fr 5 Feb 2010 |
At Jack and the Beanstalk in Kettleburgh
last night the producer was heckled even before the show had started indicating
there was probably going to be some audience participation ... and
there certainly was. Fine
traditional stuff with a traditionally feminine Jack, a
very brave dame, four musicians in the
pit, local jokes and a triumphantly popular
Daisy the Cow. The show runs till Saturday when there's a matinee too.
th 27 Aug 2009 |
The Deben Brewery stood next to the
Kettleburgh Chequers;
in 1867 the brewery owner James Brighton Grant became the last
man in England to be imprisoned for not paying church rates.
mo 13 Jul 2009 |
Thursday morning in aid of
Cats Protection Kay Lusted is having a coffee morning at Manley,
mo 18 May 2009 |
A water tanker was stolen
from a field in Kettleburgh some time earlier this
month, a tea urn pinched in Blaxhall and substance
abuse in Framlingham.
tu 10 Jun 2008
Daphne Aitken was born in
Earl Soham
but had lived in Kettleburgh for some years
when she passed away two Saturdays ago. To give her a good
send off the
Kettleburgh Chequers has already raised over a £1,000 and last
night, tonight and tomorrow night you could and can be
made up by Helen Bolingbroke to raise more
... don't even have to stop supping. |
we 28 May 2008 |
Kettleburgh Chequers last week
dinners 67
expected interesting beers, the landlord warned
NaTCH off
Piddle in the Cellar (at least that's what it seemed to be
called) so Adnams' seasonal beer Regatta and something which
might have been called Odyssey were enjoyed. Other
lunchers were Richard V and new playmate Paul N so inevitably
much talk about loudspeakers and the much belated news (nearly
three years late:) that the Beeb have abandoned Pebble Mill
which was demolished in 2005 . (In a previous life
worked at Radio WM then inside the Mill.)
The Brewer
arrived later for just a drink and then there was much talk
about brewing. (last visit ↓ subsequent
mo 31 Dec 2007 |

We haven't visited
Church Farm, Kettleburgh since Lucie and Malcolm wintered
there in a Winnebago thingy maybe four? five? years ago?
Since then the caravan park, well sort of a field actually, has
become more populated and there was even someone fishing in the
pond at this lovely location. |
fr 29 Jun 2007 |

On a summer's evening there was some pretty
serious trooping going on at the bottom of the
Kettleburgh Chequers' garden. Not
surprisingly with the recent continual and torrential downpours the
audience could have been larger, the thesp
with a clipboard had joined at literally an hour's notice
and the clipboard held his lines; and finally the cast was still
short one person so a willing
member of the audience was press
ganged as Snug the Joiner. Despite all this Mouth to Mouth
Theatre entertained with a particularly fun production of
Shakespeare's comedy
A Midsummer Night's Dream in a perfect location by the
river Deben (which
surprisingly is some eight feet deep here so be careful kids).
We thought the costumes very creative and looked great against
the lush Suffolk countryside. There was lots of engagement
with the audience, Puck giving ladies in
the audience flowers ... that sort of thing and everyone had a
good time.
we 4 Sep 2002 |
Kettleburgh Chequers
dinners 29
the rear of Kettleburgh Chequers is an enormous patio and an even
more enormous garden with the River Deben looping through it and the
Deben Brewery used to be next door. Inside Malcolm, NaTCH,
Lady KRJ, John B, and newbies Suzanna and Matt enjoyed very pleasant
food, very acceptable Adnams, and Merlin, an impressive guest beer
from South Wales brewery Buckley (Brains by another name).
Conversation included politics (but not art or religion), Suzanna's
boiler, and why Malcolm is so important.
from Spadge (paying customer).
(first visit
subsequent lunch
previous lunch)