mo 3 Mar 2025 | Regrettable but understandable Norwich Devils Women are not league competing this year though there should be home scrimmages and friendlies.  |
mo 13 Jan 2025 | Peterborough Royals Women's American Football recruiting coaches including the head variety.  |
fr 18 Oct 2024 | Two more Saturdays of the Norwich Devils Women's Rookies Days.  |
sa 6 Jul 2024 | During Peterborough Royals 26-49 Manchester Lions last Saturday there was just a single solitary punt and a rather unfortunate one. Place kicking was fine with at least two on side kicks and yes sometimes we are slow getting the pix up.
sa 1 Jun 2024 | Congratulations if you've fully No Mow Mayed. We shall be giving the lawn a haircut tomorrow as it's a four team tournament at the Norwich Devils Women today. 
fr 24 Nov 2023 | With six women's flag american football teams playing in Cambridge last Saturday plus limping broadband it's taken for ever to upload all the pix but they are there now. |
mo 23 Oct 22023 | When you make an assumption you etc ... we thought when the Iceni Spears return near Cambridge 18 November they'd be meeting the London teams from earlier this month but no they'll be playing the Coventry Panthers, Coventry Cougars and Nottingham Uni.
mo 9 Oct 2023 | That's nice, the London Amazons have bought us a trio of coffees. They'll be back competing near Cambridge 18th of next month, a Saturday this time.
sa 7 Oct 2023 | When rugby ended at Shelford near Cambridge Sunday the staff locked up the pavilion and departed leaving three women's flag american football teams without water and more importantly toilets prompting drives to a garden centre for the facility. Hopefully won't happen when Iceni Spears, Sacks in the City and London Amazons are back there next month.
mo 21 Aug 2023 | In Ireland yesterday a different result for GB women versus Spain.  |
su 30 Jul 2023 | Yesterday's Norwich Devils 33-38 Kent Exiles was a game of interceptions and breakaways. Thankfully we think the medics only came on once and we liked the Exile coaches Hawaiian shirt theme. Spectating Peterborough Royal Benita Grant told us the Royals' promotion to 9 a side had not been easy; kickers to be found, the larger field plus the time and resources to train a special teams.
we 14 Jun 2023 | Safeties were being very popular at Saturday's three team tournament in Thorpe St Andrew with five being scored in the first two games. A scorcher had been forecast but a gentle breeze made the day manageable. Despite losing a player early on to a serious ankle injury (speedy recovery) the Norwich Devils won both their games. The Herts Cheetahs may have come out two games down but we really liked their dress theme of animal print.
su 30 Apr 2023 | Tribal knowledge that women are collaborative and perhaps women who play team sports even more so. We were still impressed yesterday at the Norwich Devils Women Rookies when a vet metaphorically beat up a rookie on the line then explained what she had done and what the rookie should do to stop it. Perhaps the nicest day of the year so far and made more rounded by an energetic ball chasing young spaniel and a baby in a buggy. Devils' first home game this year 10 June against new opponents Hertfordshire Cheetahs. |
we 26 Apr 2023 | Very pleasing that Iceni Spears women's flag football in Norwich have a sponsor for this year and a good cause too. |
sa 15 Apr 2023 | Britain's women whitewashed Sweden's 40-00 today in Worcester. |
sa 10 Dec 2022 | This morning's Norwich Devils Women american football Rookies unsurprisingly cancelled because of a frozen pitch.
mo 28 Nov 2022 | Norwich Devils Women american football have two upcoming opportunities starting Saturday to meet great peeps, get a bit muddy and hit things ... things that is not people ... in the first place.
mo 24 May 2021 | Six players at the Iceni Spears yesterday for flag american football training in Thorpe St Andrew . A minimum flag team is just five as so amply proved by the Hyde Park Renegades back before the virus. Impressed to see passers getting spin on the ball and coach Jamie Fowle told us the Opal Series will be running this autumn so there will be competition ... can't wait.
su 17 Jul 2020 | The tragedy of yesterday's four team women's american football in Norwich was that the beer van broke down on the way and never made it.
