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Fram skate park


Tim Smee and skaters including matt, sticky and ginge pitch to the Annual Parish Meeting.

tu 26 Sep

First cut

fr 29 Sep

Its now 17.35 on Friday and having paid all the bills I have £1,353.00 in hand from the bungee jump for the skatepark with hopefully lots more sponsorship money to roll in.

Its now 19.20 and we have achieved £1,625.00.  We will give FAYAP the promised £1,500 on Monday or Tuesday.  It might be nice to do some sort of presentation.

th 19 Oct

Its going fine - last time I looked bunding is all done, drainage going in.  The concrete pad has to be pressure washed just before the tarmac is laid.  After that GBH will appear with the ramps etc and install them.  Incidentally, it is recommended that the ramp surface is re-coated twice a year so it is hoped you chaps are handy with a roller.  It dries on contact apparently - just as well!

fr 17 Nov

Tarmacing is due to start as soon as a window in the weather.

th 30 Nov
St Andrew's day

First assembly of the skatepark
First assembly of the skatepark

we 6 Dec

The skatepark starting to grow.

cool they got that sdie bit on the mini ramp we went up at 10 this morning and saw that except all the ramps didnt have sides on

tu 12 Dec

Skatepark growing

Here's some pics taken today, a bit of a flap over access - one foot of mud - they have put down what look like giant trays ...
Wow didnt realise they were filling that hip in, that hip in the corner looks mad fun!

we 13 Dec
are they actually working to schedule tho? i went up today and they still have the two of the biggest ramps to put in yet and 4 working days to do it...I'm not sure - I'll check it out for you - the guys working up there may know, they seem very friendly & jolly.  They did loose a day this week with not being able to get on the field after a few days of rain.
th 21 Dec

Framlingham Skate Park

Framlingham Skate ParkAs I approached the Pageant Field David Drummond (who has done loads for the skatepark project) was coming the other way looking for a pen to sign the park off.  So it's finished!  Well sort of.  There's still a fence to go up, I've heard the shelter will be going up some time in the new year and the official opening will be when it's been thought about ... but as you can see skaterboarders were on the park while GBH Ramps were still tidying up and the longer haired of these two showed me the graze on his arm from a difference of opinion with a car yesterday whilst out on his board.  So a good thing then that this skater will be spending more time in the park and less on the road!

sa 31 Mar
world backup day

We think this may be called grinding  matt rose

All agesHairy bloke doing somersaultsThere were a lot of people at the skate park for the official opening.  Inevitably there were speeches but the small wheeled people sensibly kept on rolling.  All ages (including some ladies) managed to hurtle about without collisions although we did get whacked on the knee by a runaway skateboard!

First time on inline skates

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