)

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