sa 18 Dec 2021 |
 A month or so back there was an operating system update for
Apple iPhones of some 4Gbyte in size. Here on a
16Gbyte of memory iPhone some apps had to be temporarily
removed so the update could install. LEARNT:
Even if you don't pig out
on photies and music a bit more memory on a smartphone
can be useful.
fr 26 Mar 2021 |
.png) Today
we got both a scam text and a
scam email
pretending to be Royal Mail about the same fictional
delivery. DON'T click on the links but if you hover
your mouse over the links in the email you'll see the web
addresses are nothing to do with Royal Mail.
su 24 Jan 2021 |
Most writers find it difficult to edit themselves so here are
some useful tips from Gemma Arrowsmith on how to get the page count down.
tu 1 Oct 2019 |
pager service provider in Japan has
closed for the 1,000+ remaining users. We had one,
it beeped when the battery was running low, mostly in
the middle of the night when the temperature is lowest.
tu 24 Sep 2019 |
poo, flickr have started
putting adverts in when flicking through a
free account
photostream and in the Martlesham
Tesco a couple of weeks back there was a £20
personal cassette/radio with built in speaker and
mike ... cassettes eh?
fr 1 Feb 2019 |
Friday we spent well over an hour resetting and then
new to us camera body so it would behave as we expected.
Saturday after a photo op in Bedfordshire
we found it had defaulted to jpg not RAW file format.
in Norwich we noticed it wasn't
auto-rotating portrait orientation pix.
MORAL: Expect it to take time to
sort out new kit.
th 5 Apr 2018 |
pointed out/complained
before that if you use
files and upgrade your camera be prepared to upgrade your
edit software as well. More recently we found our newer
camera had a new to us USB Superspeed 3 connector so we had no lead to
tether it to a laptop, older camera would tether
but wouldn't work properly with the new to us flashes ... same
old same old.
th 5 Apr 2018 |
pointed out/complained
before that if you use
files and upgrade your camera be prepared to upgrade your
edit software as well. More recently we found our newer
camera had a new to us USB Superspeed 3 connector so we had no lead to
tether it to a laptop, older camera would tether
but wouldn't work properly with the new to us flashes ... same
old same old.
fr 9 Mar 2018 |
banged on about
rechargeable batteries before. Recently we bought eight Eneloop AAs
for a sizeable £20 but boy they made our flashes fly, they recycle faster
than we've ever seen before. Then we found this
vid proving that the half the price Ikea LADDAs were even faster, but do they
hold a charge well when not in use?
fr 3 Feb 2017 |
a toe in the world of Apple we bought a second hand iPhone 5S
... knew that battery life is an issue but didn't know it's
that much of an issue. Deciding if we're brave enough
change the battery ourselves.
we 28 Sep 2016 |
with the FREE
Telephone Preference Service
significantly reduce the number of time wasting phone
calls you get. If someone phones you saying you
have to re-register with the service and there's a
charge hang up, it's a con.
mo 21 Nov 2016
camera RAW files
are powerful, but they are specific to each
camera model and Photoshop and other software
has to know about the individual. If like us your begrudge
paying monthly to use software and instead use an
older version be prepared it won't know about the RAW
files from your upgraded camera body ... mind you the
Canon 7D mkII's improved low light performance and auto
focus are worth the effort.
th 11 Aug 2016 |
deal with an incoming telephone call on a Blackberry Q10
you slide the virtual button to either red or green ...
missed two calls before we figured that one out.
sa 3 Jan 2015 |
obvious but if your wireless mouse/keyboard gobbles
batteries get some
rechargeable batteries and a charger.
Rechargeable batteries come
in different flavours determined by the mAh rating,
that's milliampere-hour, the higher the mAh rating (2000
mAh for a AA is getting high) the longer the battery
will last before it needs to be charged ... and the more
it will cost. There are also precharged
rechargeables that will hold
a charge when not in use, sometimes up to a year
... allegedly, relevant when you want to hold ready to go
tu 16 Sep 2014 |
week we dropped our Blackberry down the toilet.
