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Dennington teens

tu 4 Dec

Kirsty Thompson judging - pic by Anne NichollsGod Damn!  Not only have we just got round to telling you about the Central Suffolk Rabbit and Cavies in Dennington Village Hall back in October but we missed them there last Sunday too.  Never mind they're back in January and with a household pets class.

4tu 23 Oct

Dennington c1910  Earl Soham Slog  Aldeburgh town steps c1905  Aldeburgh Town Steps 1950s

Dennington when it appeared to have at least two policemen of its own, the Earl Soham Slog which doesn't seem to have much to do with Earl Soham and the Aldeburgh town steps half a century apart.

th 11 Oct

Dennington WI fashion showLast night for the Dennington WI charity fashion show we had to park in what was the post office as the village hall car park was jammed.  Inside impressive that Dennington has dinner jackets and bow ties to dress a half dozen stewards, indeed one steward told us that as a young man he was always in a DJ at weekends.  The models were dressed from the Framlingham hospice shop so we expected shabby chic but there were £500 shoes and what appeared to be a brand new Christian Dior handbag.

su 2 Sep

An Eastern Counties bus outside the Dennington Queen's Head, CF Channing of

Eastern Counties bus in Dennington The Street Earl Soham Framlingham College hockey team

Double Street Framlingham, Earl Soham when you could walk down the middle of the road and with 1950s big hockey sticks a Framlingham College hockey team.

fr 18 May

Venus de Milo?The Dennington tennis court was looking pretty sad when we visited four years ago and now it looks like qualifying for free counselling.  To cheer it up the sports club are having an auction tomorrow in the village hall with viewing tonight.  Opportunities include a brand new pedal tractor, a male? Venus de Milo, old bowls that get antique dealers on tv excited and a big yellow thing.

sa 21 Apr

Katelyn Potter with her winning pet rabbit ~ pic by Anne NichollsWhile appropriately on the first of this month we were failing to find the mountain biking in Tunstall forest the Central Suffolk Rabbit and Cavy show in Dennington village hall judged best pet to be Katelyn Potter's rabbit (on the left), best rabbit by Rae Fewkes the Sekwef stud, and best cavy by Pig `n` Mix Cavies.

sa 28 Jan

Sweffling windmillThis postcard of Dennington shows that around 1943 the village didn't go as far as having a garage but the shopDennington around 1943 sold petrol, hand pumped of course and though perhaps we should know where the windmill in Sweffling was we don't.

th 26 Jan
Australia Day

Kingston and passing small boyThis fluff of incredibly soft white fur is Kingston; Holeigh his teenage owner likes to give her rabbits names with royal connections.  Last Sunday in Dennington village hall Kingston came second in the Netherland Dwarf Red Eye White U5(months) class, Holeigh said she hadn't expected him to do any better as he's still very young.  The Central Suffolk Rabbit and Cavy Fancy are back in Dennington Sunday 1st April.

mo 9 Jan

Fitness classes start this Thursday at the Dennington village hall with a £2 taster session, the similar is happening in Peasenhall village hall on Saturday mornings.

sa 17 Dec

Winning cavie at Debenham ~ pic contributedNow wish we'd made it to Dennington earlier this month because not only were there rabbits and cavies but Christmas dinners and presents too.

su 4 Dec

Rabbit and cavy pen show at Dennington village hall today.

we 23 Nov

Mobiles, tvs, laptops and jewellery stolen in Great Glemham Thursday morning and three Woodbridge men arrested for offences including Dennington burglaries.

th 6 Oct

Three burglaries and an attempted one in Dennington Monday night.

th 31 Mar
world backup day

Tribute to Buddy HollyThis Sunday morning you could listen to Radio Stradbroke's Sunday Best with your mummy then take her to see the bunnies in Dennington in the afternoon and polish off a perfect day at Leiston cinema with Tribute to Buddy Holly.

mo 24 Jan

Boxes at a box showIt was the Central Suffolk rabbit and cavy box show at Dennington yesterday afternoon.  A box show is where the competitors really only leave their box for the judging but still an enjoyable affair with theJudging animals being surprisingly patient.  The open class for family pets included an attractively marked tortoise which we were told enjoyed a swim and a giant snail but the snake had been asked not to attend.  The club is back in the village hall in April with a pen show and an expected over the hundred entrants.

mo 8 Nov

Poppy AppealThe British Legion needs a poppy organiser to cover Brundish, Brandeston and Dennington next year.

mo 25 Oct

In January at the Dennington village hall the Central Suffolk Rabbit and Cavy club are holding a box and pet show, everyone welcome but no cats, ferrets, presumably foxes and definitely no dogs.  More info on the board soon.

tu 12 Oct

Saxtead MillJon Sullivan talks about Saxtead Mill tomorrow night at the everybody welcome WI meeting in Dennington.

mo 2 Aug

The Badingham church collection box was broken into some time last week and three cars were scratched in Dennington Saturday night.

fr 9 Jul

Pilates at Dennington VHall Tuesday nights ... alright, if you like foreign food.

su 13 Jun

The annual Inter-village Bloodsports have started, hosted this year by Dennington.

we 12 May

Maid of the Mill DenningtonThe ladies of Dennington testing their antiperspirant at the beginning of last century.

mo 01 Mar

DiscardFarctum/Grethic didn't go as far as lipstick and earrings but she did give quite a makeover to her lane's ditch in the rarely visited Dennington-Saxtead Triangle (it's like the Ambridge-Penny Hassett Triangle, the phones only occasionally work as the residents keep making bangles out of the wires).  Not surprisingly her net on a stick turned up a lot of discard but four (yes 4) brandy bottles?

th 14 Jan

Intriguing if expensive C19th Dennington ephemera on ebaY.

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