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earlier in Suffolk

fr 8 Dec

Ipswich CardinalsThe Ipswich Cardinals are named for local boy and Henry VII's bag man Cardinal Wolsey, he would have been 550 in March.  As is the Suffolk way his birthday is being celebrated just before the year runs out ...

we 15 Nov

What we noticed in Suffolk and 2020.

sa 4 Nov

Anna Marchatelli singing at Tuesday's Slate Barn jam night joins Suffolk Ladies.

fr 20 Oct

Mid Suffolk Carriage Driving for the Disabled QuizFriday after next in Brandeston village hall a fun quiz with a soup and cake supper in aid of Mid Suffolk Carriage Driving for the Disabled.

In Suffolk when you join the town council you don't have a shop you have financial interests in the town.

th 19 Oct

Mid-Suffolk Light Railway Santa SpecialFor three weekends before Christmas in Wetheringsett the Mid-Suffolk Light Railway is running Santa Specials with a steam train ride and a visit to Santa in the guard'sBah! Humbug! van to receive a present all happening amidst festive settings.  It's advance booking only and it started yesterday.

fr 29 Sep

Hollesley mud run in 2018We really regret only finding out the air ambulance's Only The Brave mud run last weekend after the event.  We've signed up to be emailed about next year's which like this year's might be near Euston in Suffolk.  Our only previous mud run was at Hollesley in 2018 and it was a joyously mad event to witness.

su 10 Sep

What we noticed in Suffolk and 2020.

fr 8 Sep

Ride and Stride is SaturdayOriginating in Suffolk Ride and Stride is now a national event, it's tomorrow.

we 2 Aug

FOOTPATH AHEAD CLOSEDThe Suffolk guessing game around road closures now has a variant, guessing which footpaths will be closed.  This one is off Fairfield Crescent Framlingham.

sa 29 Jul

A free entertainment in rural Suffolk is guessing which roads the county council have closed and the stimulating consequential journeys on roads less travelled.

fr 14 Jul
Bastille Day

Strawberry tea + String QuartetSunday week in Cransford village hall a strawberry tea + string quartet ... being Suffolk the tea outranks the string quartet but it still sounds delightful. ♫ Tea - the cup that cheers but does not inebriate

th 13 Jul

Mona LisaThe new Butley Mills Studios GalleryWhen our chum Leon was living at Butley Low Corner we used to visit the slightly remote area a lot but these days it's been a while.  A reason to revisit 5-8pm tomorrow evening when the nearby Butley Mills Studios opens it new gallery.  Impressively there are over a dozen artists working there including sculptor Craig Hudson who we've met at the Alde Valley Spring Festival.

we 12 Jul

Hello Darlin's guitarist on stage at this year's Maverick and who isn't Murray Pulver added to Suffolk Gentlemen.

sa 8 Jul

♫ Summer Concert by the Suffolk Singers in Stoke by Nayland tonight.

su 2 Jul

Suffolk Punches at the Framlingham Horse ShowDedham may be just over the county line but today the Society of Equestrian Artists will be painting Suffolk Punches in the Munnings Art Museum's grounds.  Entry to the grounds, car park and cafe free.

we 24 May

Suffolk Open Studios 2023The Suffolk Open Studios paper directory for next month is around and free.  Took us a while to work out that an entry's weird annotation like ///season.shade.turns was the what3words handle for the particular studio, how perceptive ... of the directory ... not of us.Mona Lisa

mo 22 May

The Suffolk Miracle by Beverley BarnettFrom Thursday in Wingfield Open Space Theatre are touring around near the coast The Suffolk Miracle a story of forbidden love.  The show includes folk band Syzewell Theatrical masks of comedy and tragedy Gap, don't think we've seen them since an early manifestation of Hachfest. ♫

th 20 Apr

Salisbury City Marauder in SuffolkOur Suffolk Ladies page is misleading, it's actuallyGridiron UK Ladies in Suffolk which is why we've added a visiting Salisbury City Marauder lady to the page ... regrettably this pic of the lady was a bit soft focus.

fr 30 Sep

Natalie Songer's SatellitesOn into October Natalie Songer tours her one person show Satellites around near the coast.  Venues include the Bungay Fisher Theatre, Norwich The Garage, Two Sisters Felixstowe and tonight the Halesworth Cut.

