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we 2 Feb

Trees the tree warden failedTo assist with the government's leveling up policy Stackton Tressel town council is considering appointing a Spirit Level Officer (SLO).  Chairman Dame Celia Baumhugger commented Hopefully they could also assist the tree warden.

th 20 Jan

The wifi password in the Stackton Tressel Trouser Museum cafe is trousers.

tu 12 Oct

Stackton Tressel's response to the pandemic at best is belated and certainly dated especially as the blokes on the right don't know how to wear a mask.

sa 5 Jun

A tree possibly in LiechtensteinStackton Tressel (pop 6,324) town council denies informal meetings to discuss a unilateral declaration of independence after the government finalises a trade deal with Liechtenstein (pop 38,229).  Council chairman Dame Celia Baumhugger said she'd heard there were trees in Liechtenstein.

th 1 Apr
Rubbish Thursday ... the day before Good Friday
Fun Czar

Stackton Tressel town council have appointed a Fun Czar but for security reasons have not identified the new appointee.  Suggestions have been made it's that there Ed Sheraton.  Chairman Dame Celia Baumhugger wouldn't confirm or deny this though she volunteered the new Czar does like trees.

we 10 Mar

East African Daily TimesThe town coucil's PR and Markets committee earlier this month discussed buying a lectern to use for White House type press briefings.  A decision was deferred until next month when chairman of the Finance committee Major Gervaise DeRoute opined Surely a fax to the East African and maybe the Plomesgate Illuminator if it's still going would be enough?

we 13 Jan

The town council's Suffolkness committee has issued new guidelines.  To be authentic Suffolk you should have a Co-op loyalty card, drink beer (meaning mild) not lager, know what squit is, who the manager of ITFC is and where Benhall and Little Mutterings are, and not use 'do' and 'does' the right way round like those la di da townies from that there London does ... owning a tractor helps ...

we 2 Dec
Trouser Museum

Stackton Tressel Trouser MuseumStackton Tressel Trouser Museum staff have requested Covid-19 test kits.  The trustees have refused saying the staff should be able to tell if someone is infected by the sound of their cough.

tu 3 Nov

The fictional Stackton Tressel on Radio 4 Extra today.

th 27 Aug

Lotus speculoos biscuitThe Lunar Gavotte is the larger of Stackton Tressel's one and a half coffee shops.  The Gav is no longer serving a complimentary speculoos biscuit with each coffee because of government Covid-19 guide lines ... no, we can't see how that works either?

we 1 Apr
April Fool

Last year's Lady Di lookalike winner ... well it is SuffolkAt this difficult time Stackton Tressel town council have reluctantly moved the annual Lady Di Lookalike competition to the fireworks display November in Gayla Park.  Hamish McEdbanguh commented 'The Coy Look You’d Most Like To Take Home Award' won’t be the same in the dark.

sa 1 Feb

The Stackton Tressel Trouser Museum is giving free entry to anyone with a blue passport.

th 23 Jan

For ethical and legal reasons (plus we're now up to fourth on the allotments waiting list) we can't report on the Stackton Tressel town council meeting earlier this month but we note Major Gervaise DeRoute is still walking with a limp.

su 13 Oct
Angry Fly

Chips with chips at the Angry FlyThe Stackton Tressel Angry Fly couldn't serve it's signature dish chips with chips last night because the deep fat fryer had self destructed.  Landlord Steph (he's originally from Little Mutterings) Crackedpole commented It was chaos for a while, we tried serving  roasties with roasties but it wasn't the same ... but then nobody friedThankfully that there Ed Sheraton wasn't in as there was nothing marinated in tomato ketchup on the menu.

fr 8 Feb

Advanced Walking published by Stackton Tressel TCYesterday at Stackton Tressel's monthly town council meeting the council's preparations for Brexit were discussed.  These include stockpiling sticks, free walking lessons in case of petrol supply problems and a £100,000 contract with Seaborne Freight to supply emergency tree surgeons.  For no apparent reason councillor Major Gervaise DeRoute described the Little Mutterings parish council as the rural political elite.  A member of the public gallery expressed surprise that Major DeRoute still has a driving license.

we 7 Nov

If you're thinking Another year and again nothing has happened in Little Mutterings you'd be wrong.

