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pc tips

sa 1 Feb

PC TipsOur windmill correspondent Andy Fordyce has pointed out that Apple Maps also functions as a sat nav ... a helpful comparison.

th 30 Jan
sat nav

PC TipsIn Stamford and needing to drive to Norwich the sat nav refused to fire up, panic but in the event it's just follow the A47 and well sign posted but itSat nav on an iPhone helps to know the towns on the way.  In Darren Smith's volunteer role as retail/tech consultant he pointed out Google maps on a mobile will function as a free sat nav.  We half suspected as much and on an iPhone found it fully functioning though it took a little learning and used locally you can hear the voice ... we'll find out when we leave Suffolk what happens at speed:)

fr 17 Jan

PC TipsIn a lifetime of laughter and tears we've encountered picture editingThat there Microscoft being done in Excel and web design in PowerPoint.  Google research may show a prog more suitable for your project, not Microscoft and maybe even free.

th 2 Jan

PC TipsOften a software's new feature/improvement is a solution looking for a problem.  Cruising The Cut talks about YouTube's Stable volume.

mo 9 Dec

PC TipsIt was only when we needed to batch rename a group of files wePowerRename pop up rediscovered Power Toys.  There are so many toys in the box it's a bit overwhelming but PowerRename appears with a right click and does just what we wanted and ImageResizer looks useful.  PT is open source so probably not absolutely bomb proof.

we 27Nov

tv and radio The Beeb is not being helpful with the red button, today the market info has gone away to make it nicer for us ... don't think so.

fr 1 Nov
red button

PC Tips1974 the BBC started BBC Red Buttonthe world's first teletext service Ceefax.  It didn't survive the 2012 digital switchover but a similar text service is available on the red button if the tv is not connected to the Internet and despite a threat to end it in 2020.  Journalistic standards are slipping with clumsy copy and pastes from the web but it does make a less brutal way to get the news. tv and radio

we 30 Oct

PC TipsThe BT Cloud will close tomorrow so probably a good idea to download your stuff before then.  Other free services are available.

fr 18 Oct

Mackenzie Crook outside the Framlingham CrownEven allowing for it's always longer than you think we're still surprised that Detectorists is ten years old!  It's gentle humour is still endearing and tonight Radio 4s Screenshot will be celebrating the anniversary. tv and radio

we 2 Oct
Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year

Sophie Willan as Holly Pindertv and radio Custom made for David Mitchell (he's one of the six! executive producers) the second episode of Ludwig on BBC1 tonight like episodes one and three criminally under employs Sophie Willan in a wig and glasses.  Thankfully Alma's Not Normal returns for series two Monday BBC2.

mo 2 Sep

PC Tips We suspended your PageWe suspect it's the awesome power of AI that caused our Facebook page to go away for a bit today.  Our page was suspended for Impersonation (something to do with that there Ed Sheraton?) but returned within minutes of us appealing.

sa 3 Aug

PC TipsOur Ctrl + wheel pc tip below we're told by users is particularly welcome when really you need new glasses.

mo 1 Jul
Canada Day

PC TipsA shortcut we stumbled across that seems to be mouse only.  In web browsers Chrome, Edge and Firefox hold down Control key and rotate the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.  Don't forget Ctrl + wheel to get back where you were.

th 13 Jun

You have security tipsIn the early days we unwisely used the same easily remembered password for multiple accounts.  Then Yahoo a sort of pre-Google search engine got hacked revealing users' passwords.  Our GooglePC Tips account has started sending slow to load emails pointing out our vulnerability.  If you have a Google account go Manage your Google Account/Review security tips/Your saved passwords to deal with it.

we 8 May

Windows 95 logoMore PC nostalgia than a PC tip but Finland's Windows95man isPC Tips wonderful Eurovision daftness with the final this Saturday.  If you think Windows 95 is ancient earlier we stayed with DOS because we thought (correctly) Windows 3.1 far too slow.

tu 16 Apr

Radio 4 Long WaveWe did say Radio 4 Long Wave is not going away but PC Tips now we're not so sure.  Some of the web thinks it was closing at the end of last month but we can still get it on our analogue Roberts.

mo 18 Mar

Apple's lightning connectorPC TipsAs plugs have got smaller in this connected digital world (Apple's lightning and the increasingly ubiquitous USB type C) the tolerances of the physical dimensions must be more critical.  Our experience is the cheaper varieties can be a sloppy fit and consequently less reliable.

tu 16 Jan

Radio 4 Long WaveRadio 4 Long Wave is not going away but from March (or possibly April) it will no longer have its own programming like the Shipping Forecast PC Tipsand the 198kHz broadcast frequency will still be maintained as an off air standard (see under Tech Spec).

tu 21 Nov

PC TipsIf you find that the Microscoft Edge has started opening at startup and you prefer another web browser you can stop Edge by going Windows key/Settings/Apps and at the bottom of the list on the left Startup.

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