Rising Covid cases in patients has prompted the return of face masks in East Suffolk hospitals, hand sanatising dispensers available at main entrances.

fr 16 Sep

♫ Ness Fest tomorrow is at Sizewell not Orford and on the cliffs?  Perhaps in Suffolk the definition of a cliff is not that ambitious and has anybody found a Fest programme?

tu 13 Sep

East of England Co-opAs a card carrying East of England Co-op member we've had an email saying they will be closed Monday for the Queen's funeral.  On their web site it says they're sad The Queen has died but nothing about closures ... how very Suffolk.

we 3 Aug

Firearms display at Suffolk Police HQIn 2016 Suffolk Police displayed to the press some of the huge firearms and ammo cache that had been found in Wyverstone.  Six years later we have licensed a good handful of our pix  from the press day to tv production company Brown Bob who plan to include the case in new prog Big Little Crimes for BBC1.

fr 2 Aug

George's Gig♫ Carol the daughter of 87 year old George Lamb has organised Otter's Pocket to play a rockdacious gig tomorrow in Wangford Community Centre thanking Alzheimer's Research UK.  Get rockdacious cred by booking a ticket.

su 12 Jun

Suffolk Open Studios 2022As part of Suffolk Open Studios the Sudbourne Printmakers are open for this and next weekend.  The venue Sudbourne Park alone justifies a visit.

mo 6 Jun

The first stage of this year's Women's Tour visited Suffolk today, the highlights are on ITV4 10pm tonight.

we 25 May

The Suffolk Festival celebrates the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with a Torch Relay ...  that's novel eh?  They are now starting to flirt with nearthecoast ... more here

mo 2 May
Bank Holiday

Joe Edwards-Gill at St Mary's HomersfieldLast weekend we saw a bloke being snapped outside Lance's flat in Framlingham.  In similar Detectorists vein Joe Edward-Gill is chatting in St Mary's Homersfield (it's the other side of Harleston) this Friday.

fr 22 Apr

♫ Otter's Pocket ♫ ♫ We don't like to think how long since we last visited the Rumburgh Buck.  Tomorrow soul and blues band Otters Pocket will be playing there at the pub's free mini beer festival.

we 20 Apr

Suffolk Torch Relay 13 May - 1 JuneThe Suffolk Festival celebrates the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with a Torch Relay ... wonder where they got the idea.  Next month the relay wanders around the county for nearly three weeks taking in places that certainly we haven't heard off and we suspect many of you haven't either.  The route flirts with near the coast 24-26 May but gives it proper attention 29-31.

we 6 Apr

The Pakefield Singers in Halesworth♫ Saturday the Pakefield Singers present at St Mary's Halesworth Faure’s Requiem and the Pergolesi Stabat Mater, under 16s free.

th 31 Mar
world backup day

Suffolk ConstabularyMan arrested after firearms, ammo and explosives were found in Great Livermere (it's the other side of Bury).  Disturbing but doesn't sound like another Operation Cannington.

th 17 Mar
St Patricks's Day

Tristam Cary was highly influential in British electronic music.  In late 1962 heThe VCS3 synthesiser moved to Wood Farm Fressingfield where he created an electronic music studio.  In 1969 with Peter Zinovieff and David Cockerell he formed Putney based EMS to produce the UK's first commercial synthesiser most successful as the VCS3.  (in 1971 we got to play with one (or possibly a VCS2) for a weekend leading to near permanent withdrawal symptoms).  In 1974 Cary moved to Australia to teach.  Anyone in Fressingfield remember him? ♫

mo 14 mar

Friends Around the TableCombining a professional forager and a visual artist might be called multimedia.  It's what Suffolk Artlink are doing in the Woodbridge Community Hall from with the free penultimate session Sound and Drawing this Thursday.

su 13 mar

Alice's Wonderland at Fram LibraryYesterday for Suffolk Libraries Day Framlingham Library transformed the Court Room upstairs into Wonderland as Alice.  Absolutely fabulous, so pleased we got to see it.

mo 28 Feb

Mini Mouth's production of A Mid-Summer's Night Dream in Thorington last year has joined Suffolk Ladies.

su 27 Feb

The Outlaws at the Needham Market LimesSuffolk in 2009 has become Suffolk in 2009-03 and includes visits to the Bradfield St George Fox and Hounds, the Rumburgh Buck and The Outlaws at the Needham Market Limes.

mo 14 Feb

The Red Rooster festival Thetford way has Seasick Steve bill topping this year. ♫

tu 25 Jan
Burns Night

Suffolk ConstabularyMinistry of Defence police and a police helicopter involved after a three vehicle ram raid on the Brandon Co-op yesterday, Brandon's in Suffolk if only just.  In Edendale a van driver knocked down by a car after a dispute is being treated as assault.

