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sa 25 Jan
Burns Night

Suffolk ConstabularySome 2,000 litres of heating oil was stolen in Church Street Eye sometime between Friday the 17th and noon Thursday.  Any information about this incident please contact Suffolk police quoting crime reference 37/4263/25, you can call 101.

th 24 Oct

Suffolk ConstabularySometime between Monday and Tuesday brass taps and three copper cylinders were stolen from a property's shed on Lowgate Street Eye. Shed security advice, any info please contact Suffolk police ref 37/60371/24, you can call 101.

fr 29 Mar

Suffolk ConstabularyVery early Monday morning a woman running at Eye Airfield Industrial Estate was approached by off their leads a black Labrador and two German Shepherds one of which bit her on the bottom requiring antibiotics.  The owner was a woman described as white, in her 70s, approximately 5ft 4in tall and with blonde hair.  Any info please contact the Crime Coordination Centre quoting reference: 16657/24

th 8 Feb

Treasure Not TrashSaturday is the third of Eye Art Club's Treasure Not Trash spring season for 7 to 17 year olds.  Activities include dance, animation and clay modelling led by experienced tutors and free if a child gets free school meals.

we 27 Sep

 Klezemerised!♫ Some good stuff this week at the Eye Bank, tomorrow evening Norwich multi-instrument four piece Klezemerised!  Saturday night a bunch of comedians we haven't heard of but that doesn't mean they're not any good, we saw The Pub Landlord a million years ago at the Bury Theatre Royal not knowing who he was.

mo 27 Feb

Saturday after next in the town hall Eye Bach Choir will perform Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle.  We don't know the work but from this taste it's certainly choral.

sa 22 Aug

 JOB  Wanted in Eye a production team leader for a renewable energy power station.

tu 26 Feb

♫ The Waveney Valley Folk Collective present folk trio Granny's Attic at the Eye Bank this Saturday.

mo 19 Nov

Saturday at Eye Parish Church Rachmaninov's All Night Vigil by the Eye Bach Choir.

sa 10 Nov

♫ Rock and Roll Remembrance dance the Eye Bank tonight. Remembrance Day

mo 23 Jul

Romeo and Juliet at the Wingfield BarnsWe first saw the Keeper's Daughter's Romeo or Juliet crikey seven years ago at Hartismere School Eye.  Like Dr Who it keeps regenerating and yesterday's afternoon show at the Wingfield Barns had a confident young cast who often played with the expectation of what a play should be, we particularly liked the audience joining in with the dancing.  No doubt RorJ will regenerate somewhere near you soonish ... on our way home the Stradbroke Spar had shelves that need to be filled.

sa 16 Dec

bloody Christmas ... eh?Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol from the Keeper's Daughter (their production a few years back was terrific fun) at the Eye Bank next week end.

th 23 Nov

Charity box stolen in Eye burglary last Thursday.

we 15 Nov

Quiz at the Eye Bank Saturday night, five pound per head to help the arts centre survive.

mo 18 Sep

Very sorry to learn that the excellent Eye Bank has money troubles but volunteer manned will re-open Wednesday and a second community workshop Thursday evening.

su 23 Apr
St George's Day - the patron saint of England

Lynne Hanson and the Good Intentions♫ Last night Canadian Lynne Hanson and her band hit the spot at the Eye Bank and we were sonically tickled by the melodic bass licks of Mari Joseé Dandeneau.  In 2014 we photographed Lynne on crutches at Easton Farm Park and it has taken three operations and until this year for her to be right again ... pleased to hear it.

fr 27 May

Speed cameras today in Eye, Kenton, Melton and Woodbridge.

fr 22 Apr

The Eastern Angles spring show Somewhere in England is in Eye tonight.

sa 16 Jan

 JOBS  As of today there seem to be care (mostly night) assistants wanted in Eye, Framlingham, Halesworth, Saxmundham and Woodbridge.

sa 5 Dec

Castleton Brass Band in FramlinghamOn the Framlingham Market Hill today both windy and the Castleton Brass Band (they're from Eye).

su 29 Nov

bloody Christmas ... eh?2pm today the Castleton Brass Band (they're from Eye) perform a Christmas concert at Tommy Mills Framlingham, tickets will be available on the door.

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