we entered the stadium a fella with a clip board wanted to know if we were
invited and though we weren't we still got a press badge and a free cup of
coffee but no bit of paper explaining why we were all there. We think
the reason we were all there is the weekend 6th July is National Hot Rod
World Finals ... but probably in the world sense like that rounders thingy
in the US is a world series. Either way this hot rod racing is like a
mini NASCAR except the track isn't banked, though we were told there is one
race during the

season at Rockingham,
the cars bear only very passing
to a production saloon. At Foxhall the hot rod track is tarmac around
the outside of the cinder speedway track and inevitably some of the cinders
get on to the tarmac making things particularly interesting when, as with
every outdoors activity this summer, there were sudden downpours.
This was only practice but you could see
that the racing could be very close and there were
other attractions that could
spark a young man's interest in the sport.