fr 4 Oct 2019 | Tomorrow Radio Stradbroke has its second annual fund raising ♫Pop Music Quiz♫, five pound entry including light refreshments and a forty quid first prize.
we 4 Sep 2019 | After a year off Stradbroke High School's CARnival returns this Sunday. |
fr 12 Jul 2019 | After five enjoyable years Stradbroke may have lost Stradisphere but this year tomorrow there's the one day free Music Day put together by Radio Stradbroke. The line up includes Red Glass who we've seen prompting dancing. ♫
Hachfest started as a Music Night, maybe it'll return. ♫ |
fr 29 Mar 2019 | The Sunday after next at Stradbroke Cricket Club it's Cricket Force day ... when we went the year before last we got a sausage roll. |
mo 18 Feb 2019 | Saturday night's music quiz impressively raised £480 for Stradbroke Cricket Club. |
th 27 Sep 2018 | Lots of forward slashes at Stradbroke High School Saturday's Car Boot/Table Top Sale and Breakfast Bar/Cafe. |
sa 22 Sep 2018 | ♫ This is really really regrettable, no more Stradisphere ... run by creator Brett Baber but if someone takes it over .... |
su 16 Sep 2018 | ♫ That's a bit worrying the Stradbroke Stradisphere web site has gone away, we do hope they're not giving up ... |
su 19 Aug 2018 | In 1743 (that's 33 years before the American Declaration of Independence) the Gentlemen of High Suffolk played a cricket match in Stradbroke. Yesterday on the 275th anniversary Stradbroke CC played two limited over T20s against Suffolk Cricket Women and Girls. A historic and democratic result of one game each.
su 12 Aug 2018 | Lavender and Jude the wedding dress shop in Stradbroke has moved to Bungay, can't say that's a surprise. |
su 29 Jul 2018 | The Stradbroke web site has pointed out that the Spar shop's franchisee is changing and that could account for the shelves not bursting last weekend. |
mo 23 Jul 2018 | We first saw the Keeper's Daughter's Romeo or Juliet crikey seven years ago at Hartismere School Eye. Like Dr Who it keeps regenerating and yesterday's afternoon show at the Wingfield Barns had a confident young cast who often played with the expectation of what a play should be, we particularly liked the audience joining in with the dancing. No doubt RorJ will regenerate somewhere near you soonish ... on our way home the Stradbroke Spar had shelves that need to be filled.
mo 9 Jul 2018 | ♫ A very large tv screen kept the fifth Stradisphere in Stradbroke informed about the football, and Saturday night we got to see surprisingly mature well known trouble makers from Harleston Red Mecca. In the tent Das Fenster and the Alibis were a very theatrical (we like that) rockabilly type trio with stand up bass followed by Sam and the Womp who had a million selling number one in 2012 (no, we hadn't heard of them either). The Balkan influenced trumpet (yes, we know) of Sam etc prompted dancing and intriguingly entertained us.
su 3 Jun 2018 | JOBS The Stradbroke Ivy House has a Staff Required A-board outside. |
fr 27 Apr 2018 | 2:00pm Saturday: CANCELLED waterlogged pitch The start of the Stradbroke Vikings' season when they play Haverhill Third XI at home tomorrow. |
sa 7 Apr 2018 | Next Saturday at Stradbroke Community Centre the eighteenth annual Horse Race Evening to raise funds for the cricket club. Entrance eight quid which seems very fair as it include a fish and chip supper.
sa 31 Mar 2018 | The spaceman on the Market Hill Framlingham today was making a promotional vid for this year's Stradisphere. ♫ |
we 21 Mar 2018 | ♫ Now that's a real step forward in Stradbroke, instead of a tribute band (they have their place ... but C'mon Man!) headlining at Stradisphere this July is Badly Drawn Boy (not to be confused with Poorly Painted Pete). ♫
mo 11 Dec 2017 | We find ourselves saying something is excitingly new to be told that everybody else has known about it for ages but when we bought this Snickers in the Stradbroke Spar both the checkout lady and the man having a nice chat with her were intrigued.
we 25 Oct 2017 | As you approach Hoxne from Stradbroke on the B1118 there's now traffic calming giving priority to traffic coming the other way. |
su 23 Jul 2017 | Back to back T20 (limited over) cricket in Stradbroke this afternoon with visitors Rumburgh and Saxmundham.
