mo 23 Dec 2019 |
sa 14 Dec 2019 |
Christmas roller disco in the Tommy Mills sports hall Framlingham tomorrow am. |
sa 7 Dec 2019 |
We've renamed this roller derby section rolling to make it more inclusive. |
su 1 Dec 2019 |
we 27 Nov 2019 |
In our childhood we read from the public library an
autobiography of a Canadian |
fr 15 Nov 2019 |
Skate outs and dancing for the Hydra? Definitely! ... roller derby eh? |
sa 19 Oct 2019 |
Sunday we arrived at Hogtoberfest on the outskirts of London in time for the presentations but there was freeriding afterwards. Hogg Hill continues to develop with new to us dance and street luge. We were particularly impressed with a very young woman who despite a dressing on her right leg and struggling to slow in the first right hander was still buckboarding. |
su 22 Sep 2019 |
British Championship roller derby this afternoon on the Beeb web site. |
sa 7 Sep 2019 |
su 10 Aug 2019 |
sa 3 Aug 2019 |
sa 22 Jun 2019 |
Very pleased to see Denver keeping the roller derby skate out alive and entertaining. |
th 30 May 2019 |
tu 12 Mar 2019 |
mo 25 Feb 2019 |
Roller derby skater Boris Gridcity in Houghton Regis ... don't worry, most people don't know where it is either. |
tu 29 Jan 2019 |
Here's a roller derby novelty, the British Championships Mansfield Roller Derby v Hellfire Harlots B is free entry ... though it is a ways to Mansfield admittedly. |
tu 18 Dec 2018 |
th 13 Dec 2018 |
In 2014 and Ely we snapped a Red White and Bruise Rollers scrimmage with Suffolk RD and we're pretty certain we snapped a RWB skater with a mixed league team in Bletchley. Like the Seaside Sirens very regrettably RWB are pulling up their track tape for the last time. As a league that pretty much could only draw on military and their families at RAF Lakenheath it was likely to struggle. The brilliant bit is they are giving away their t-shirts for just the postage. Ours arrived this morning and it fits! |
su 9 Dec 2018 The Little Mermaid |
su 18 Nov 2018 |
su 28 Oct 2018 |
Live European roller derby on the BBC web site this afternoon. |
sa 20 Oct 2018 |
The Dolly Rockits are full WFTDA members and two Rockits told us the league wouldn't be competing in the British Championships next year as they want to concentrate on tournaments. |
su 14 Oct 2018 |
su 16 Sep 2018 |
Play off finals in today's British roller derby Championships live on BBC online from 1:30pm. At 4:30pm the Norfolk Brawds play Rebellion Roller Derby. |
fr 5 Jan 2018 |
Roller derby has more rules than the town council (it is possible) and so needs something like this. |
tu 28 Nov 2017 |
... all female world of roller derby |
fr 20 Oct 2017 |
we 20 Sep 2017 |
It continues to surprise us how popular roller skating was as an entertainment at the beginning of last century, including the magnificent looking Great Yarmouth Winter Gardens. In today's long running Radio 4 drama Home Front set during the first world war a couple go roller skating on Folkestone pier. Mrs Adeline Lumley: I'm afraid I'll fall over. Staff Sergeant Silas Morrow: That's the idea. |
su 13 Aug 2017 |
tu 11 Jul 2017 |
Last century roller skating on Bournemouth Pier was certainly al fresco and possibly ad hoc, impressive how many ladies involved and muffs (possibly echoing ice skating) were clearly a fashion accessory but what intrigues is why the two ladies at the back of the Dunfermline roller skating brass band need a bucket? |
mo 12 Jun 2017 |
tu 9 May 2017 |
fr 28 Apr 2017 |
It doesn't surprise us that the the London Roller Girls have a junior league. |
sa 3 Sep 2016 |
H.P. Shovecraft emailed pointing out that removing the star panty in the penalty box is specifically illegal in next year's WFDTA rules. We do dearly love roller derby but how can you take seriously a sport where a skill is putting a hat on? But then taking off a skin suit whilst running is a triathlon skill ... |
mo 4 Jul 2016 ![]() |
What surprises us about roller skating at the beginning of last century (apart from how universal roller rinks were in the UK and US) is how many staff were employed (34 at Earl's Court) and usually included women ... presumably to teach the ladies. A worrying detail is the absence of toe stops but then there weren't any on our Jacoskates we just wore out the toes of our shoes. |