sa 22 Jan

Suffolk ConstabularyA bit scary, over Christmas the majority of drivers tested for drugs were positive, 67 of 107.

tu 28 Dec

East Suffolk bin collectionsDo you know how many street names there are in East Suffolk?  Do you know how many down swipes it takes to find Victoria Mill Road in an alphabetical list?  No, neither do we, we soon gave up trying to find out this week's bin collection day.

th 9 Dec

Suffolk County Council have allocated £10m to pavement repairs with completion by 2025.  Next month it'll be the first birthday of the temporary lights in Fairfield Road Framlingham, they could be ready for primary school before the pavement gets fixed.

th 4 Nov

Surprisingly shortly after yesterday's digest emailed out it had been more viewed in the USA than the UK ... well this is Suffolk ...

fr 29 Oct

Sobering that Ipswich Hospital, West Suffolk Hospital and all community hospitals in the area have suspended visiting because of Covid.

tu 12 Oct

Saturday the Suffolk Singers celebrate their 30th anniversary with a Celebration of Song at St Michael's Framlingham, your ticket includes refreshments! ♫

we 25 Aug

♫ The Red Rooster Festival starts Friday at Euston Hall (in Suffolk but only just) at the end of the month and the bands include the no messing about of Kitty, Daisy and Lewis.

th 19 Aug

Leon Bedwell performs songs from the musicalsBack before the pandemic we saw Leon Bedwell make a very decent fist of Lysander in A Mid-Summer's Night Dream.  Next month he starts as a self financed student at The Academy of Live and Recorded Arts.  Saturday to fund raise he is entertaining with friends at St Mary's Bungay .  If you just want to help go to his gofundme page. ♫

tu 4 May
Star Wars Day
PCC Tim Passmore (left) with a crushed car - pic Suffolk ConstabularyThursday (delayed from last year by the pandemic) we get to vote for one of three candidates for Police Crime Commissioner plus county councillors and some by election district councillors.  Tim Passmore so far has been been Suffolk's only PCC. 
th 15 Apr

Suffolk Constabulary JOBS  Surprisingly the constabulary has perhaps 15 non-frontline vacancies pretty much all full time and include Campaigns and Marketing, Digital Comms, Firearms and Photographic Technician.

mo 1 Mar
St David's Day

EACH The Best Pub Quiz EverEast Anglia's Children's Hospices has taken a big financial hit because of the virus.  You can help out this Thursday by entering The Best Pub Quiz Ever with a guest appearance by Grif Rhys Jones.

fr 12 Feb
Chinese New Year of the Ox

Present Police Crime Commisioner Tim Passmore in 2016 2nd rightDelayed from 2020 in the coming May we get to exercise our franchise and vote for the county's Police Crime Commissioner ... just three candidates.

th 11 Feb

 WARNING  High winds have stranded poisonous shellfish on Suffolk and Norfolk beaches.  Dog walkers are advised to keep them on a lead ... dogs will eat anything ...

Anorak Alert No.31:  Dodie Smith's novel I Capture The Castle is set in Suffolk but the film adaptation has a beach scene that doesn't look like Suffolk to us.

we 3 Feb
Suffolk ConstabularyThe Constabulary have tweeted that what looks like a RSPCA van has been stopping dog walkers.  Seems unlikely but then a couple of years back waiting to cross Station Road Framlingham an estate car stopped and the driver tried to sell us carpet ...
mo 25 Jan
Burns Night

Emily Winter and Anna Brinkley in A Midsummer Night's DreamInevitably because of the lockdown no spring show from RoughCast this year but hopefully a summer tour of The TempestThe itinerary around East Suffolk includes outdoor venues which is very promising as we much enjoyed the company's A Midsummer's Night Dream in the Laxfield Low House garden and 2019.

th 14 Jan

Yesterday's Suffolkness digest is being surprisingly active in Germany ... didn't know there was a European Suffolk diaspora eh?

we 13 Jan

... Suffolkness before the Castle Keep estate was built on it eh?Stackton Tressel town council's Suffolkness committee has issued new guidelines.  To be authentic Suffolk you should have a Co-op loyalty card, drink beer (meaning mild) not lager, know what squit is, who the manager of ITFC is and where Benhall and Little Mutterings are, and not use 'do' and 'does' the right way round like those la di da townies from that there London does ... owning a tractor helps ...

sa 2 Jan

Le Flâneur by Paul Gavarni 1842We had to look up flâneur, apparently it means a man who saunters around observing society.  So same problem in Suffolk as with street photography.

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