bar at the BBC training school Woodnorton, Evesham
late summer 1982. The mooner is Dr Andy
Harvey. To his left, holding a pint and his crutch, is Les Blain.
It's Doug Neill just visible to Andy's right, Tim Mountain in the white
shirt and the middle, and on the far right is Howie McCulloch, at the time Chief Engineer for the Caribbean Broadcasting
Company. We heard some years ago that Howie is now the Chief
Engineer of a radio station in the west country. A bit startling to note the number of
glasses on the table and the "relaxed" atmosphere and it's only 9:30, or even possibly 8:50!
Thanks to Station Tone, now resident in Australia,
and Ollie Pemberton, now resident in Los Angeles for their help with the names
and to Ollie for this photie. Left to right Big Ted who was/is Sir Geoffrey
Howe's son-in-law, NaTCH, Dr Andy Harvey, Station Tone, Andy Cater, and
some more glasses!