th 24 Dec 2020 |  Suffolk in Tier 4 from Boxing Day so even less of a Christmas than was anticipated but festive Framlingham is looking rather glamorous and lovely especially in Double Street where the advent windows are raising money for St Elizabeth Hospice and the Lebanon Appeal ... see you on the other side.
mo 7 Dec 2020 | Saturday night's A Christmas Carol reading at the Fisher Theatre Bungay was much more produced than we anticipated for a reading; costumes, music and effects both sound and stage. We were much impressed by the theatre's courage to gut the seating to ensure social distancing.
we 25 Nov 2020
 | Suffolk Police are appealing for help in locating the owner of a gold ring found in Beccles. The gold ring is described as a vintage saddle design and was found by officers from the Sentinel team in the town on Monday 23 November. Contact PC Richard Sievers via the police web site or via 101 quoting reference number 37/68097/20.
tu 17 Nov 2020 | Concerningly despite this second lock down confirmed Covid-19 cases in East Suffolk continue to rise ... seventy third reason to be cheerful is Wes Anderson's eccentric world view.
su 25 Oct 2020 | It is a truth universally acknowledged that In Suffolk you are never more than five yards away from an artist. Last night a BBC 2 doc about nearthecoast's very significant paint botherer Maggi Hambling ... more than once the non-surgical mask was slipped.
tu 15 Sep 2020 | Born in Suffolk Daisy Cooper went to Framlingham College, was Suffolk Coastal prospective parliamentary candidate in 2010 and in 2014 looked like a shoo in for the Lib Dem presidency. Daisy is now MP for St Albans and this week was elected deputy leader of her party ... we need more politicians called Daisy.
mo 7Sep 2020 | Really like Scott Mortimer's Suffolk Noir cards set in Woodbridge. Packs of nine cards available at Browsers Bookshop in the Woodbridge Thoroughfare. |
sa 8 Aug 2020 | An arrest early last month in Ipswich has led to the recovery of multiple power tools from multiple burglaries and thefts across Suffolk. The constabulary web site has pictures and the police are asking potential owners to come forward.
mo 20 Jul 2020 | The Suffolk Punch was (may be is) one third of the Suffolk Trinity (with red poll cattle and black faced sheep) but as a breed it's severely under threat with just 72 mares in the UK. A positive sign for this gorgeously coloured and historically important breed is using a new sex sorted sperm method a filly colt has been born in Whitchurch Shropshire.
tu 7 Jul 2020 | In a lifetime of laughter and tears we have noted that most people like what they're used to and that usually means clichéd predictability so when the Blue Thunder Rollers renamed themselves we were impressed they resisted Suffolk Punchers or such like. Recently Suffolk Roller Derby skater Dr Astrid Coxon has revived the draught horse allusion.
| Suffolk Myth 85: Good afternoon and who let you in? is another popular Suffolk greeting. |
sa 4 Jul 2020
 | ♫ Today Saturday 4 July is US Independence Day but more importantly your local pub should re-open. Let's hope bottled beer hasn't reprogrammed your taste buds and you have to relearn draught. This afternoon you could use up those bottles while Maverick virtually festival on that there Facepack. We'll be looking out for rocker Terra Lightfoot and local Honey and the Bear.
mo 29 Jun 2020 | Set in East Suffolk police whodunit DI Gwen Danbury has no strong sense of place but name checks locals like Orford and Woodbridge. Copper Gwen Danbury is played by the delicious Annette Badland who was so wonderful in Little Voice.
tu 16 Jun 2020 | The Women's Tour will be coming to Suffolk tomorrow ... virtually. |
th 11 Jun 2020 | Suffolk County Council were surprisingly quick about that. |
sa 23 May 2020 | A Suffolk rainbow, they're special eh? |
mo 18 May 2020 | An ironic returning to normality with East Suffolk garden waste collections starting again next week on Bank Holiday?! Monday 25 May. |
fr 15 May 2020 | Yesterday 1,326 confirmed Covid-19 cases in Suffolk. The forty seventh reason to be cheerful ... the drummer could be from any Suffolk covers band ♫ |
sat 2 May 2020 |  Co-ops near the coast, have rediscovered the ice bucket challenge. Yesterday in front of a few socially distanced onlookers a very good handful of Framlingham Co-op staff were cheerfully dunked by their co-workers. If we'd paid more attention we would know which charity benefitted but we do know Wickham Market Co-op have been challenged to do the same thing. |
mo 6 Apr 2020 | Yesterday unsurprisingly the total of confirmed C-19 cases in Suffolk went over over 200 confirmed cases. If like us you're suffering from sport deprivation here's a fourteenth reason to be cheerful ... they're going for two. ♫ |
sa 4 Apr 2020 | The paid green garden waste wheelies arrived in October 2018. At this difficult time East Suffolk district council are suspending garden waste collections but subscriptions will be extended when the collections restart.
tu 31 Mar 2020
 | Recall our space exclamations rant? Radio 3 presenter Petroc Trelawney is doing it. The spaces between words show where the words start and end though this doesn't necessarily apply to Suffolk roadside signs FOR SALE Bare Roothedging. A full stop/exclamation shows where a sentence ends and by placing a space before it you're confusing things ... but we wouldn't break social distancing to argue this. |
su 29 Mar 2020 | Yesterday 74 confirmed C-19 cases in Suffolk. A seventh reason to be cheerful. ♫ |
we 25 Mar 2020 | Yesterday 28 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Suffolk but the good news is the East of England Co-op is offering 10% off to all NHS workers ... and a yet another reason to be cheerful ♫. |
we 18 Mar 2020 | Aldeburgh Cinema has closed for the duration so we won't get to see Emma this afternoon but the Woodbridge Riverside seems to be partially functioning. The Red Rooster festival near Thetford has been postponed to September and Life Arts have postponed April's Woodbridge festival to next year. All Snape Maltings music events cancelled until the end of April (we were lucky), the Phoenix Singers concert in Framlingham next month cancelled as is the Campsea Ashe Spring Fayre this Saturday and still only three virus cases in Suffolk.
tu 10 Mar 2020 | A Wing And A Prayer is not only a Ry Cooder track but also a project by glass artist Arabella Marshall she has been preparing for three years. An artwork glass window is being installed in the ruined chapel at RSPB Minsmere, more info at
sa 29 Feb 2020 | JOBS Suffolk Small Museum of the Year the Bawdsey Radar Trust is looking for two paid interns for six month placements. |
tu 14 Jan 2020 | Unfair to say in rural Suffolk it's still the 1950s but sometimes it does feel like the 1960s. |
fr 3 Jan 2020 | If Count Dracula's ship the Demeter had got lost in all that fog and landed at Orford instead of Whitby then after his first meal in Suffolk the Count would know a lot more about tractors. |