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Sweffling teens

we 12 Aug

A yard sale this Saturday in Sweffling.

tu 6 Aug

Sweffling Fete with fun dog show and beer tentThe Sweffling Fête (complete with a little hat on the first e) is this Saturday and includes a fun dog show and a beer tent.  We last went 12 years ago and really enjoyed it ... we must try harder.

tu 18 Jun

Like we've said before it's the summer solstice Friday so the Rendham Mummers will be presenting The Battle of Pipney Hill Revisited at the Sweffling White Horse .. Death to the Romans!

mo 10 Sep

Final day today of Jonathan Keep's four day show at the Sweffling printroom.

tu 10 Jul

A motorcyclist is in a critical condition after colliding Friday evening with a tractor and trailer on the B1119 presumably between Framlingham and Sweffling.  From the police report the farm vehicle must have been crossing the B1119?

sa 9 Jun

Today until 4pm there is a Swish clothing sale at the Sweffling print room gallery.

sa 2 Jun

Tonight a private view at Studio 90 Rendham and just up the road another tomorrow at the Printroom Studio Sweffling.

fr 4 May
Star Wars Day

5 In A Bar with Neil Oliver♫ Musical nights out tomorrow around near the coast include 5 In A Bar at St Mary's Sweffling with refreshments (we last 5 In A Bar at the 2014 Great Glemham Christmas show), and Man in the Hat at the Knodishall Butchers Arms. ♫

th 30 Nov
St Andrew's Day

Private view Sunday at the printroom Sweffling of their four artist show Cultivating Landscape.  ... wine, tea, cake and conversation in our warm studio ... impossible to resist. Tea - the cup that cheers but does not inebriate

mo 16 Oct

Thomas Mills show at the Sweffling Print RoomFriday and Saturday there was a fund raising show at the Print Room Sweffling of art works by Thomas Mills Framlingham pupils and staff to improve the art room equipment.  We visited Saturday and were told Friday had been packed for the raffle and the many gaps on the walls are sales ... steady selling was still happening Saturday pm.

mo 9 Oct
Slate Barn

Balthazar and Samuel Gaulier at the Slate Barn SwefflingSaturday night the Slate Barn Sweffling was transformed into a slightly improvised (the foyer was a tent) but fully functioning theatre.  Essential components were a stage, lighting (including a glitter ball), sound system, catering and if a bit awkward to access a sizeable dressing room.  An invited full house that slightly strained the car park were musically and theatrically entertained by the debut of Slate Barn Arts, what a lovely and local venue for future shows.

mo 13 Jul
field dance

Sweffling field danceAs always Saturday's Sweffling field dance was an absolute joy with smiling faces, laughter and good old fashioned fun ... it!

sa 11 Jul

♫ The annual Sweffling field dance is always magic and it's tonight.  Sweffling field dance

sa 20 Jun

Sweffling Field Dance 2015There has been a question mark over this year's Sweffling neé Rendham Field Dance but told today it's definitely going ahead second Saturday in July, bar and hog roast of course. ♫

th 17 Jul

Saturday's field dance may have moved a short walk along the B1119 from Rendham

Sweffling field dance

to Sweffling but as always happy faces and flying hair on the ladies (and some of the gentlemen too).

tu 13 Aug

Tragically Liam Church, the motorbike pillion rider in the road accident on the B1119 near Framlingham earlier this month, died Sunday in Addenbrookes Hospital.  Liam's elder brother Michael who was driving the motorbike died at the scene of the accident, both brothers were from Sweffling.

th 27 Sep

A handbag was stolen from a car in the Sweffling Woodland Trust car park Tuesday afternoon, if memory serves that's not the first time.

sa 14 Apr

Inda Cottage SwefflingTwice a year Richard Atkinson and Rob Yates for a week pretty much put their home into store and transform their Sweffling cottage into a living collection of antique/collectible/useable still lifes for sale ... quite stunning stuff.  This week's show ends tomorrow but their next one will be in October.

tu 7 Feb

Aerial view of Sweffling windmillThanks to Ivan and Gosia we now know the Sweffling windmill (grid ref TM 634902 264054) is on the left up an apparently unnamed road off Low Road.  The base is a private home but a pic in the University of Kent collection shows the top was still on in 1933.

sa 28 Jan

Sweffling windmillThis postcard of Dennington shows that around 1943 the village didn't go as far as having a garage but the shopDennington around 1943 sold petrol, hand pumped of course and though perhaps we should know where the windmill in Sweffling was we don't.

mo 2 Jan

New year's eve the Sweffling White Horse was open and serving Brandeston Gold, and earlier thesps Bill Nighie and Diana Quick visited the Framlingham Bookshop.

fr 17 Jun

Weird, in Sweffling four cats and a dog have been poisoned by anti-freeze.

tu 15 Mar

Al Murray the pub landlordWe all know (or should know) what Al Murray the pub landlord thinks of pubs with a web site ... the Sweffling White Horse has a web site but hasn't been open for approaching eight years ... it's planning to re-open this summer.

tu 11 Aug

It's the very pleasant Sweffling Village Fete this Saturday and though the tug of war has gone there's all the usual stuff plus belly dancing, tractor rides, a fun dog show and most important a beer tent (we'd guess Earl Soham beer, it was last time we went).

sa 6 Jun

'Kathie' from Sweffling ... it's taken two months but 'Kathie' from Sweffling has been identified.

we 1 Apr

Does anyone recognise 'Kathie' from Sweffling?

th 12 Mar

Be warned, trailer thefts in the Dennington, Easton and Sweffling areas.

sa 15 Mar

The Sweffling White Horse has been sold, now how long has that been shut?  Three years?

tu 21 Aug
village fete

Steam organ and little girl

A pint of VicSweffling village fete returned last Saturday after being away for bit (so we're told).  Although Boys and their toyswe didn't see any tug of war like the last time we went, there was a bouncy castle, steam organ, welly whanging, trailer rides, coconut shy, face painting , second hand book stall, beer tent (Earl Soham beer of course), half a dozen Chevrolet Corvettes, burgers, teas, stuff we can't remember and despite a slightly dour day it was all going very well!

A vintage tractor Coconut winner

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