th 27 Dec 2012 | We've established that Guess Who 26? is not Lester Piggot, French and an ex-sportsman, and it may be in a large town near Chelmsford but what a job op for a young snapper.
su 18 Nov 2012 | Unlike Thursday it's been lovely today in a large town near Chelmsford and it was mostly dark in Southend yesterday. |
th 25 Oct 2012 | .jpg)
London Fields, Broadway Market and Silesia Buildings in October and a large town near Chelmsford. |
th 30 Aug 2012 Paralympic flame | Yesterday we went to Hackney town hall near Chelmsford for the Paralympic flame visit, no bunting but lots of security, barriers and not a lot else. We walked the wrong way along the flame's route ... not a lot. We stood by a useful looking traffic island ... more bloody Olympics!.
sa 11 Aug 2012 | This morning near Chelmsford Big Al collected his volunteer steward's uniform for the paralympics. It was all Adidas and included two pairs of socks ... |
we 18 Jul 2012 | 
tu 17 Apr 2012 | PC Evan Thatchpole is well regarded by the more senior nearthecoasters for his old style policing; mouthy teenagers get a clip round the ear. This Sunday Evan is running the large town near Chelmsford marathon, you can sponsor him to help near the coast youth clubs buy hearing aids.
tu 27 Dec 2011 | 
Christmas in a large town near Chelmsford |
tu 9 Aug 2011 | At Hog Hill near Chelmsford last weekend new to us were the the small mini moto boards which because of their size are sufficiently difficult to ride that cameramen on longboards can keep up with the race. Gratifyingly international again with Saturday's slalom won by Czech but resident in Germany snapper Robert Thiele.
su 15 Jul 2011
 | Just after midnight this morning we sat in the bus shelter by the Framlingham Station to see the first Dunwich Dynamo riders come through (the Dynamo is a loosely organised 115 mile overnight ride of 1,000++ cyclists from Hackney to Dunwich). By 1am despite a surprisingly ... more Dunwich Dynamo |
we 15 Jun 2011
 | At Hog Hill near Chelmsford last weekend a lot more longboard and slalom skateboarders than  in 2010. A lot more overseas visitors, a lot more women boarders and with all this lotmoreness inevitably more crashes but nobody hurt, more pix on Facebook.
we 1 Jun 2011 | Rural Myth 33: You can always tell a townie, they're the ones who put their wheelie bins out Sunday night for collection on Thursday. |
fr 29 Apr 2011 | In central near Chelmsford Tuesday we saw a bloke on a mountain bike with two enormous and very stuffed bags hanging from the handlebars and no brakes at all, he slowed the bike by leaping off and running alongside. |
mo 25 Apr 2011
 | Discovered this afternoon that walking on a canal towpath near Chelmsford on a sunny day is a full contact three way sport between the walkers, joggers and cyclists ... especially under the bridges. |
fr 15 Apr 2011 | Last weekend we got to stand in the track centre for the first time at Anarchy In The UK in a large town near Chelmsford and our word that bit closer the roller derby action is much faster ... made us quite dizzy. |
we 2 Mar 2011 | ♫ Embarrassingly last night we got lost in our past manor Clerkenwell near Chelmsford so missed Elizabeth Downton Abbey McGovern's set at the Maverick launch but Police Dog Hogan (it's a band not a person) had Big Al the VAL and us looking at each other in approval at their accurate but soulful at least five voice acapella singing and the Americana droleness of Shitty White Wine. How did we miss them at last year's Maverick festival in Easton? No matter, they're back this summer.
mo 27 Dec 2010 | 
sa 14 Aug 2010 | Some of the M25 between the A12 and M11 junctions now has four lanes but the road surface is a bit patchwork. |
fr 13 Aug 2010
 | The British Open Slalom Championship last weekend near Chelmsford was a knock out competition with the skateboarders going in pairs. The riders go about their sport in the same laid back manner as the longboarders, riders walking back up the hill after their grand slalom run cone marshalling the rider coming down. Opportunities for grand slalom in the UK must be few and some riders had improvised using duct tape to pull t-shirts snugger for better aerodynamics. |
mo 9 Aug 2010 | It's not until you see the size of the bicycle transition area at the large town near Chelmsford triathlon that it sinks in how big the event is. By late morning Sunday there were five tables dishing out race numbers but the supervisor told us that at one point over the weekend there were sixteen. In the sunshine the ExCel centre didn't seem quite the industrial wilderness of our last visit but the parking is still expensive and bet some near the coast St Johns would like one of these. More pix here. |
fr 30 Jul 2010 Dicky Bird | When we were a medium sized child in the east end of a large town near Chelmsford we did buy Dicky Bird lollies (usually banana flavoured) from pedal powered trikes very like this motorised one outside Andy Tiernan's last weekend. At 3pm on a summer's Sunday afternoon in Viccy Park the lollies were usually sufficiently melted to be on the point of falling apart and look at these prices.
fr 25 Jun 2010 | Three things we learnt last weekend: 1. south bound on the A12 just before Hatfield Peverel where the B1389 joins there's now a bit of three lane making it much safer, 2. in a large town near Chelmsford other flags are available, indeed outside the Bongo Bar Restaurant (I'm not kidding) in Tottenham men were draped in the Ghanaian national flag, and 3. we can't work this out, is it gay friendly or protection against cougars? |
th 17 Jun 2010 | Rural Myth 23: All of that there large town near Chelmsford is under a glass roof ... or maybe it's just Liverpool Street station? |
mo 7 Jun 2010 | Recently in a large town near Chelmsford herwithabrainetc left her crocs outside her Hackney back door overnight as usual, in the morning one croc was in the middle of the garden with half the strap missing and teeth marks. We've seen fox cubs in the garden and the cub on the right was chewing on a jar or bottle just like a puppy.
tu 1 Jun 2010 Hog Hill | Yesterday's UK Longboard (going downhill very fast on a skateboard) Championships at Hog Hill, Hainault (on the outskirts of a large town near Chelmsford) was an ultimately laid back occasion (racers more or less sorted out between themselves in which order they'd finished each heat) with a tiny whiff of international (a Belgian racing and some foreign accents in the paddock). It looks spectacular, has the excitement of the inevitable crashes and the riders are a friendly bunch.
su 21 Mar 2010 | London Roller Girls lost 63-84 to Texas last night, even stevens all the way until some jammer penalties hurt LRG badly near the end. Cracking roller derby as always but in the industrial wilderness that is the ExCel Centre and £10 to park! Ah well that's a large town near Chelmsford for you ... lot's more pix on that there Facepack.
mo 25 Jan 2010 | At the Mass Photo Gathering in a large town near Chelmsford's Trafalgar Square Saturday two young woman asked us in broken English what was up. We suggested they might snap to support PHNAT (PHotographer Not A Terrorist) but they looked ill at ease and embarrassed. Seeing them snapping away later our thanks made them look ill at ease and embarrassed ... but pleased as well. |