fr 16 Dec 2011 | Pictures of the road blocking incident in Framlingham Saturday. |
th 10 Nov 2011 | Victoria in the Framlingham bookshop says her new Open/Shut sign is giving her a totally disproportionate amount of pleasure for something that cost £4.95
mo 24 Oct 2011 | As part of the Framlingham Castle Inn's Spooky Week masters of the gothic The Keeper's Daughter theatre company are presenting ghost walks around Fram complete with drinks and jacket potatoes ... though this fella 'll probably need more than that to build him up ...
tu 30 Aug 2011 | Today's 2nd annual chilli eating contest on Framlingham's Tuesday market was a little like an old school wedding night, it didn't last long but by the copious milk being drunk and uncomfortable expressions it hadn't been an easy ride for anyone. A proper journalist would have taken names but we're not that sort of web site, looking forward to next year's Chillifest though.
th 25 Aug 2011 | Albus Dumbledore lunched at the Framlingham Station yesterday. Sir Michael told Mike the landlord/chef how he looked like Tom Jones and Mike the landlord/chef told Sir Michael that indeed Sir Tom is a relative ... well you have to keep the punters happy. |
we 3 Aug 2011 | Yesterday at the Seven Hills crematorium Nacton near Ipswich the hall was very well filled for the humanist funeral of our Framlingham chum Fish. Many mourners had followed the suggested dress of purple and gorgeous shoes and of Fish's many Internet friends some had travelled from South Wales and Scotland to attend. We are missing and will miss him. The order of service is on the board.
th 19 May 2011 | That Apache helicopter was doing squat thrusts late yesterday afternoon over a field of what was possibly barley near Framlingham? |
th 5 May 2011 | Presiding officer Paul Caulfield arrived at 6:15 this morning to set up the Framlingham poll and it will stay open until 10 tonight ... a long day. If you're one of the just one in three nearthecoasters who get to choose their parish/town councillors then value that opportunity and Bloody Well VOTE! Perhaps it's time for regime change where you live, a Suffolk spring maybe:)
mo 28 Mar 2011 | Fairfield Road in Framlingham is being dug up so Transco can check for cast iron piping showing on their records and probably dating from the 1950s. |
we 23 Mar 2011 | Thanks to Framlingham prospective district council candidate Chris Hudson the car fire in Fore Street Monday. Duncan says the retained firefighters turned out very promptly despite being short handed and the heat did this to the windows of the closest house. |
su 20 Mar 2011 | Looks like there will be a Framlingham town council election this year, the last one was twelve years ago. |
fr 18 Feb 2011 | Hopkins Homes' orks have been destroying the mill in Framlingham for some time now. It appears to need two orks with a giant metal snip each and four or five others wearing dayglo to watch them.
tu 15 Feb 2011 | Artist Maggi Hambling CBE held but did not light a cigarette before dining in the Framlingham Station last night. |
fr 4 Feb 2011 | After some 60 years the Framlingham police station in Badingham Road has closed and moved just down the road into the back of the Saxmundham Road fire station where the police now have a warmer and larger office. The old station may not be Precinct 13 but it does have a forlorn air and though the single cell was latterly only used as a locker room it's still slightly scary. |
tu 18 Jan 2011 | Ex MP for Central Suffolk Sir Michael Lord has taken his seat in the Lords as Lord Framlingham, that should upset the people who think they already are. |
tu 4 Jan 2011 | Remember slightly mad (aren't they all?) and definitely surreal Scottish comedian Phil Kaye? He had a Channel 4 tv series in the 90s and more recently (perhaps Dave type more recently) was on QI? Well he was sucking up Gosia's coffee in Framlingham this afternoon ... he didn't have to pay and display ... not yet ... |