we 26 Dec 2018 | There was a very heavy frost in Framlingham yesterday Christmas morning. Defrosting the car took at least 15 minutes contributing to us arriving 30 seconds late for the Felixstowe Christmas Dip a St Elizabeth Hospice fund raiser. 30 seconds is relevant as understandably ... more here
we 19 Dec 2018 | JOBS Support Workers/Healthcare Assistants wanted in Framlingham , we could make a good guess at who wants them. |
| We regret missing the dry ice rink in Leiston earlier this month, it was terrific fun when six years ago a dry ice rink settled in Framlingham for one night only. |
mo 17 Dec 2018 | Here in Stately Terrace Framlingham two teddies have been moved into an unheated conservatory ... feeling a bit guilty. |
sa 15 Dec 2018 | Immediately post Christmas (27-30 December) A Crag Path Christmas in the Jubilee Hall Aldeburgh hosted by the Alde and Ore Estuary Trust. The river Ore runs through near the coast but is little more than a ditch by Framlingham.
th 13 Dec 2018 | JOBS Carpenters first and second fix (whatever that means) wanted in Framlingham ... well there is a lot of building going on. |
fr 7 Dec 2018 | Here's the new zebra crossing in Station Road Framlingham that caused the road closure Saturday night. Hasn't got the flashing orange globes (belisha beacons) on top of the poles (poles clearly tall enough to warn aircraft) and the poles have yet to be finished in black and white.
we 28 Nov 2018 | The water leak in Victoria Mill Road Framlingham has been fixed. A water main junction by the entrance to Stately Terrace was leaking in to a cracked drain and then emerging further down the hill. Making good remains to be done. |
su 25 Nov 2018
 | The temporary traffic lights in Station Road Framlingham for a new zebra crossing have gone away this weekend but expect them to return ... three weeks to put in a zebra crossing? |
mo 19 Nov 2018 | Surprised how many people don't want their brown wheelie bins though perhaps understandable in Stately Terrace Framlingham where some houses don't have that much outdoor space. |
su 11 Nov 2018
 | A poor start today to the Armistice Centenary but approaching 10am the steady rain went away and the sun came out. The Framlingham Remembrance parade assembled as usual in New Road with encouraging involvement from youth organisations. On the hill was the biggest crowd we've ever seen for the parade, big enough to rather swamp St Michael's churchyard. Impressive hand made tributes both inside and outside the church ... a fitting tribute. |
fr 2 Nov 2018 | Lance's flat in Double Street Danebury has been LET. |
tu 30 Oct 2018 | Starting Monday 12 November and continuing for the rest of the month some overnight road closures and more temporary traffic lights in Station Road Framlingham for a new zebra crossing ... three weeks to put in a zebra crossing? |
fr 19 Oct 2018 | The green wheelie bins (two months late) have arrived in Stately Terrace Framlingham. The lids don't close properly but the leaflet says we're not to worry about that, there's a hidden tag (presumably RFID?) to identify individual bins and there will be one more collection of the brown bin. We asked if deliveries will continue into October and the driver's mate opined It's going to take a while.
su 30 Sep 2018 | No sausage festival in Framlingham next year ... oh dear, how sad, what a pity. |
mo 24 Sep 2018 | Yesterday the Framlingham library car park impressively had no parked cars. It did have a land girl, military vehicles, motorbikes and lots of other stuff to launch John Bridges new book A Suffolk Town in Wartime - Framlingham 1939 to 1945. We were told there had been a queue all morning for signed copies.
th 20 Sep 2018 | Why are there so few baskets in the Framlingham Coop? Did they give some to a poor supermarket that had none? |
we 19 Sep 2018 | JOB Laundry Assistant wanted in Framlingham, there are 23 bullet points in the job description but no mention of the sordid matter of coin. |
su 9 Sep 2018 | Parked near Stately Terrace Framlingham an Airstream camper, and temporary traffic lights on the B1116 between Dennington and Fram. |
su 2 Sep 2018 | We were planning to visit the Burston Strike School rally today but got distracted by the Framlingham Flyers' 10k. Some 400 entrants, loads of marshals and helpers, selection race for Suffolk County, the smallest and youngest water person we've yet seen and we heard that the course record was broken, probably by this bloke. It'll have to be Burston next year then ...
sa 1 Sep 2018 | Today's wedding at St Michael's Framlingham was William Hargreaves and Yvonne Jenkins. |
tu 14 Aug 2018 | 1:00pm: Cash only in the Framlingham Co-op ... unforeseen circumstances. |
su 29 Jul 2018 | Perhaps we haven't looked hard enough but in twenty years never seen anyone in the Christian Science reading rooms in Fore Street Framlingham so this doesn't surprise us a lot. |
tu 17 Jul 2018 | This afternoon in Fairfield Road Framlingham two understandably grumpy walking visitors who had followed the Castle Keep signs and still couldn't find the castle, and keys found in the Fen Meadow. |
su 1 Jul 2018 | January 2010 and double nostalgia in Stately Terrace Framlingham, snowing and Phil the postman on a bike.
