mo 6 Dec 2010 | Here's a 1951 poster on ebaY at just £1.99 that someone in Station Road or perhaps even Kate at the Framlingham Crown and Anchor could be interested in ...
sa 23 Jan 2016 | Harriers on the Market Hill Framlingham before what's now Country Vision got the mock Tudor half timbering. Not unreasonable to assume it's the Easton Harriers. We've fiddled with the image and we can see HARRIERS in the annotation but don't think it's EASTON ... it might be HAMILTON and once upon a time Lord and Lady Hamilton pretty much owned Easton ...
th 11 Aug 2011 | Thanks to a visiting descendent we have this pic of landlords Mr and Mrs James Woodward outside the Framlingham Station. They took the pub over from Sarah Hawes in 1881 and nothing much has changed since though the pic shows outside ground floor window shutters, ads for brandy and John Hopkins Old Mull whisky, a no longer existent building in the background and no stone protecting the corner of the building which has appeared by the 1930s but is now gone away.
we 30 Mar 2011 | Seems unlikely we know but this 1935 cigarette card shows Framlingham college and the school tie.
sa 7 my 2011
 | In the days of the Great Eastern Railway it took eleven staff to run Framlingham station and the dress code seemed to require facial hair.
tu 8 Feb 2011 | Flooding at the bottom of Fore Street in Framlingham has been a popular pursuit for at least a hundred years and still is despite the coming of television to East Anglia.
mo 20 Sep 2010 | We've seen 17thC tradesman's tokens for Saxmundham, Dennington and Woodbridge, the Civil war disrupted coin production causing a small change shortage, but this is the first Framlingham token we've seen. It could have been spent in John Capon grocers and presumably would have been worth a farthing, one quarter of a penny. |
mo 23 Nov 2009 | Writer tells us that what's now the vets in New Rd, Framlingham was built by the USAF as an officers' club. |
su 22 Nov 2009
 | Thanks to Michael Raynor-Green we have this 1948 aerial view of Framlingham. People's first comment is Hasn't changed much but there's the cinema in Regal isolation top right, a building on what is now the car park at the back of Bridges & Garrard, and where the bookies was on the corner of Riverside and Bridge Street is quite different.
tu 27 Oct 2009 | I don't know whether you would be interested in this picture. It was taken in 1959 - yes 50 years ago - it's me on the left with my cousin. In those days there was no safety rail on the inside of the wall walk and I think you can just about make out the lack of said rail in this picture. Even as a young child I used to run around the wall walk - no-one worried then about the lack of rail - now I won't even go around the top of the castle. Regards, Jane. |
tu 29 Sep 2009 | We don't know if the new head of Framlingham College is related to Batman but he did play cricket for Surrey so perhaps he will be engaging in super hero activities like one of his predecessors. (The Framlingham Weekly News Sat 6 July 1935 - thanks Kitchen Range)
fr 21 Aug 2009 | This is Fore Street, Framlingham 1906 or earlier, we're only guessing but maybe they didn't have a volunteer fire service then.
su 16 Aug 2009 | .jpg) .jpg) .jpg)
Like most of the universe nowadays Church Street, Framlingham is a sea of parked cars but it wasn't always like that. |
su 2 Aug 2009 | What goes round comes round. Once Framlingham post office didn't have a telephone box, then it did and now it doesn't again.
tu 28 Jul 2009 | Dick Larter tell us there were once three places in Framlingham where shotgun cartridges could be bought. What is now The Green Room in Church Street was a gunsmiths, possibly for around a hundred years. The census shows Benjamin Norman living there in 1871 and in 1894 he became one of Fram's first councillors. The shop was sold to Kit Ravensheare in 1960 who nineteen years later sold it perhaps to retire? If you Google Kit Ravensheare you'll find he wrote a number of books on gunsmithing and is no longer alive. |
su 14 Jun 2009 | .jpg)
Jane Bloom (the charming little nurse on the left to Bill Bulstrode's dad the then rector Martin Bulstrode) sent us this pic of the 1950 Rectory Fete in Framlingham. Do you recognise any young faces? |
tu 31 Mar 2009
 | FADS (Framlingham AmDram Soc) were formed in 1903 and have been at it consistently since 1922. In 1929 the Christmas production was The Thirteenth Chair and the tupenny prog reveals a lot of honoraryness, surnames you'll still recognise and music by a seven piece orchestra. They are still at it with the comedy Nobody's Perfect running this week at Fram College's Headmaster Porter Theatre until Friday.
th 18 Dec 2008 | A while back the East African printed the pic Framlingham Station landlord and chef Mike Jones is holding on the left there asking the question is the man in the straw hat the then landlord Fred Rix? We think it's a very safe assumption as the pic below was loaned to previous Station landlord John Bjornson by Fred's daughter Joan and the moustachioed man holding the reins looks very much like the same bloke? An interesting footnote is John B told us when he took over The Station the single storied buildings at the rear were floored with hard yellow Suffolk bricks like the stable floor at the Fram Crown. Over the years grooves had been worn in the bricks by the wheels of carriages, traps and carts stored on them whilst the vehicle owners used the train.
su 2 Nov 2008 | It rained so hard around six thirty last night that the water was coming up over the pavement outside The Railway pub in Framlingham. Wouldn't be the first time ... interestingly if you look at the pavement outside what is now the Indian restaurant at the bottom of Fore Street you can see where the shop once had more frontage as in this circa 1910 postcard. (Flooding in 2009)
we 12 Nov 2008 | We've heard from two different and usually reliable sources that Framlingham's Crown Hotel has new tenants. What goes round comes round but we're going to miss Roy ... he certainly made things happen; the bungee jump, music on the hill and at least three street fayres.
tu 28 Oct 2008 | More aircraft buzzing Famlingham but this time they are American. We know nothing (Mr Fawlty) about this pic but are fanning out (well actually we're emailing Carol at ESB) to try and find out more. (A bit stunning to see that the houses at the top of Fore Street just sixty years ago looked out over open fields.)
su 26 Oct 2008 | That's Danny Pullen's granddaughter sprinkling him with 80th birthday confetti this afternoon. Danny celebrated his birthday today with a luncheon party at the Framingham Sports Club who had put up a copious and very rewarding cold collation. Hairtrix on Fram's Market Hill was previously The Sombrero coffee bar (Piggy Pete still speaks of the café fondly) and Danny ran it from 1959 to 1964(?).
th 15 May 2008 | The 61st Framlingham Gayla is the Monday after next but the last regular passenger train to Framlingham was Saturday 25 October 1952 and if the trains were still running a return from Ipswich would probably be more than 16p.