sa 8 Dec 2007 | Before Safer Neighbourhood Teams there were Community Police Officers. PC Andrea Honeywood became Framlingham's CPO in May 2004 when her predecessor PC Robbie Abrahams retired. Retired since April Andrea was at Tracy Clifford's birthday party last night. She has found retirement an enjoyably easy adjustment but is surprised that she now misses Fram Friday nights, not because of the adrenaline but because of the social interaction with youngsters.
tu 6 Nov 2007 | There can't be many people who turn out early on a wintry, rainy Sunday morning to stand in the river Ore wearing not quite tall enough wellingtons to do unpaid overtime but Framlingham town council's groundsman John Light would. After twelve years of service he retired Friday.
we 24 Oct 2007 | Tragedy! Sara Allin, with her husband Pete, before he died early last year, made the Munch-Box Café in Framlingham an oasis of sociability for over two years. Assuming the solicitors did finally get their bums in gear then today was her last day and expect the café to be closed tomorrow whilst new owners local couple Jackie and Andy Rae sort themselves out. We're certainly going to miss Sara's cottage pie and sympathetic ear.
su 21 Oct 2007
 | Fifteen minutes before kick off last night the roads went dead and by kick off they'd realised in the Pizza & Grill they were probably going to watch the game undisturbed. In the back of The Railway it was standing only to watch the projection screen and at The Con Club everybody including the steward had moved into the back bar to watch. The Crown and Anchor had decided they weren't interested but up the road a group of friends had hired reubens bar so they could enjoy the match with the comforts of antipasti, chips and two barmaids all to themselves. (We were a little a disappointed that South African waitress Erica wasn't about but she had gone to Paris!)
The real downer though was ending up at The White Horse where these disappointed faces tell all ... but no disgrace to England and what an improvement on 32-0. |
sa 22 Sep 2007 | We were sitting with good company the other week out the back of the Framlingham Station and it was getting late. There was the pleasant silence associated with virtually no traffic. We heard shhhhhhhhh BOMP! A cyclist coming off? We went out to look but no sign of anything. Next morning The Brewer looked out of his window onto the Fen Meadow and realised this was the noise maker. (The shhhhhhhhh was the rustling as the branch fell through the leaves.) |
we 19 Sep 2007 | We've inherited a bulletin board from |
su 29 Jul 2007
| Fifteen guest beers out the back of The Station, Framlingham serving much better than last year's beer festival as this year the cooling is more than a wet towel; and a shuttle service of clean glasses from the pub. Moose Finger (oh alright Mood Swings) are very enjoyable and seemingly indefatigable ... though The Girl from Ipanema got a bit of a hammering ... there you are they're doing it again. Ends tonight. |
su 15 Jul 2007
 Hare and Hounds | In the mid-80s whilst in the USAF Chris Lane Gray lived in Fore Street, Framlingham and remembers the Hare and Hounds being open which is more than we do. Chris' baby brother Andy (that's him on the far left) is in the US Navy Reserve and presently serving in Iraq as a land convoy master. It's a grim detail in this pic that amongst this bunch of healthy, clean, smiling Arkies (they're all from Arkansas) most are wearing side arms. Stay safe fellas. And talking of our recent leader's legacy we've been working on one of those lovely Tiny PCs he doled out some five years ago as part of his vision for the information superhighway ... they're still crap. |
we 4 Jul 2007 | Everybody wanted to know what the red carpet was for outside the Framlingham Crown, indeed Linda from the stationers sent a runner to find out, and now you all know it was for the twins Gemima and Alice's eleventh birthday party complete with stretch limo that had been delayed by the traffic for the Rod Stewart concert in Ipswich.
tu 3 Jul 2007 | The Framlingham First Responders went live yesterday with Steve Lovett taking the afternoon shift. Steve is holding the defibrillator which he didn't want to open because the software inside would log it as an incident, in fact the device is packed full of computing power which analyses the electrical activity of a patient's heart and decides whether defibrillation is needed. First Responders also carry an oxygen bottle as well as the expected first aid stuff.
su 1 Jul 2007 | Yesterday afternoon Helena Stevens arrived back in Framlingham having left some twenty two hours earlier and completing a fifty mile pretty much non-stop walk (just a couple of 15 minute breaks). Helena's two daughters Rachel and Lucy joined her for the last three miles and Helena reported that around about Leiston she kept falling asleep while walking, she'd seen loads of deer, yes she did very much want a cup of and no she didn't want to take her boots off because her feet were covered in blisters and she wouldn't get her boots back on. It is hoped that Helena's impressive display of determination, she did look exhausted, will raise some £400-500 for the Out of School Club. |
we 27 Jun 2007 | Paul Briscoe's childhood experience must be unique ... as an English child he was fostered in Germany during the second world war. When we arrived halfway through his book signing in Fram yesterday (part of Arts Framlingham) he'd already sold out of books and people were nipping up to Fram Stationers to get a copy to be signed, then Fram Stationers sold out!
fr 15 Jun 2007
 | At the official opening of reubens bar & grill this morning chairman of Framlingham Town Council Stephanie Bennell said nice things about the management and then invited us to applaud them, mind you Bennell got cake afterwards whilst the rest of us had to make do with champagne and canapés. |
we 6 Jun 2007 | ... and while we're in heart of the community country Tracy Clifford has resigned as a town councillor due to pressure of work ... well she does work for Roy.
sa 2 Jun 2007 | Could have done with some more faces at Stugig last night but Stuart's mum said they'd raised £700 for the Kariandusi School Trust. Stuart's sister's hairdresser was the mc and bands Allied Force and one : day : life (the little punks were wearing in-ear monitors {TAKE THEM OUT!}) certainly cranked it out. |
mo 28 May 2007 | The annual Framlingham Gala on the Castle Meadow. |
we 25 Apr 2007 | The Rev Graham Owen is now Rector of St Michael's Framlingham and despite being dead John Donne raised over a £1,000 Sunday for the Toilets in the Tower (a bit like the Princes in the Tower but different). |
th 12 Apr 2007 | Framlingham community copper Andrea Honeywood will be retiring tomorrow (we will miss you Andrea) but the new Safer Neighbourhood Team will ensure the tranquil calm of the market town continues to cascade gently down the watercourse of life ... except when it doesn't.
fr 9 Mar 2007 | 
5pm(ish): The B1116 is closed near Framlingham immediately after the Easton turn off because of a serious road accident. There is a sea of emergency services including the police and ambulance helicopters. Three vehicles were involved. |
fr 23 Feb 2007 | We dropped in briefly on the Framlingham Development Trust's agm last night which had a bigger crowd than last year. Dawn Easter seems to have to departed into the middle distance and some woman from Harleston was going on about delivery. |
su 4 Feb 2007 | Because of the chicken flu up the road (not to be confused with chicken beer) there's a Sky news team staying at the Framlingham The Crown including Robert Nisbet, Paul Harrison and Paul Brennan, ... mmm ... three presenters? Must be bigger than we realise ...
tu 16 Jan 2007 | Four of our pics in the December Community News though as usual they failed to credit some of them and the sordid matter of coin was not mentioned. |