th 6 Jul 2017 | ♫ More muso pleasure coming tomorrow in Stradbroke with what we think is the fourth Stadisphere festival. Opening the main stage this year the local and youthful Red Glass.
th 4 May 2017
 | The Stradbroke Jazz Festival has had a break but it returns tomorrow and in Debenham. Entertaining again are the delicious Nicola Farnon and her musicians (she's Robert Farnon's great niece). ♫
th 6 Apr 2017 | Kim and Wally on air at Radio Stradbroke last Sunday. |
mo 3 Apr 2017 | It was Cricket Force day at Stradbroke CC yesterday when a good turn out started preparing the ground for the first match of the season on the 29th. Cricket Force is a cricket promotion involving NatWest and Jewsons which we didn't quite understand but we did get a very fine home made sausage roll.
fr 27 Jan 2017 | Radio Stradbroke fund raiser tomorrow night in Syleham and Wingfield village hall (a new venue to us) with rock/indie/covers band Red Glass and a cheap bar ... sounds brilliant.
mo 2 Jan 2017 | Gemma, Katie and Ellie have started a JustGiving page to fund bringing Stradbroke's two play areas up to standard. |
tu 1 Nov 2016 | ♫ Volunteer managers and creatives wanted for next year's Stradisphere. |
sa 27 Aug 2016 | Free wedding open day at Butley Priory today 11am-3pm.and Free (the music not the beer) beer and music (sounds like a good combination) festival at the Hoxne Swan this bank holiday weekend. ♫ |
we 17 Aug 2016 | Radio Stradbroke on air 8pm tonight with Summer Music Nights. |
sa 9 Jul 2016 Stradis- phere 2016 | ♫ At Stradisphere last night in Stradbroke as so often at events it took darkness, the approaching show end and possibly Earl Soham Vic at £3.50/pint for the good sized crowd to fill in the empty space at the stage front. Food, sweets and witty tie died babywear stalls and we much enjoyed three no bass player piece from Norwich The Signs. The festival continues today with Oasis tribute Definitely Maybe topping tonight.
we 29 Jun 2016 | ♫ The Stradisphere musical festival returns to Stradbroke the weekend after next with this year design stall I love the 70s. DJ Huggy (and perhaps chums) on Radio Stradbroke tonight preview the festival.
we 11 May 2016 | ♫ Now that summer is here (on occasion) Radio Stradbroke broadcasts Wednesday evenings as well as Sunday mornings, tonight it's Kim Bannon.
th 21 Apr 2016 | ♫ Stradbroke's music festival Stradisphere this June has released 50 more early bird tickets.
fr 26 Feb 2016 | Radio Stradbroke fires 10:00am-01:00pm this Sunday with DJ Dave Mann. |
th 7 Jan 2016 | Little Red Kings who played last year's Stradisphere are looking for a new drummer. ♫ |
th 17 Dec 2015 | Radio Stradbroke broadcast a Christmas six jock special this Sunday.  |
mo 30 Nov 2015
 | On a Long Stratton corner opposite the Shell garage the smaller open all hours Co-op is now Funeral Services so on Sunday nights useful the Stradbroke Spar is open for travellers returning to near the coast. |
su 22 Nov 2015
 | Not only was the Saturday morning cafe in the Stradbroke Court House open yesterday but it was also the launch of the Geoffrey Smith archive. Geoffrey Smith (not the gardener) was Stradbroke's John Self making photos of local life and people in the 1950s to 1980s and a good part of his massive archive is now online.
we 12 Aug 2015 | Stradbroke has a new parish clerk and half the village can now get fast fibre broadband. |
sa 11 Jul 2015 | The two stages at this year's highly organised (as last year) Stradbroke Stadisphere face each other and run alternately. Last night admirably OTT rock'n roll histrionics from Little Red Kings, interesting if confusing (to us) stuff from Alfie Snoggaa (what an unfortunate name) plus youthful and impressive pizza throwing, gates open at 11:30am today. ♫
tu 7 Jul 2015 | YES Yes yes, roller derby in Ipswich this Saturday ... we might faint ... and Friday and Saturday the second and very organised Stradisphere music festival though from the band list time runs backwards in Stradbroke ... |
mo 29 Jun 2015 | We might have to review our opinion that everything is happening near the coast this Saturday the fourth, the Saturday after the 11th is getting pretty busy. Cretingham fete is on the 11th though we're not sure where. In Stradbroke Stradisphere is back with loads of local bands. Last year it was extremely well organised, let's hope this year they're rewarded with a better turnout. |
tu 9 Jun 2015 | The Stradbroke parish clerk has resigned, if this happened in Framlingham only the chairman would be left with permission to provide oral or written statements to the press .. mind you the remaining councillors would still be free to communicate by the medium of dance or mime ... can't wait to see their walking against the wind |
th 7 May 2015
 | 10:17am The Framlingham poll officer is already having to poke ballots in with a ruler, it does matter just bloody VOTE! 03:23pm We're hoping to see proxies (when a person nominates someone else to vote for them) of the emergency kind in use in Stradbroke.
