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mo 24 Feb

Dennington quiz nightThursday night in Dennington village hall the Little Oaks quiz is back with a cash prize, bar and a sharing platter to pre-order.  Tickets £5 each, pay cash or card on the night.

th 26 Sep

Suffolk ConstabularyA rural business near Dennington was broken into Friday.  Money, the CCTV system hard drive, three chainsaws, a petrol leaf blower, hand tools, a battery and petrol were stolen, crime refs: 3753878/24 and 54178/24.

Security advice at crime-prevention and rural-crime.

fr 23 Aug

Dennington Arts Summer 2024Next month a multi-artist and multi-medium artEast artEast 2024show at Framsden Hall Barn and 6-8pm tonight with nibbles and prosecco presumably in the village hall Dennington Arts Summer Show.

we 20 Mar
Spring Equinox

A Year And A DayTomorrow week Raising Cain present in Dennington village hall A Year And A Day.  Based on a podcast it's a darkly funny theatre piece about a man travelling through time ... and the bar will open no matter what.

mo 4 Mar

Playschool fundraising quiz in DenningtonFund raising for Little Oaks Playschool this Wednesday in Dennington village hall a quiz with a cash prize, bar and an optional sharing platter for your table.

we 23 Aug

Dennington Summer Art ExhibitionAn impressive standard at the recent Framlingham Art Society show so we would expect similar at the upcoming Dennington Summer Art Exhibition.  Preview this Friday evening and the show runs for all three days of the bank holiday weekend.

su 6 May

♫ We like the punning Dennington Monsters of Rock (doesn't need the Glam) Saturday in the village hall and starring The Glamtastics.

th 9 Feb

Ballet Tots in Dennington village hall this morning and every Thursday morning during school term.

fr 15 Jul

Dennington is a village that really knows when its fete is, it's tomorrow.

mo 20 Jun

Suffolk ConstabularyTwo suspects were caught on security cameras removing a Cube reaction hybrid pro mountain bike on Saturday 18 June at around 11.35pm from a shed on Severalls Road Dennington.  A bolt cropper was used to remove the cycle from ground locks.  Any info contact Suffolk police quote crime ref 37/38131/22, you can call 101.

tu 8 Mar
International Women's Day

Suffolk ConstabularyA white Renault Master campervan registration CE 69 AEN was stolen from outside a home on The Street Dennington around 6:38pm yesterday.  Any info contact Suffolk Police quoting crime ref 37/13884/22, you can call 101.

su 21 Feb

What Storm Eunice did to the temporary traffic lights near Dennington.

su 5 Dec

To make it more interesting this morning there was flooding at the Dennington temporary lights.

we 8 Dec

Suffolk ConstabularyYesterday between around 3:30am to 4:15am possibly three intruders gained entry to a business on Framlingham Road Dennington by smashing windows.  Two iPads and some cash were stolen . Any info please contact Suffolk Police quoting crime reference 37/69173/21, you can call 101.

th 25 Nov
White Ribbon Day

Temporary traffic lights near DenningtonThe bridge on the B1116 just outside Dennington by the Brundish turn off has a set of temporary traffic lights as a very large lump of wall has come off.  Will the lights remain there as long as those in Fairfield Road Framlingham now resident for 10 months?

we 20 Oct

Eastern Angles' autumn show the newly written Our White Skoda Octavia plays Dennington Village Hall next Wednesday the 27th.

we 22 Sep

Thursday 14th October two ethical fashion shows in Dennington Village Hall.

sa 17 Jul

Tuesday Lockdales will be giving Covid safe valuations in Dennington village hall.

mo 5 Jul

Sometime between 11pm Tuesday 29th and 6am Wednesday 30th June a shed in Laxfield Road Dennington was forced open and a screw driver removed.  There was an unsuccessful attempt to force open a second shed.  Nothing was stolen but a garden swimming pool was damaged.

If you have any info about this incident, please contact Suffolk Police quoting crime reference 37/35261/21, you can call 101.

tu 25 May

Seems like a lot of bashed up road signs between Dennington and Stradbroke on the B1116 plus the traffic calming bollard at Hoxne distinctly bent.

tu 30 Jul

Essex and Suffolk Water are reporting two burst mains in Dennignton (they probably mean Dennington) that could cause local supply problems.

sa 4 May
Star Wars Day

The Glamtastics at Dennington Village Hall♫ TONIGHT Dennington has it's own Monsters of Rock when glamsters The Glamtastics supported by Ticking Time Bomb rock the village hall with all proceeds to Brain Tumour Research.

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