mo 6 Mar 2022 | The rain Saturday in Peterborough didn't ruin the second round of the Women's Central Div but it did dampen it a bit. Fortunately the pitches had been moved by the covered stand so supporters were under cover. The Royals continued to dominate but two games were being played simultaneously and without scoreboards it was difficult to follow the narrative. Plenty of attitude which spilled over on one occasion of disorder but without ejections. Next round 16 July at the Norwich Devils who have their rookie day Saturday.
sa 5 Mar 2022 | Crikey! The Norwich Devils Women have bought us a whole handful of coffees, how very kind. Their season starts in May and they host a four team tournament in Norwich and July.
mo 21 Feb 2022 | Saturday an impressive number of new faces at the Norwich Devils Women second rookies day plus enough coaches to make a Top Trumps set (if we knew what that meant). Despite cold and later rain everybody stuck at it cheerfully with a pleasant friendly atmosphere. The season starts this April with a three? four? team tournament at the Devils.
mo 30 Aug 2021 Peterboro' | The second three teamer of the Women's Central East Conference Saturday was held at the Peterborough Lions Rugby Club. Despite helpful directions from the Royals' #27 finding the ground confused both us and the satnav. Committed play from all three teams but perhaps most impressive was the Leicester Falcons finishing the day with just nine players for seven a side contact and still grinding it out. New to us a penalty in the end zone is a safety, make sense, how can you give a yardage penalty.
mo 24 May 2021 | Six players at the Iceni Spears yesterday for flag football training in Thorpe St Andrew . A minimum flag team is just five as so amply proved by the Hyde Park Renegades back before the virus. Impressed to see passers getting spin on the ball and coach Jamie Fowle told us the Opal Series will be running this autumn so there will be competition ... can't wait.
sa 6 Mar 2021 | Perhaps fortuitously with International Women's Day on Monday the NFL has appointed their second woman official and the first African-American woman official Maia Chaka.
sa 23 Jan 2021 | Last year Sarah Thomas became the first woman to officiate a Super Bowl playoff game. She managed the measuring chain and down marker the NFL having renamed the role from Head Linesman to the gender independent Down Judge ... she's doing it again tomorrow fortnight at this year's Super Bowl. In East Anglia we're lucky to benefit from ref Alisha Darkins who does not lack attitude when disorder breaks out ... Get off my field!. |
su 29 Nov 2020 | Sarah Fuller eh? How long before we get a woman in the UK premiership? Soccer that is.
mo 2 Nov 2020 | Saturday In Lowestoft speedy Waveney Wolves were running through multiple Iceni Spears tackles but with time the Spears started making their tackles. A Spears trick play along the lines of It's the wrong ball worked beautifully. We think maybe just three or four flags in all three games which were played with an outstanding spirit though heavy rain inevitably dampened the final match.
su 6Sep 2020 | Driving this morning to Norwich for the Iceni Spears noticeable were classic and sports cars coming the other way surely for Classics at Glemham. Very encouraging that there are now enough Spears for players left over on the sideline during scrimmaging. Hand sanatising during breaks and general good vibes but sadly coach Jamie Fowle is not anticipating any competitions this year.
mo 6 Jul 2020 | The Iceni Spears contact team are now Norwich Devils Women's American Football ... we would have gone with the Norwich Devillettes but then what do we know? |
mo 27 Apr 2020 | Last week Mark Kermode on coming of age films included French film girlhood. |
th 5 Mar 2020
| Congratulations to East Anglian Alisha Darkins who will be wearing the white hat this Sunday for Britball's first all women referee team. As Sunday is International Women's Day perhaps Down Judge might be a better job title for Leanne Spencer than Head Linesman:)
th 14 Nov 2019 | Saturday in Norwich was women's flag american football Opal series round four. Hosted by the Iceni Spears we were very pleased to see their numbers have grown to offence and defence plus players over but not GB defensive end Victoria Ware as she'd injured her ankle playing netball. In contrast the Hyde Park Renegades (in white) had the just the minimal five and were devastating.
sa 5 Oct 2019 | An insight into women's american football from Cheshire Bears defensive lineperson Megan Delaney.(a one time roller derbyist) A safety (around 2:58) because the QB threw the ball out the back of the end zone. We've seen player panic in a uni game do the same and we've done similar playing rugby <blush>.