sa 31 Jun 2018 | Natasha Larivee and Peter O'Brien got married yesterday in St Mike's Framlingham, we couldn't stay for them to come out as our bag of shopping wouldn't have survived ... even in the shade. |
fr 30 Jun 2018 | The Knoll Framlingham tells that Morrisons now deliver in the area. |
sa 23 Jun 2018 | Fish was a good friend to this web site and his chums both on and off line, especially in Framlingham. In 2011 tragically he laid down in front of a train and committed suicide. The bulletin board software has deleted the tribute to him, we have recovered the tribute which is now permanently at Fish 1972-2011.
tu 29 May 2018 | How kind that the sun shone yesterday on Framlingham Sports Club's 70th Gala. |
tu 22 May 2018 | Yesterday men were fencing off the footpath that run's along the back of the Castle Keep development in Fairfield Road Framlingham. The nearby BT hole in the ground that has been there since at least November 2012 has been literally kicked into the long grass.
th 17 May 2018 | Duck on a wall in Fairfield Road Framlingham . |
tu 1 May 2018 | May 1962 The Regal Framlingham's cinema (it was in New Road) was showing films you've never heard of except possibly A Taste of Honey which surprisingly was certificate X ... well it is about an inter-racial under age pregnancy and gay friend so maybe not so surprising. Intriguingly The Elms Drug Stores in Bridge Street sold handbags and was a corn chandler ...
tu 24 Apr 2018 | Our plan today was to lunch at the Flora Tea Rooms but it was closed for a family funeral. We moved on to the Dunwich Ship which was dog friendly and serving Adnams Copper House gin by default but was starting to look overwhelmed by the many other like us movers on. We ... more here
fr 6 Apr 2018 | JOB Framlingham College are recruiting a new head teacher. It seems like only a week ago that the then newly appointed head Paul Taylor turned up at a Brandeston British Legion art show not wearing a tie. We weren't surprised or shocked but found it interesting that he had ... or perhaps hadn't.
| Appreciative and appreciated Facebook comments about Ladies in Framlingham. |
tu 3 Apr 2018 | Around Framlingham the River Ore seems surprisingly high for the rain we've had and the Fen Meadow is sodden. The Framlingham river monitor (where New Road crosses the river at the far end of the College's sports field) sort of supports our supposition that rain when in bed is less noticed.
sa 31 Mar 2018 | The spaceman on the Market Hill Framlingham today was making a promotional vid for this year's Stradisphere. ♫ |
sa 10 Mar 2018 Munchbox | If you've been around Framlingham long enough you may remember that what's now the Common Room was once Graham King Watchmakers then very briefly an Indian takeaway before Sara and Pete Allin re-opened it as The Munchbox Cafe. They made it a welcoming meeting place serving very reasonably priced straight ahead food and it soon gathered a fan club. Tragically in 2006 Pete had a fatal heart attack in the kitchen. A year later Sara understandably moved on. We were much saddened to learn this week that Sara still only in her forties passed away in June from breast cancer ... taken far too soon.
we 14 Feb 2018
 | Though the Framlingham Barclays' Framlington might be described as viral our 2007 Fuction pic of the adjacent Crown Hotel was only ever mildly infectious. The sign was for the opening of the converted stables at the rear of the Crown as Reubens. Round about this time we saw the teenage Ed Sheeran cycle past the historic hotel but not any Ipswich Town footballers.
| Crikey! Is it really five years since the chip van stopped visiting Framlingham ? |
fr 9 Feb 2018 | The Framlingham Crown has a ladies night with cocktails tonight, the last ladies night we recall was ten years ago and a bit of an event ... |
tu 23 Jan 2018 | The temporary traffic lights in Station Road Framlingham promised for yesterday haven't appeared but there's road digging on the Market Hill. The elderly dodgy power points for the market are being replaced with galvanised new arrangements. Fishmonger and market supervisor Darren Smith says they are a big improvement and we'd guess safer.
sa 13 Jan 2018 | Ah, when the College Road Framlingham closure hopefully finishes at the end of next week it'll be followed by five to six weeks of traffic lights but it's alright because Persimmon Homes sent out some letters ... we didn't get one. |
fr12 Jan 2018 | Another bloody road closure in Framlingham! To improve Fairfield Road it will be closed for two months starting ominously on Friday 13th February. It's not the Framlingham we used to know.
mo 8 Jan 2018 | There are temporary traffic lights in Victoria Mill Road Framlingham, so far for no apparent reason. The two week road closure of College Road by Mount Pleasant for sewer works has not surprisingly caused traffic in Brook Lane but the school crossing lady is still turning out, as she says there are still vehicles that haven't noticed that the road is closed. Thankfully the temporary lights in Fairfield Road don't arrive until the end of the month.
mo 1 Jan 2018 | Happy New Year and the Framlingham Co-op is open until 9pm tonight but effectively has been stripped of bread. At 4pm there were just a handful of speciality loaves left .... just like old times eh? |