su 24 Jan 2016 |
Crikey! A Chelmsford Killa Hurtz Girl on a corner in Wimslow Arizona and isn't she a sight to see. |
tu 15 Sep 2015 |
Pictorial evidence that roller derby always was co-ed ... and East Anglian. |
tu 9 Sep 2014 |
su 10 Aug 2014 |
Yesterday we felt
derby and Scottish l |
su 1 Dec 2013 |
At the start of
Pivots of Penzance in High Wycombe
last weekend the slippery |
fr 29 Nov 2013 |
Here's a candidate for awkward roller derby photo. |
sa 1 Jun 2013 |
We got an honourable mention last month ... which was nice. |
su 28 Apr 2013 |
The Romsey Rollerbillies aren't big ladies but on average their skaters looked a little larger than the Norfolk Brawds' and when combined with consistently strong blocking maybe it contributed to a truly awesome 400-38 drubbing of a slightly short handed Brawds in Cambridge last weekend. Like rowing eights and rugby union packs perhaps weight is relevant? Maybe a team's average skater weight should be in the programme? Rebellion Roller Derby who like the Brawds and Wilts favour the short handed approach had a comfortable 214-110 win over Hell's Belles and got away with a piece of derbyness so cheeky we only saw it in the edit afterwards. After party at the Tram Shed, derby name of the day Xavier Bacon (refs are people too); next month's Heartlands series at Milton Keynes and the Rebellion ... oh yeah! |
th 21 Mar 2013 |
Saturday in Oxford we admired the
Severn Torrent's uniforms and asked a jammer if the
uniform had any padding No, it's all woman.
Severn followed in the west country tradition Czech-point Zuzi said Wilts did have a full fourteen but this included a goodly number of debutants and the core of the team was still quite small. Impressively Wilts made and kept a useful lead over hosts Oxford for most of the game until the last five minutes when Oxford started to come back ... perhaps Wilts were panicking. Early in the final jam the Wilts jammer got a slightly baffling track cut call and amidst threshold of pain spectatorial noise Dread Ditto made a six pass power jam for a 178-170 win. Gobsmacked would be the word to describe the Oxford bench. The Wilts jammer said I really could cry ... you win some you lose some but we share your tears Wiltshire jammer. Thankfully only one injury needing Pastor Painkillaz and time seemed to fix it. Derby name of the day Beatrix Got'Er. |
we 6 Mar 2013 |
tu 5 Feb 2013 |
The first bout of the Heartland series Saturday started with a
!NOISE! in Though the Vendetta Vixens 133-217 Oxford Roller Derby bout was very excellent it got rather washed away in our memory by what was to come. Thankfully no serious injuries in either bout but Vixens' Lucy Go-Lightly did take a promptly called high block to the face and though she skated on it was clearly painful. In only their third or so public bout just eight Wiltshire RD skaters took on a full 14 Concrete Cows team and won! No, you couldn't make it up, power jams put Wilts ahead in the first half and we Brits do ♥ love an underdog, the non-Cows part of the crowd really got behind Wilts who held on to win 206-184 despite losing Mega Faye Tality towards the end for seven plain vanilla (the only kind now) penalties. Stunning! Derby didn't look that different under the new no minors rule set though the one whistle start prompts jammer line starts. Time on the day limited the theatre of the skate outs, pity. |
th 24 Jan 2013 |
RaRa's is a new to us 50s themed ice cream parlour in Northgate Street Ipswich and they stayed open later last night for the first get together of the still provisionally named Ipswich Roller Derby. A little slow getting started because first spectacularly multiple sundaes had to be served but then the presentation was well thought out, bubbley and babberly. Next up a social, hopefully a visit to Rutland for Mean Valley v Norfolk Brawds and training starts March; with Amy and Ryan's obvious overflowing enthusiasm this has got to be a winner ... finally derby comes to East Suffolk! |
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