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fr 14 Mar

Mahjong at Framlingham LibraryWe've enjoyed playing mahjong solitaire as a computer game so could be tempted by a mahjong beginner's taster at Framlingham Library 2pm this afternoon.

fr 28 Feb

Diana Capstick and Katy Peart at the Black BarnShow this weekend by artists Diana Capstick and Katy Peart at the Black Barn Studios on the Saxtead Road Framlingham.  Private view 5-8pm tonight. Diana Capstick and Katy Peart at the Black Barn

tu 25 Feb

Thursday night chip van in FramSocialising in Stradbroke continues next month with the return of Horse Race Night in aid of the cricket club.  Later on a fish and chip van outside, could very well be the one that used to serve Framlingham on Thursday nights.

su 23 Feb

TRAGEDY!  Man in the Hat is retiring later this year!! <sob> <sob>  The first part of his farewell tomorrow night in the Framlingham Railway.

sa 22 Feb

Scootin' Bootin' line dancingTomorrow evening for an hour in the Framlingham Comm Rooms Scootin' Bootin' line dancing.

fr 21 Feb

In Framlingham the hole in the Fairfield Road pavement has been filled in so perhaps there'll be illumination about the mystery post by the Fen Meadow bridge.

fr 14 Feb
Valentine's Day

iPhone 6sAfter ten days the BT mobile signal is back in Stately Terrace Framlingham.  We survived by getting text One Time Passcodes via wifi.

we 12 Feb

In the Framlingham United Free this afternoon.

tu 11 Feb

Where are the Fellows Who Cut the HayThe Sunday afternoon after next Framlingham Library is hosting in the College Theatre Where are the Fellows Who Cut the Hay.  To raise funds for a children's library it's a showing of the BBC film A Writer's Suffolk followed by author Robert Ashton in conversation.

sa 8 Feb
Christian Hassler

Police Surgery in Framlingham LibraryThursday morning Police Community Support Officer Christian Hassler was hosting aSuffolk Constabulary surgery in Framlingham Library,  He's through the doorway on the right with a table of useful freebies and children's games.  He'll be back first Thursday of March the 6th.

fr 31 Jan

Confusingly and superficially there seem to be two Framingham Flyers.

th 30 Jan

Five years since John Grose moved out of Station Road Framlingham and still empty.

mo 27 Jan

Aladdin in FramPygmalion Pantomime Aladdin It's Lamptastic! in the Framlingham Community Rooms Saturday.

sa 25 Jan

The seeds are out in the Framlingham Co-op so spring must be on the way!

fr 24 Jan

Tomorrow the Phoenix Singers are hosting an all day Choral Workshop at Thomas Mills School Framlingham.

tu 21 Jan

 JOBS  Robert Hitcham's Framlingham is looking for kitchen staff for a 2.5 hour day.

th 16 Jan

Framlingham 2006 Street Fayre Old father time ...Throwback Thursday: 16 years ago today the Community News failed to credit some of our photos (when we were still NaTCH) or mention the sordid matter of coin ... plus ça change eh?

tu 14 Jan

The Advent Windows in Double Street Framlingham raised £1,591.68 for the Fram First Responders and Médecins Sans Frontières.

we 8 Jan

The Fram British Legion 2008What was the British Legion in Albert Road Framlingham and the first home of Film@Fram is FOR SALE by auction and looking rather sorry for itself.  Here it is New Year's Eve 2008 with the intermission buffet.

sa 4 Jan

Advent Windows Day 9Last chance tomorrow to see the as always amusing and enjoyable Advent Windows in Double Street Framlingham.  This year QR codes for donating to the selected charities. Bah, humbug!

fr 3 Jan

Amy Liptrot author of The OutrunFilm@Fram We encountered in the early hours The Outrun read on BBC radio by the lovely voice of Tracy Wiles.  We then read Amy Liptrot's autobiography of alcoholism, wild swimming and Scottish islands.  The memories are sufficiently sweet we didn't want to spoil them by seeing an unsatisfactory film but Mark Kermode's review has moved us to see it @ Film@Fram Wednesday.

tu 31 Dec

A red Neomouv Step Through City electric bikeSuffolk ConstabularyA red Neomouv Step Through City electric bike was stolen from outside Curry India in Station Road Framlingham in a 30 minute window Sunday night.  Any info please contact Suffolk police quoting crime reference 37/73448/24, you can call 101.

fr 27 Dec

The Framlingham Co-op was open yesterday so it'll be open today.

mo 23 Dec

Ed Sheraton in Earl Soham and 2006NOTICE  The Ed Sheraton coach tour of Framlingham won't run Christmas or Boxing Day but the service will then be back to normal including New Year's Day. ♫

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