Fortunately the toilet wasn't in use so after a few
seconds hesitation we picked it out and removed
the battery. A quick wipe with soft
toilet paper and then we left it keyboard down for
twenty four hours. A bit of hesitation when the
battery was replaced next day but it did eventually
fire up
satisfactorily. The important bit here was
promptly taking the battery out, if
there's no battery then phone damaging current can't
flow through short circuits caused by the eau de
sa 31 Aug 2013 |
1am on a Sunday morning some weeks back our power went
off and we convinced
ourselves it was them not us and went to sleep.
Waking at seven concerned about the deep freeze we
eventually found the new RCD had tripped but on the way
discovered this useful wheeze, text POWER and your post
code to 80876 and
UK Power Networks will text you during power cuts. |
tu 20 Aug 2013 |
is Hewlett Packard with a different shirt on and is the
print service associated with
flickr. We ordered a 10 x 8 from snapfish and
it arrived in an envelope so flimsy that the print was
creased. We ordered a 10 x 8 from
PhotoBox and it arrived uncreased in a substantial
corrugated cardboard container.
fr 19 Jul 2013 |
the fan on your computer starts to get busy it's because
the cpu (central processing unit) is getting hot and
bothered emphasised by this weather. If you're
uploading the entire family album to Facebook, doing a
defrag and watching Storage Hunters online
whilst Google Drive clunks away in the background then
give the cpu less to do by watching Storage Hunters
on the telly ... though we do realise Freeview
is still problematic in some parts of near the
particularly so in this hot dry weather.
fr 2 Nov 2012 |
some reason professional ID photos have to make you look like a terrorist on
drugs, don't know why. For the same cost you can take the pic and email
the file for printing, Photobox will post you eight images
(they need cutting up) for less than a fiver. You need to check what's
needed, passport regs are particularly rigorous; neutral background, no smiling,
no fun, and if a nearest and dearest is the official photographer after they
take the first snap tell them to take a step forward and snap another ... then
another step ... and another. |
fr 30 Apr 2010 |
Suffolk Conservative candidate
Therese (it's French) Coffey lives in Westleton
so she can't get Channel 5 or Freeview and
no doubt rubbish broadband. When she asked BT why near
the coast broadband is so rubbish so close to BT's research
centre they said Oh, our broadband is rubbish too.
We found out yesterday at the
Martlesham Black Tiles that Therese has stood as an mp
once before, her rescued dog Rizzo is very patient, when she
ordered the panini she hadn't realised it came with chips,
and is very aware this time round she's not a shoo in.
More pix
on Facebook
we 11 Apr 2012 |
late adopters and got
our first satnav
just a month back. We first used it in hot blood to find
Milton Keynes
and it went
all nervy on a roundabout near Bedford plus it didn't know about
the tunnel under Hindhead ... though it is difficult to get lost
in a tunnel. We should have first used the supplied usb
cable to connect it to a pc and see if there's a map update, the
first update with our Garmin was free
... we haven't used the satnav yet to find
fr 7 Aug 2009 |
£200 the new Blackberry Curve 8520 is affordable apparently;
well it's half the price of the Palm Pre (not available in the
UK yet) which we were hanging out for but got a poor review on
the Gadget Show and perhaps the 8520 would hold the data we need
and the £120 iPaq we bought wouldn't.
we 28 Jan 2009 |
first PDA was a Sharp something or other and we were very
fond of it, it had a rounded case which was nice to hold and
a four line text only monochrome display with no back light.
It DOA'd after falling from a great height ... twice.
Fondness became the real thing when the Sharp was replaced
an early Palm Pilot. The Palm was such a clever,
useful and successful product that inevitably the
accountants took over and the creative people left to start
Handspring. Handspring always seemed to be driven by
financial imperative rather than creativity and though we
now use an elderly Handspring Treo it's design is an unhappy
compromise. Time passed and Palm bought Handspring ...
more time passed ... but now the
Palm Pre is tipped to rival the iPhone and it runs Linux
Windows! |