fr 7 Sep

Emotional scenes in Stackton TresselEmotional scenes at last night's monthly Stackton Tressel town council meeting.  We'd like to tell you about it but we had to sign a non-disclosure agreement if we ever want to get to the top of the allotments waiting list.

sa 25 Aug

PJ Proby - pic contributedIn fake news the Stackton Tressel Trouser Museum is hosting an exhibition of famous trouser forgeries.  Exhibits includes the alleged drain pipes PJ Proby famously split on stage ... twice, and repro breeches the Duke of Wellington wore to relieve himself before relieving somewhere.  The show runs until October and then continues its tour of places where there's not a lot to do.

tu 29 May

Ed Sheeran playing Earl Soham village hallThe East African Daily Times has reported that Stackton Tressel town council chairman Dame Celia Baumhugger refused to appear on Desert Island Discs when they rejected her selection of exclusively Edward Sheeran songs.  She commented I've been told Edward Sheraton is local, has done much to promote the area and is in need of the income from some wireless airplay. ♫

we 31 Jan

Ed Sheeran in 2006 and Earl SohamSpike Risty has resigned his controversial appointment as Stackton Tressel wellbeing deliverance officer to take up a new position in the town.  The Stackton Busy Club has appointed Mr Risty Town Events Manager after the town's 35 space Trees Car Park almost ran out of spaces at last year's Trouser Fest.  Mr Risty said he was delighted to be appointed for such a vibrant, exciting and cosmopolitan venue and wouldn't be surprised to see local celebrity Ed Sheeran at the Trouser Fest as he's been told Ed often wears trousers.

sa 21 May

The East African Daily Times reveals worrying town council recruitment practices.

fr 6 May

At yesterday's monthly Stackton Tressel town council meeting Spike RistyA tree was appointed wellbeing deliverance officer.  His choice was questioned by STCk (the resident's association) because of his EDL membership and undischarged bankruptcy but tc chairman Dame Celia Baumhugger observed he was the only candidate and he does like trees.

tu 16 Feb

Perpetuity brand trousers in the Stackton museumWhen Pitkin Homes restored the Stackton Tressel Perpetuity trouser factory into studio flats estate agents started calling the town's industrial south the artisan quarter.  This has become so popular with estate agents in all of Suffolk that at this month's town council meeting Major Gervaise DeRoute suggested renaming Stackton's artisan quarter the artisan three eighths.

tu 26 Jan
Australia Day

Skippy the Angeroo vaping on turboTo liven up town council meetings Stackton Tressel council have applied for a lottery grant to buy a smoke machine after trials with Hamish McEdbanguh's e-cigarette were a bit pants.  Chairman Dame Celia Baumhugger commented I'd enjoy making a bit of an entrance especially as I've bought a new pair of trousers, you know the ones with an elastic waistband?

th 11 Jun

At this month's Stackton Tressel town council meeting chairman Dameice bucket challenge Celia Baumhugger said she'd heard there's a thing called the ice bucket challenge? and perhaps the council should participate to raise funds for the trouser museum?  Major DeRoute observed that the shock could damage councillor's pacemakers and after discussion it was agreed the councillors would organise a sponsored cake eating marathon instead.

sa 11 Apr

There are 122 parishes in Mid Suffolk and only nine will bother with an election this May.  Stradbroke looks particularly lively with 18 candidates for the 13 seats.  It's unclear what Stackton Tressel will do as they don't seem to come under either Central or Coastal Suffolk.  Stackton community leader Hamish McEdbanguh commented Sorry, I'm in a hurry.

we 8 Apr

Advanced Walking published by Stackton Tressel TCWe all know that walking consists of putting on your walking clothes, driving to a walking place, changing your shoes and then walking.  Advanced walking is leaving the house in your everyday clothes and instead of driving walking to do your errands.  To make this activity safer Stackton Tressel town council have produce the booklet Advanced Walking covering training, safety, navigation, meeting other advanced walkers, etc.  There is a small charge ... unless they know you of course.

tu 24 Mar

Framlingham town councilThis coming May Stradbroke will have a contested parish council election, around near the coast most places probably won't bother ... don't know about Stackton Tressel yet.  Surprisingly applications to be a parish/town councillor have to be delivered to the district council by hand, in Stradders the parish clerk will deliver it for you.

su 15 Mar

At this month's Stackton Tressel town council meeting PC Thatchpole before making the police report warned that though the the legislation may soon change it is still illegal to have a two minute levitation at the start of the meeting.

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