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Framlingham in 2013

su 29 Dec

The risk when you use an air gun in public like this twat in Framlingham  is it could prompt an armed response from the police ... and this is Chrismasy, a Halesworth scout hut burnt to the ground on Christmas morning.

fr 20 Dec

Perhaps we should explain for those unfortunates who don't live near the coast, ITV News in Victoria Mill Road popular singing artists Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift dined in the Framlingham Station Monday night.

we 18 Dec

The Brewer's elder daughter said to the ITV News van people in Victoria Mill Road Framlingham  yesterday She's not that slower an eater ... allegedly.

tu 17 Dec

What's he doing in Framlingham? ... and on the pavement.

sa 30 Nov
St Andrew's day

Sophie Shane and Chelsea LydfordToday will be the Framlingham  Station's bar manager Sophie Shane's last behind the bar as she's leaving to administer liquid therapy to golfers ... won't be the first time she's left, last time was to go travelling in Australia.  New bar manager will be Chelsea Lydford (on the right), our grateful blessings on them both.

sa 23 Nov

There's coffee and cake in Theatre Antiques Framlingham this morning.

we 20 Nov

The Fitzrovia Radio HourNice to have some stuff happening mid-week.  Tonight Swervy World launch their new album (cd and vinyl) at the John Peel Centre Stowmarket (we've yet to visit) on an admission by donation basis and also tonight a joint Suffolk Constabulary/Suffolk Horsewatch event in Swilland ... tomorrow night Slice of Life present The Fitzrovia Radio Hour in what was the Shalom Centre Framlingham  (and again we've yet to visit).

tu 19 Nov

This pic of Framlingham market in the early morning makes summer seem very very far away.

fr 15 Nov

Fairfield RoadIf (or perhaps more inevitably when) Taylor Wimpey (makes a change from Hopkins Home) build 200 homes by Fairfield Rd Framlingham  maybe BT will get round to doing something about that hole in the ground that's been there for at least a year.

mo 11 Nov

It was below zero last night in Framlingham but only just.

th 31 Oct

The last surviving aborigine world war II combatant in the state of Victoria Australia Bill Edwards died earlier this month, he was buried in the Framlingham  Australia cemetery near where he grew up.  In Framlingham Suffolk this weekend the White Horse is having the first of regular table top sales.

mo 28 Oct

The Orwell Bridge closed as of 9:15am and 10:30am, and a fence down in Stately Terrace Framlingham ... as of 12:30pm the Orwell Bridge now open.

su 27 Oct

After some four years yesterday was Fiona and Nigel's last at 21 on the Market Hill Framlingham, they will be moving into space at Theatre Antiques in Church Street.

tu 17 Sep

All things will pass ...Five years ago today the wheelie bins arrived in the now disappearing industrial south of Framlingham  and what was then Solar was ram raided by four balaclavaed men.

fr 27 Sep

Apart from giving the world Stephen Fry past presidents of the Cambridge FootlightsCambridge Footlighter Rosa Robson have included WS Gilbert of Gilbert and Sullivan, Peter Cook, Eric Idle and (why does this not surprise us) David Mitchell.  In 2000 we saw the Footlights in the Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds.  We saw the 2013 show Saturday night in Framlingham  ... things have changed, no longer conventional revue more Stuart Lee type pulling the nature of comedy apart but that didn't stop it be very funny.  All four performers were skilled, had the show down pat and we particularly liked the extended solo mime piece by Rosa Robson ... absolutely no walking against the wind.  Keep bringing this stuff to Fram Slice of Life, the mental gene pool needs to be expanded.

tu 10 Sep

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day ... still miss you Fish.

mo 19 Aug

A lorry with Demolition written on it and the size of Berkshire tried to get up Stately Terrace in Framlingham  this morning, eventually he realised he wanted the Black Barn.

