th 9 Nov 2023
| ♫ According to the BBC that there Ed Sheraton likes The Darkness, we also like their Lowestoft goodness plus for a bit they sponsored the Norfolk Brawds' knickers. |
th 31 Jul 2020 | The other Norfolk roller derby league on YouTube and in Canada.  |
fr 21 Sep 2018 | Belated congrats to Norfolk Brawds who were promoted to Tier 1 at last weekend's roller derby British Championships (started as the End of the World Series then transmogrified into the Heartland Series). |
tu 26 Jun 2018 | Very regrettably Southend's Seaside Sirens have pulled up their track tape for the last time. Back in the days before roller derby got a bit up itself they produced some enjoyably witty skate outs and we snapped what was their and the Norfolk Brawds' first public bout. Some good has come from it as the Sirens have donated £1,000 of their remaining funds to GB Junior Derby.
th 31 May 2018 | roller derby 2016 included Norfolk Brawd Vixen Mortar making a marriage proposal mid-jam and a Chelmsford Killa Hurtz Girl on a corner in Wimslow Arizona |
tu 15 May 2018 | No skate outs (when the skaters are introduced to the spectators) at Sunday's Norfolk Brawds' hosted British Championship bout in Norwich. Skate outs are a rewarding photo op and heightens the pleasurable anticipation before play starts and may have helped our bemusement before we found out the Savage Lilies are Wirral RD's B team (get a programme and read it). Committed roller derby from all four teams and well choreographed offence from a Rebellion Roller Derby packed with new to us faces.
sa 12 May 2018 | British Championships roller derby in Norwich TOMORROW. |
fr 22 Dec 2017 | At Norfolk Roller Derby's Christmas double bouter Sunday we put our camera bag by roller derby medic Pastor IcePax who agreed that a lot of the fun had dripped out of derby. NRD then immediately put us both in the wrong, every 50 points scored there was a novelty jam, our favourites were the dancing jams which included officials. Derby name of the day Nicola Shirt-Slinger, one there for near the coast celebrity Ed Sheeran.
su 10 Dec 2017 | No clear differences between the Black Shucks and Rebellion Uprising yesterday in Norwich except the Rebs were perhaps a little more organised; they were usually in the lead and won 172-146. Pleasant conversation with spectating senior Rebs, we were intrigued to see several Borderland Brawlers have joined the Rebs and learnt that Inky Minx now with LRG has had one A team game but then got injured. Derby name of the day Fright Nurse ... we've met a few of them.
th 30 Nov 2017
 | Big Al officiated in Norwich at his first roller derby this month with virtually no previous knowledge and as a penalty timer. He said it was much better than just spectating and you get paid in cake. He must have done alright because Norfolk Roller Derby have asked him back for next month but he can't make it. If you would like to try out as an NSO (Non-Skating Official) email us, lift from near the coast possible ... one for the cv!
th 23 Nov 2017 | Two weekend's ago Norfolk Roller Derby's B-Movie Bash double header had three mixed league teams including skaters from the Surrey and Eastbourne leagues. We noticed that 3? 4? skaters (all men we think) weren't using roller derby skates perhaps indicating encouragingly that skaters from other rolling sports are joining derby. Pleased that NSOs and refs enjoyed a group hug, untypically disappointed by the Epic's coffee and derby name of the day Brother Lee Shove.
su 29 Oct 2017 | Pleasant to revisit the rural situation of Easton College near Norwich for an East Anglo Smacksons v Granite City Brawlers closed door roller derby. Playing 10 against 14 and an epic journey from Aberdeen the Brawlers had speedy and slippery jammers who also cut impressively (a move we haven't seen much of recently) giving them a comfortable win despite intelligent and frequent offence from both parties. Derby name of the day from the grey bearded Nifty Shades of Grey.
sa 24 Jun 2017 Surrey | Too hot for roller derby In Norwich last Sunday but we did enjoy Surrey Roller Girl Ampersand What!'s good tempered interaction with an outside ref confirming what she was being penalised for. Derby name of the day Crazy Cat Lady, not clever, not punningly witty but probably refreshingly true.