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th 5 Dec

Sweffling ChristmasBrass ConcertBah, Humbug!♫ 7:30 tomorrow night in St Mary's Sweffling the Leiston Royal British Legion is giving a Christmas Brass Concert, tickets in advance or pay at the door and include interval refreshments.

su 10 Nov

♫ What a very great pity, the monthly Slate Barn Jam Party in Sweffling is going on its hols for the winter.  We monumentally hope it will return in the spring ...

tu 1 Oct

 CANCELLED  That's a pity, TONIGHT's Sweffling Jam Party is off.

su 15 Sep

Tea and cake3pm this afternoon Poetry in Aldeburgh at the the Sweffling Printroom, free with tea and cake.

we 19 Jun

Summer Solstice - the longest dayThe Rendham Mummers mark the summer solstice (summer? ha ha) 7:30 tomorrow night at the Sweffling White Horse.

tu 4 Jun

♫ The monthly Jam Party at the Slate Barn Sweffling has moved from last Tuesday of the month to the first Tuesday ... so tonight then.

we 17 Apr

The Sweffling Print Room may have retired as a gallery in October last year but continues as a venue.  Tomorrow the second of eight talks The Life and Afterlife of Art by Dr John -Paul Stonard ... tickets available on the door.

th 28 Dec

♫ The Sweffling Jam Night is usually last Tuesday of the month but that would have been Boxing Day so for this month only it's TONIGHT.

mo 31 Oct

♫ As with all last Tuesdays of the month tomorrow will be the free entry Sweffling Slate Barn Halloween jam night.

fr 27 Oct

This weekend will be the Sweffling Printroom's last, what a pity such a lovely location.

fr 13 Oct

2007 village feteLike a teenager growing out of their shoes Sweffling has spawned Sweffling teens which is the village in the late noughties squeezed into the teenage years.

fr 15 Sep
Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year

Bear by Staffan GnosspeliusEarly this evening at the Sweffling printroom gallery Swedish artist Staffan Gnosspelius will be signing his book bear and talking about his very affordable prints which will show each weekend until October.

fr 8 Sep

We've always enjoyed unaccompanied small group singing and 5 In A Bar will present an a capella concert with interval refreshments tonight in the Sweffling church. ♫

mo 21 Aug

Polly Gibbons at the Sweffling Slate Barn♫ At her Sweffling Slate Barn concert in June Polly Gibbons said she'll be on BBC1 10am Sunday morning with family members as her backing singers and it could be comedy gold.

sa 22 Jul

Staffan GnosspeliusThis weekend last chance to see Katherine Jones' show at the Sweffling Printroom Gallery.  The sad news is that after showing Swedish artist Staffan Gnosspelius in September the gallery will permanently close in November, very sorry to hear that.

sa 15 Jul
St Swithin's Day

ELO Encounter at the Sweffling Slate BarnWe've always thought ELO an essentially cheerful band but also very much a studio band needing multi-tracking and studio effects to sound like that.  Last night in the Sweffling Slate Barn and the rain we were stunned by ELO Encounter recreating the sound live just like the studio original. ♫

we 12 Jul

♫ This Friday ELO Encounter at the Sweffling Slate Barn.  Wonderful location and venue (though do remember the compost toilets are for sitting only), pleasant crowd, licensed bar and the tributeers do sound remarkably like the tributees.

we 28 Jun

Simon and an iPhone♫ A very decent turn out of both players and jam goers at the Sweffling Slate Barn last night and Simon's looped samples prompted dancing.  Every last Tuesday an enjoyable and free night out but do remember the compost toilets are for sitting nly.

su 18 Jun
Father's Day - pic contributed by R Magritte

Polly Gibbons

The Sweffling Slate Barn last night♫ Last night in the Sweffling Slate Barn there was a full house for Polly Gibbons and James Pearson who were relaxed and faultless in their performance.  Whenever we visit the Slate Barn there's been another improvement, this time the car park had usefully grown.  Upcoming next month ELO Encounter and Polly on the tv in August.

th 15 Jun

Polly Gibbons and the James Pearson DuoSaturday evening in the Slate Barn Sweffling Polly Gibbons and the James Pearson Duo will be giving a concert in support of the Hebron Music Academy.  Showtime 8:00pm and there's a licensed bar. ♫

fr 9 Jun

Sunday afternoon at the Sweffling Print Room Katherine Jones will be talking about her work ... and there will be cake.

mo 8 May

Sculltural pots by Jonathon KeepThe Sweffling printroom's first show of the year is a four hander with prints from Bronwen Sleigh, Paul Coldwell and Eleanor Havsteen Franklin plus intriguingly sculptural pots from Jonathon Keep.  Last chance to see this weekend.

