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th 6 Feb

Samantha Fish♫ This year's Red Rooster prog at the end of May has for us the impressively shredding and trashily stylish Samantha Fish.  Pleased to see spill over with bands we know from Maverick including Vagaband and nearthecoast supporter Ella Spencer.

tu 4 Feb

Tim Passmore Suffolk PCCFour Conservative Mid-Suffolk councillors have jumped ship over proposed council changes.  If we end up with an elected Super Mayor no doubt they'll be a Tory squatter like the Crime Commissioner.

mo 3 Feb

The tractorati protesting on the A14 today, expect delays.

su 26 Jan
Australia Day

Suffolk County CouncilWithout the voters being asked Suffolk may loose it's district councils and the county councils blended with Norfolk! supervised by an hopefully elected mayor.  Let's hope this new godfather won't have the power to pardon their friends and mates ... remember Andrea Hill?

we 15 Jan

... and there was us thinking it was only the more remote parts of rural Suffolk that still use the Julian calendar.

we 11 Dec

Suffolk ConstabularyA garage on The Street Newbourne was broken into last Sunday or Monday and various tools stolen.  Any information about this incident please contact Suffolk police quoting crime reference 37/69618/24 and here's some security advice.

su 1 Dec

Mid-Suffolk Light RailwayBah, Humbug!Santa Specials at the Middy Light Railway Wetheringsett start today and run weekends until and including Monday the 23rd ... the 21st is already SOLD OUT.  Tickets only booked in advance and only available online.

th 28 Nov

With Benjamin Britten and the Aldeburgh Festival being so Suffolk we wouldn't be surprised if there were a Tractors At The Proms next year. ♫

we 20 Nov
World Children's Day

Bah, Humbug!Reluctantly like the rest of the UK most of Suffolk adopted the Gregorian Calendar in 1752 but there is the anomaly that Framlingham town council thinks Christmas is in November.

th 14 Nov

The mention of Belgium confused us for a bit but it would seem power from the offshore of Suffolk wind farm will now land in Kent.

su 27 Oct

Sponsored Harry Potter ReadWe like the Fisher Theatre Bungay with it's intimate bar and an alcove by the stage just perfect for photographers.  Starting tomorrow there's a sponsored Harry Potter read, so you can help the theatre and have an excuse to dress up Hogwarts.Harry Potter read

su 20 Oct

More Ghost Stories by CandlelightHigh Tide has returned to Suffolk with the two hander More Ghost Stories by Candlelight .  In Bury St Edmunds tonight impressively (to us at least) there areMore Ghost Stories by Candlelight closed captions on hand held tablets available.  We think closed captions might be American for sub-titles.

sa 8 Jun

This month is Suffolk Open Studios and The Sudbourne Printmakers are jumping right in this weekend with demos and refreshments. Mona Lisa

th 6 Jun

Suffolk ConstabularySuffolk Police are asking people to come forward if they have had power tools stolen during commercial burglaries between October 2023 and April 2024.  Items have been recovered and can be seen online.

mo 3 Jun
World Bicycle Day

Red Rooster Festival♫ The Red Rooster festival at Euston Hall (Suffolk if only just) is offering early bird tickets for next year.  So far we can't find even a provisional line up for 2025 ... perhaps they've been inspired by Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake in Norwich?

tu 7 May
Black Spot Day

Tim Passmore on the leftLast Thursday Suffolk Police Commissioner Tim Passmore was elected for the fourth consecutive time but his vote had more than halved from 112,139 in 2021 to 52,968.  (As far as we can see East Suffolk District Council didn't feel the need to publish the result.)

th 18 Apr

Suffolk Dog DayDifficult to imagine amidst the present unseasonal chill but last year's Suffolk Dog Day was cancelled because of a heat wave.  Hopefully it won't happen again this September as the St Elizabeth Hospice fundraiser returns at the wonderfully moated Helmingham Hall.

tu 26 Mar

Suffolk ConstabularySuffolk Constabulary mail shots are usually incredibly wordy and of course have to share the Crime Commissioner's comments on the subject but they've managed to keep this animation describing county lines drug dealing to the point.

su 17 Mar
St Patricks's Day

Jenny Riddell-CarpenterLabour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Suffolk Coastal in the upcoming general election (the government can only put it off for so long) is Jenny Riddell-Carpenter.  Despite 15 years experience in media relations and reputation management she has no social media presence we can find ... perhaps that'll change.

su 21 Jan

Splat Quack Go! at HollesleyThe mud run at Hollesley certainly wouldn't have suited small children but the air ambulance fund raiser Only The Brave at Euston in September has a 3km event for families with children five years and over.

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