fr 9 Dec 2016 | ♫ Framlingham's finest The Outlaws' absolutely last, final and terminal gig will be 17th December at Cretingham Golf Club. Tickets on sale and only from the golf club, book on 01728 685275. SOLD OUT
th 17 Nov 2016 | Taylor Wimpey haven't hung about, work has started in Fairfield Road Framlingham on a 163 house estate. It may be only the very preliminary work of marking out the gas mains but work has started. Wonder if it'll prompt BT to rediscover their four year old hole in the ground.
fr 21 Oct 2016
 | If memory serves about the time PM Tony Blaire's vision for the information superhighway was to dole out rubbish computers in Framlingham the web site One Suffolk arrived. An unlikely partnership between Suffolk's constabulary, county and district councils it provided free ... more here |
th 15 Sep 2016 | In Stately Terrace Framlingham a globe artichoke has been allowed to bolt ... and we don't care. |
we 14 Sep 2016 | Now the bus shelter in Station Road Framlingham has moved to hopefully avoid large objects bumping into it large objects have taken to bumping into BT's green box instead.
tu 30 Aug 2016 | Docs in the Framlingham Co-op 10am-2pm today ... actually it's a man and a woman with clipboards on the Market Hill. |
sa 27 Aug 2016 road closed | Yesterday afternoon more ROAD CLOSED signs appeared in Victoria Mill Road Framlingham though it was quite apparent it wasn't, after a bit all the signs went away. |
fr 26 Aug 2016 | This is Joy Hale in Framlingham walking Rex. Rex isn't her dog, she's walking him as a Cinnamon Trust volunteer. Cinnamon volunteers help those having difficulty caring for their pets by walking, vet visits and short term fostering for hospital stays and respite. Volunteers are protected by the trust's insurance and new faces are always welcome.
tu 23 Aug 2016 | Diversions seem quite the thing around near the coast at the mo'. This one is in Victoria Mill Road Framlingham which is closed maybe a hundred yards from the junction with Station Road. |
mo 15 Aug 2016 | The BT hole in the ground near Fairfield Road Framlingham that's been around for at least four years is still there though now a bit overgrown. |
we 3 Aug 2016 | In Brick Lane Framlingham there's are at least two fields with traditional corn stooks. We're told by a farming neighbour the corn has been grown for thatching straw and is being conditioned in the stooks. They'll be there for around a fortnight and surprisingly a drop of rain will help.
mo 1 Aug 2016 | Speak of a bus shelter and one is sure to appear. There are three way temporary lights in Station and Victoria Mill Roads Framlingham today so a gang can install a replacement bus shelter maybe twenty yards nearer to Parham from the previous position. We'll see how long this one lasts.
Meanwhile behind what was the Atlas Group and Earl Soham Vets in New Road Fram there are white vans, hiviz and safety helmets. |
su 31 Jul 2016 | The bus shelter(s) that used to be in Station Road Framlingham have been clouted by something vehicular twice. First in 2009 (gossip was something large turning out Victoria Mill Road) and though both crashes made the shelter unusable they weren't as comprehensive as this wipe out in Tasburgh on the A140.
we 27 Jul 2016 | The scaffolding outside the Framlingham Crown and Anchor has gone, it's been there so long it now looks naked without it. |
tu 19 Jul 2016 | Last week by Andy Tiernan's Framlingham we saw this 1930s BSA three wheel light car on a trailer with the very appropriate number ... more here |
th 14 jl 16 | Volunteers on the Framlingham Mere today have cleared an overgrown drain and replaced this footpath gate, they've moved it away from the muddy bit.
we 13 Jul 2016 | Nice small town moment this evening in Framlingham's Fen Meadow. A young woman walking two dogs had dropped an envelope containing money and a tidy person had put it in that bin by the bridge. Fram DIY lent the dog walker some screwdrivers to work the locky thing on the bin and she got her money back ... nice one Fram DIY. |
fr 1 Jul 2016 | Last Sunday's open gardens in Double Street Framlingham was the first for seventeen years. A very damp start but there are some really beautiful gardens in Double Street and a very encouraging queue at the start of play so surely a success.
su 5 Jun 2016 | Framlingham lady in Crown and Anchor Alley. |
mo 30 May 2016 |  Today was depressingly overcast for the Framlingham Gayla but thankfully the rain held off ... just, and as always the parade had charming elements. We find it surprising and reassuring how willingly people throw themselves into these events.
su 29 May 2016 | The bride arrived and the couple left in a vintage landau (only the rear of the car is convertible) cream Rolls Royce at Jess Stroud and Jamie Harvey's Framlingham wedding yesterday. A detail we appreciated was the Rolls 'dressed' with period looking luggage on the roof rack. |
th 5 May 2016 | That's heartening, the most clicked in yesterday's digest was the link to our still missed friend of ntc Fish. |
tu 19 Apr 2016 John Self | One of the first things we did when we moved to Framlingham was buy a pair of smart (by our standards) shoes in John Self's. Soon after we bought some trainers from the camera and sports shop that was in The Old Mews. You can't usefully buy shoes (an item that because of erratic sizing is dodgy to buy mail order) in Fram any more ... but there's a much wider selection of knick knacks, gifts and greeting cards.
su 3 Apr 2016 | Thursday's Film @ Fram in the Framlingham Con Club is The Lady in the Van. The Regal in 1962 (it was down New Road) showed fourteen films most of which we hadn't heard of. Three digit phone numbers, three prices of admission (10p to 17.5p) and interesting ads; camera and another shoe shop in Well Close Square, a pay library on the Market Hill plus somewhere in Fram The Castle Espresso Lounge. (Thanks to Jane Bloom.)
fr 11 Mar 2016 | Earlier this week we bought an InterSlot Time Warper on Amazon in the hope it would get us caught up on those difficult days. For the first time we chose to collect it from the yellow lockers on Potter's Garage forecourt in Framlingham. The afternoon sun made it difficult to see the screen and scanning the emailed barcode wasn't offered (though we now suspect the scanner is below the screen) but onscreen keyboard pin entry swung a door open. The door is chained surely so the locker can close its own doors ... we left feeling very 21st century. |
mo 29 Feb 2016 | We lost useful broadband Saturday morning (thank you BT) which was a pity as we wanted to tell you about wrestling that evening at the Stonham Barns and The Outlaws at the Framlingham Con Club. Coming back from The Outlaws we passed The Railway at 10:50pm just as a nun ran past presumably not wanting to miss last orders ... honest, a nun ... a bloke but in a wimple and habit.
sa 13 Feb 2016 | Today's Framlingham wedding very brave in such cold overcast weather and the bride wore a beautiful floral hair piece. |
mo 1 Feb 2016 | Framlingham weather vanes and an understandably curious cyclist in New Road. |
su 24 Jan 2016 | We have an uncertain memory that some years ago when Gwen Randall was the head of Framlingham College a planning application for the weatherboard cottage on the corner of College and Pembroke Roads was refused. The College have now submitted planning application DC/15/4742/FUL (it's lively on the comments tab) to demolish it and replace it with two semis. |
su 17 Jan 2016 | A dog walker in New Road Framlingham yesterday told us he'd seen a firecrest on a nearby footpath. He was surprised he'd never seen one before and clearly struck by it's colourfulness. The RSPB web site says it competes with the goldcrest for the UK's smallest bird ... not the wren then?
fr 8 Jan 2016 | Opposite the Jet garage in Station Road Framlingham temporary traffic lights and one way working whilst something is laid in the pavement. |