su 18 Aug 2019 | Devastated that Great Britain women's american football last night won their match against Finland but failed to win the European Championship by two points. Towards the end our stomachs got so tight we felt ill but gratifying that Iceni Spear Victoria Ware playing defensive end for GB made such a contribution even if Pinky and Perky the commentators couldn't get her surname right.
fr 28 Jun 2019 | If you become an american football referee in the UK you get paid, get expenses, have a buddy/mentor when starting, there are at least two women refs in East Anglia, and you get called sir (or sometimes ma'am). More info on the BAFRA web site.
th 7 Feb 2019 | Women's american football gets its own Facebook album. |
su 3 Feb 2019 | We arrived yesterday in Thorpe St Andrew in time for the lunch break (impressive catering) to be told it had tried to snow earlier but thankfully the rain had held off. Women's american football team Iceni Spears were hosting the Peterborough Royals and Essex Hellcats for joint training followed by a seven a side tournament. In the event there weren't enough players to make two seven sides so empty slots were filled by coaches and as one player observed We've learnt more this afternoon than we would from three practices.
mo 21 Jan 2019 | We found French director Céline Sciamma's film Tomboy highly involving and rewarding not least because it made the Parisian suburbs look idyllic. So very gratifying to find a sealed copy of her later film Girlhood in the Framlingham EACH chazza. Here the banlieue is relentlessly gritty and though Vic essentially remains trapped in her situation the opening sequence is women's american football from team Les Molosses.
mo 10 Oct 2018
| Some changes at the Iceni Spears in Norwich; Vicki Ware is training with the GB national team and Craig Thompson is the new head coach moonlighting from Norwich Devils' offensive coordinator. Last weekend on a surprisingly pleasant Sunday after a filthy Saturday the Spears were training in Thorpe St Andrew followed by classroom work on the play book. New no contact flag and contact players plus total newbies always welcome.
tu 27 Feb 2018 | Women's american football in Peterborough Saturday was five a side but with multiple substitution hosts the Peterborough Royals with eight players and the Staffordshire Saxons with just six had a difficult job. The rules are pretty much those for flag football but with contact from kitted players, we were soon understanding and enjoying play.
su 4 Feb 2018 | Despite the cold and some snow the Iceni Spears womens american football had turned out in Thorpe St Mary for training. Some new faces and much hilarity during tackle practice because it's not easy to get up from squashy crash mats plus the pergola tried to blow away. This year the Spears aren't competing in either league contact or flag so as to develop their newer players but will be playing some friendlies in the spring.
fr 2 Feb 2018 | Sunday's going to be busy: take stuff back to B&Q in Norwich, american football Iceni Spears Open Day followed by UEA Pirates v Cambridge Pythons, and then the roller derby world cup final streamed at the Beeb.
fr 8 Sep 2017 | Sunday in Thorpe St Andrew Norwich the Iceni Spears were flag training. We were pleased to see new faces including a Norwich Devils coach moonlighting. He told us the Devils are 4-0 on the season and pretty much guaranteed to join the league next year. Visiting web site Brit Blitz joined in the training and a mixed ten minute each way game to finish the morning.
we 24 May 2017 | After three years of watching UK gridiron we've finally realised it's college rules not NFL ... thought some of those decisions were a bit odd. |
mo 24 Apr 2017 | Sunday near Norwich the Iceni Spears were training for the autumn's Opal flag football series. Flag football is no (hopefully) contact American football where you're tackled if an opponent can grab a flag from your waist. The flags can be just football socks tucked into your waistband or like the Spears yellow streamers held in place by plastic poppers. The Spears have an everybody welcome flag rookie day next month.
mo 6 Mar 2017 | Yesterday near Norwich we watched Iceni Spears women's American football walk through some plays in the changing room and then go outside to practice in icy rain ... that's commitment. The season long Sapphire series for women is five or seven a side. We couldn't imagine how a sport that normally has eleven (twelve in Canada) on the pitch players per team could work with five but watching the Spears routine a play we saw that with just five everybody really has to know what they should be doing. Looking forward to seeing these impressive ladies compete this coming weekend in Peterborough.