tu 20 Dec

♫ This month's Jam Night in the Sweffling Slate Barn has had to move from the usual last Tuesday to Friday the 30th, surprisingly because of the licensing.

we 26 Oct

Jamming at the Sweffling Slate Barn♫ The Jam Night in Sweffling last night rewardingly had a good hatful of very able younger players and impressively often they played more than one instrument.  The pizza van was a no show but the well stocked bar had attractively priced Vic and could take card payments.  Do it again soon please.

mo 10 Oct

House sales around near the coast including Carlton, Friston, Kelsale, Sweffling and two in Benhall.

su 9 Oct

Norfolk Moon by Steve EdwardsThe Sweffling Printroom's upcoming show is the second part of How Artists Understand Landscape with artists Steve Edwards, Gill Tyson , Serena Smith and Michelle Keegan.  The private view is this coming Friday the 14th.

su 31 Jul

Sweffling Ceilidh♫ We always enjoyed the magic Sweffling née Rendham field dances until it seemed to evaporate after 2015.  Pleasingly it's sort of reappearing as the Sweffling Ceilidh this coming Saturday and although the poster doesn't say where perhaps it's in the pub's garden?  Either way the pub will know where ...

we 25 May
private view

Graham Crowley mounting Workplaces & WildspacesThe current show at the George Farnham Gallery Saxmundham ending Saturday is Brazilian artist Lupe Cunha.  Our thanks to the gallery for their support.  Tomorrow the Print Room Sweffling will be returning in the slot.  Their upcoming exhibition is Workplaces & Wildspaces by Graham Crowley with the private view (which isn't private) 5-8pm Friday.

su 24 Apr

Detail "On the Edge" etching by Su WhatlingThe Sudbourne Park Printmakers show at the Sweffling Printroom ends 5pm today.

mo 18 Apr

Last week near Sweffling stumbled across our first Quiet Lane.

fr 15 Apr

Rehearsals at the Sweffling Slate Barn♫ Mid-week we visited the Sweffling Slate Barn Barn Revue rehearsals for tomorrow night, the Freddy Mercury reference certainly made us laugh.  The last show at this wonderful location was a cracker.

sa 19 Mar

The Sweffling Printroom gallery sent the The Ukranian national flagDisasters Emergency Committee £7,130 for Ukraine.  The impressive amount was raised from last weekend's print sale.  Master printer Kip Gresham will be anecdoting 2:30pm today at the the gallery.

tu 8 Mar

Transform VII by Danielle Creenaune The master printer Kip Gresham show at the Sweffling Printroom starts Saturday and continues into April.

mo 18 Oct

The 2021 Flipside festival in SwefflingOn the 30th this year's Flipside festival is being held at Yew Tree Barn Sweffling and the near by printroom gallery.  Your ticket includes complimentary beverages.

mo 6 Sep
Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year

Suffolk ConstabularyBetween 9am Friday 27th and Sunday afternoon 29th August an outbuilding was broken into at a home near Glemham Road Sweffling and four 18” alloy wheels and four tyres stolen.  If you have any info please contact Suffolk Police quoting 37/47996/21, you can phone 101.

su 30 May

Sudbourne Printmakers at the Sweffling printroomAs so often stunned how long since we last visited the Sudbourne Printmakers.  This week they are being hosted by the Sweffling printroom and when we visited yesterday it was busy, lots of sales with Peter Besson clearly popular.  Next exhibitors at the printroom are local artists Amanda Edgcombe and Tassie Russell.

sa 29 May

Paintings and drawings of Sweffling by Ruth Finn at Studio Sosenka Rendham  this week.

fr 28 May

Artist led gallery in the middle of SuffolkThe Sweffling printroom gallery re-opens today to host the Sudbourne Printmakers and the gallery will be part of Suffolk Open Studios next month.

we 19 May

Sweffling by Ruth FinnStudio 80 in Rendham has transmogrified into Studio Sosenka (it's Polish for pine, presumably as in wood).  From six pm Friday they will be showing paintings and drawings of Sweffling by Ruth Finn ... it usually involves white wine.

sa 24 Oct

In it's idyllic rural Sweffling setting the printroom studio is usually open for browsing and bringing in framing but best to check with Monica Petzal on 07775 676185.

fr 4 Sep

Artist led gallery in the middle of SuffolkThe printroom gallery in Sweffling is an elegant building in a beautiful location.  They are open this Sunday 10am-5pm with 20% off all framed prints.  To join them in supporting us the next available slot is 24th September, tell the world about yourself for £9.95 ... ads explained here.

th 9 Jan

Yesterday afternoon a fatal single vehicle crash in Sweffling.

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