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fr 31 Jan

Confusingly and superficially there seem to be two Framingham Flyers.

fr 17 Jan

Los Angeles resident and family man Van Neistat experiencing the fires with anticipated catastrophe including sneaking round police road blocks.

mo 13 Jan

Peterborough Royals Women's American Football recruiting coaches including the head variety. Peterborough Royals

fr 3 Jan

Amy Liptrot author of The OutrunFilm@Fram We encountered in the early hours The Outrun read on BBC radio by the lovely voice of Tracy Wiles.  We then read Amy Liptrot's autobiography of alcoholism, wild swimming and Scottish islands.  The memories are sufficiently sweet we didn't want to spoil them by seeing an unsatisfactory film but Mark Kermode's review has moved us to see it @ Film@Fram Wednesday.

su 29 Dec

Waterberry Zamsbesi LodgeTessa Prior Thompson and the Waterberry Lodge in Zambia took pity on us and our miserable East Anglian winter by buying us a good handful of much appreciated warming coffees.

th 27 Nov

That Sinking FeelingThat Sinking Feeling The UK's fastest selling property market is Grangemouth in Scotland.  Ironic that in That Sinking Feeling (the prequel to Gregory's Girl) it's a joke that one of the aspiring thieves has booked a holiday in Grangemouth though he's not sure where it is:)

In some circles the Mint 400 is a far, far better thing than the Superbowl, the Kentucky Derby and the Lower Oakland roller derby finals all rolled into one. Hunter S Thompson

th 14 Nov

The mention of Belgium confused us for a bit but it would seem power from the offshore of Suffolk wind farm will now land in Kent.

mo 11 Nov

Make America Great AgainWhy didn't Trump Make America Great Again when he was president last time?  Oh he did and Biden ungreated it again?  Righto.

we 6 Nov

Turkeys voting for ChristmasSo the turkeys have voted for Christmas ... when Trump tries to fiddle at his term end in 2028 will JD Vance be as honourable as Mike Pence?

we 30 Oct

Tour de France 2025Next year's Tour de France stays in France.  Starting in Lille the race spends seven stages on and around the Channel coast.  It then dives down to the Pyrenees, a stage finish on Mont Ventoux and a sprint finish back in Paris on the Champs-Elysees.

fr 30 Aug

Beryl and Clive - Sing or DieReturned from the Edinburgh Fringe where they had fun and probably pints of heavy Beryl and Clive are at the Halesworth Cut TONIGHT with Sing or Die - Their Musical (5 *s from The Student).

mo 12 Aug

Tour de France FemmesThe eight stage Tour de France Femmes starts today with the first four stages starting in Holland and the final stage ending on the Alpe d'Huez ... a bit serious then.

su 4 Aug

Men's Olympic road raceMaybe this is how the Tour de France should finish in Paris instead of the fans distant from the racing.  See it on the BBC red button after just a 3.5 hour wait ... and the last 30mins missing ...

th 27 Jun

Peterborough RoyalsSaturday we will be mostly photoing the Peterborough Royals at home to the Manchester Lions.  It's nine a side women's American football which includes kicking so when we say kickoff at 1pm we do actually mean kickoff at 1pm. Women's Gridiron

su 9 Jun

Ed Sheeran at the Fram Crown in 2005♫ No sightings for a while around near the coast of that there Ed Sheraton but last month he was seen at a wedding in Loders Dorset.

su 12 May

Bowled second balllIn Stradbroke yesterday the home team were at 60 runs when a middle order batsman was bowled second ball.  Next man in out first ball but impressively the tail wagged finishing at 106.  The visiting Colchester Cavaliers were scoring steadily when we started to feel hungry, no lunch.  Cricket teas seem to have joined affordable postage stamps and tomatoes that taste of something so we went home ... final score.

mo 29 Apr

Ipswich CardinalsThe forecast was even money rain for the Cardinals at Colchester Gladiators yesterday but the weather restrained itself to just spitting early on.  It ... more here

th 18 Apr

Gridiron UKThe British American football season's second week Sunday with the Norwich Devils at home to the London Olympians and Ipswich Cardinals away to East Essex Sabres at Deanes Sports Centre Benfleet.

fr 9 Feb

♫ The impressively careered Dana Gillespie and the impressively numerous London Blues Band play the Ipswich Jazz Club this Sunday afternoon.  American football in East AngliaRegrettably we'll be in Colchester for UEA Pirates v Essex Blades:(

we 17 Jan

Buy us a coffeeMaking us feel internationally glamorous Tessa Prior Thompson bought us a coffee from the Victoria Falls.

sa 7 Oct

Women's gridironWhen rugby ended at Shelford near Cambridge Sunday the staff locked up the pavilion and departed leaving three women's flag american football ... more here

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