mo 29 Jul

The Gentleman Plumber cateringMore pix of the Dunwich Dynamo in the early morning around Framlingham; a charmingly moist lady (early on the mist was so heavy it felt like rain) and two spaniels enjoying the ride.  The Gentleman Plumber's pop up cafe by the water tower served until gone 11am, sold out (coffee and tea is free) of everything including the vegetarian sausages but only just broke even and that's not counting everybody's time (the GP was on his feet for 12 hours).

su 28 Jul

A group of masked and evening dressed people in the Framlingham  Station last night clearly on their way to Kettleburgh.

fr 26 Jul

11:40am: It's alright Framlingham  the broadband is back on.

we 24 Jul

BT hole in the groundThe Framlingham  footpath that runs from Fairfield Crescent parallel with Fairfield Road has gained a new telephone pole but the BT hole in the ground just the other side of the hedge is still there after at least eight months.

tu 2 Jul

After a shotgun stolen in Framlingham  last month 26 pistols?! ... yes 26 admittedly de-activated pistols burgled yesterday afternoon in Saxtead.

th 27 Jun

Yoxford Barley Brigg♫We looked Barley Brigg Morris up on the web and they seemed to be from Yorkshire, Blimey we thought they've come a long way .  When they announced themselves on the Market Hill Framlingham  Thursday night they're from Yoxford ... pix on Facebook.

fr 14 Jun

Someone else has found Benhall, a strimmer stolen from a garden shed but more worryingly a white Ford Ranger pickup containing a shotgun and cartridges was stolen from Victoria Mill Road Framlingham  last night.

fr 31 May

Linda in Framlingham  Stationers know who Guess Who 28? is because we told her.

we 29 May

Fore Street  FramlinghamFeels like it's all kicking off in Framlingham  today, a death in Fore Street and two police vehicles and a paramedic in Station Road.

su 19 May

We were surprised to discover that the building at the back of the Lemon Tree Framlingham  which for a bit B&G used to sell fishing tackle was once the fire station, didn't stop the 1905 Fore Street fire though did it?  It's now in da cottage selling collectables, design, artisan chocolate and by mid-morning yesterday most of Andy Cole's lovely bread had already gone.  They are open Fridays, Saturdays and by appointment.

su 19 May

Like Saint Titch says It'll grow, because it wants to.

fr 3 May

Declaration for yesterday's Suffolk county council elections expected at 2pm.

4:10pm:  Finally ... the Beeb's figures show Labour and UKIP taking seats from Tories, LibDems and the two Greens have gone.  ITV shows not much change in nearthecoast constituencies but around midday yesterday the Framlingham  poll's presiding officer was reported as saying it was a good turn out.  So if you voted good for you.

we 17 Apr

We were right about Framlingham  posh frock shop bird coming back as a different posh frock shop, today it transmogrified into Boo Tiki.

tu 16 Apr

Framlingham Market HillProviding a plot line Sunday for the BBC's very punted The Village 1916 (two years into the Great War) was the first time this country used conscription to man its army, and didn't the great and the good use them well.  So Private J Potter from Bedfield couldn't have been a conscript but this 1915 note from his mum on a postcard of Framlingham's Market Hill is still very poignant.

fr 15 Feb

The Framlingham chip van's last nightA fish supper for one yesterday from the chip van outside the Framlingham Station had added poignancy as the van's not coming back anymore.  They will still visit Laxfield and this perhaps highlights that ... more on Laxfield

th 7 Feb

Three police in Crown and Anchor Alley Framlingham yesterday afternoon ... just saying.

tu 29 Jan

The Framlingham Railway in 2009Despite mutterings for perhaps years we didn't think it would happen, the Framlingham Railway (not the Station) is FOR SALE which means there won't be an Adnams pub in the town ... Suffolk eh?

tu 22 Jan

No soapbox racing in Framlingham  this year, the town's council (the political wing of Framfare) has claimed responsibility.  Anyone near the coast contemplating the Red Bull jobbie in a large town this March?

tu 15 Jan

Dr Stephen NortonPoignant to reflect that Dr Stephen Norton passed away five years ago last Sunday after only just over a year's retirement and having served Framlingham  for 33 years.  We feel confident that he is still missed by the many who benefited from his careful consideration.

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