06:50pm Earlier we spoke to prospective parish councillor Richard Pierce-Saunderson outside the Stradbroke poll. He was about to vote as an emergency proxy on some one else's behalf, we found it exciting. There was a steady stream in out of the Stradbroke poll, very quiet in Wilby, quiet in Brundish and steady in Dennington. 08:21pm Queue back to the door in Framlingham polling station. You have to be in the queue by 10pm to get a ballot paper ... not long to go. 10:19pm Too late now, Riverside Framlingham. |
su 3 May 2015
 | Difference of opinion between Dr Dan Poulter (MP for much of near the coast and a Stradbroke councillor and a prospective Stradbroke councillor. |
we 29 Apr 2015 | ♫ Radio Stradbroke 8-11pm tonight Kim Bannon admits We ♥ the 80s. |
th 23 Apr 2015
 | Saturday morning there will be a drive through scrap metal collection at Stradbroke High School, a girl guides' coffee morning and sale in the St Mike's Rooms Framlingham and in the evening comedy The Affair is at The Centre Bury St Edmunds.
mo 20 Apr 2015 | JOBS The A board outside the Stradbroke Ivy House is still advertising for staff. |
sa 11 Apr 2015 | There are 122 parishes in Mid Suffolk and only nine will bother with an election this May. Stradbroke looks particularly lively with 18 candidates for the 13 seats. It's unclear what Stackton Tressel will do as they don't seem to come under either Central or Coastal Suffolk. Stackton community leader Hamish McEdbanguh commented Sorry, I'm in a hurry. |
mo 6 Apr 2015 | 12:00am: Just firing up now and until 3pm the Radio Stradbroke with past live sessions and judging by the webcams its Huggy and Marty. ♫
tu 24 Mar 2015 | This coming May Stradbroke will have a contested parish council election, around near the coast most places probably won't bother ... don't know about Stackton Tressel. Surprisingly applications to be a parish/town councillor have to be delivered to the district council by hand, in Stradders the parish clerk will deliver it for you.
fr 20 Mar 2015
 | Before High Ongar in Essex was bypassed we used to pass the newsagents and sub-post office at seven in the morning. Though they were open to get to the papers delivered they'd sell you papers, sweets and cigarettes but they couldn't conduct post office business until nine because it would be unfair competition for the main post office in Chipping Ongar. So we were very impressed to find that not only is the Stradbroke library open on a Sunday but so is their post office counter. But big organisations like the Royal Mail have a genetic need to cock it up and in Yoxford are insisting that the shop can only have a post office counter if it does open on a Sunday.
mo 16 Mar 2015 | JOBS There's an A board outside the Stradbroke Ivy House advertising for full and part time staff 01379 384634 |
sa 14 Mar 2015 | Barn blaze in Hoxne (thanks Bunty). |
we 11 Mar 2015 | The East of England co-op has withdrawn it's planning application for what was the garage in Stradbroke. |
su 15 Feb 2015 | Today we snapped in Stradbroke and Otley near Norwich but that can wait while we try and wrap up pleasing Mr Google. |
we 18 Feb 2015 | Having been distracted by Stradbroke's community run library and post office being open on a Sunday we made it to Radio Stradbroke in time for the last fifteen minutes of Kim Bannon's show. This Sunday 10am-1pm it's Richard and Huggy with another punk show.
mo 26 Jan 2015
 | Life Skills 5: If you find yourself in Long Stratton on a Sunday after 4pm the big Co-op is shut but the little one on the corner opposite the Shell/Lotus garage is open. This knowledge is particularly valuable if you're travelling back to near the coast and haven't realised the new Spar in Stradbroke will be open. |