we 13 Dec 2023 | Film@Fram showing Barbie tonight, can't wait to soak in all that pinkness ... Best day evah.
we 6 Dec 2023 | The flooding in Framlingham last month must have been very distressing for some and disruptive for many. Framlingham Library is collating peoples' stories for a scrap book to be donated to the Lanman Museum. Just one side of A4 to participate.
mo 4 Dec 2023 | Drinking water in Crown and Anchor Alley Framlingham. |
fr 27 Oct 2023 | We left out in yesterday's list the Con Club in Church Street another departed Framlingham bar you could be social in. |
th 26 Oct 2023 | When Ange was landlady of the Framlingham Railway she would opine that the town would lose two of its pubs. Since then the White Horse has gone, so has the British Legion which had a bar and the Crown and Anchor has been in a vegetative state for ever but perhaps she wouldn't have imagined the Railway might fold then an Adnams pub.
we 25 Oct 2023 | The Elms car park Framlingham features in the report that the Met Office will conduct a full review of our forecasts and warnings.
tu 24 Oct 2023 | Weeks back prompted by a text we tried to sign up for flood warnings but apparently we weren't entitled. Despite this on Friday we got a telephone message warning of floods but of course after the flooding had started.
sa 21 Oct 2023 Storm Babette | That was exciting yesterday in Framlingham though no fun for the people with flooded houses. On the way to Parham the grass verge had slid down blocking half the road and we think the Framlingham Station opened early for those drivers who'd given up and parked out front.
fr 20 Oct 2023 | 12:30pm: Just gave up trying to get from Framlingham to Wickham Market, lots of flooding some quite deep and a landslip blocking half the road before Parham. |
we 18 Oct 2023 Ed Sheraton | ♫ Blimey, was that there Ed Sheraton ever this young? Here he his in the Framlingham Crown as part of the 2005 Talent Off The Hill which followed on from that's right Talent On The Hill which predictably was outside and yes right again on the hill.
su 1 Oct 2023 | Ernie came back to his Framlingham home and then went missing again.  |
we 20 Sep 2023 | Framlingham's last community copper was PC Andrea Honeywood. Andrea retired in 2007 and in November 2020 we started the page Andrea's Beat relaying police reports in tribute to her. Police reports have become much briefer for this short attention world and we now report them where they happened ... so reluctantly we've retired Andrea's Beat. |
fr 8 Sep 2023 | In Framlingham yesterday the Tour of Britain flashed past as usual but nice to see the Tommy Mills kids out in the sunshine for a shout and a wave.
we 6 Sep 2023 | After 126 years the Framlingham Barclays bank closed the Friday before last. The cash dispenser and signs have gone, they'll need a carpenter to close the lobby doors which have no keyhole on the outside. 30 years ago Felixstowe was the nearest LINK cash dispenser to near the coast and Aldeburgh complained it had no ATM for visitors wanting to spend money ... what goes round comes round.
tu 29 Aug 2023 | If the Community Rooms in Framlingham are open it can be handy to know that the toilets are in the foyer. |
mo 28 Aug 2023 | ♫ Yesterday Polly Gibbons and family on the telly, BBC1 right at the end. |
sa 26 Aug 2023 | Despite blue passports the Framlingham Barclays closed yesterday, in November it's the Southwold Barclays, next year the world? |
we 23 Aug 2023 | The HSBC bank in Church Street closed in December 2013 and the cash dispenser removed with later knock on effects. After 126 years (thank you brandeston.net) the Barclays on the Market Hill is closing FRIDAY. A safe(ish) assumption the ATM will go leaving just the one in the Co-op car park which is a rather hidden to visitors.
th 10 Aug 2023 | Ernie is slender and nervous and has been missing from Castle Brooks Framlingham for quite a while. |
su 6 Aug 2023 | Relentless Framlingham rain yesterday didn't spoil the wedding in St Michael's or the fundraiser to create an inclusive children's space in the library. |
we 2 Aug 2023 | The Suffolk guessing game around road closures now has a variant, guessing which footpaths will be closed. This one is off Fairfield Crescent Framlingham.
fr 28 Jul 2023 | We first encountered Suffolk Swords when they visited Framlingham in May. They return Saturday 5 August for Knight's Tales in the library. A free all day entertainment for children no doubt welcome now the summer hols have started.
th 6 Jul 2023 | Some Framlingham shops shut for lunch. Perhaps the town council could reintroduce sweet and sugar rationing to enhance that post war austerity atmosphere as a tourist attraction, imagine the fun in the Co-op when a blow in tries to buy a bar of Dairy Milk:)
mo 3 Jul 2023 | Friday when the very large towed screen in front of the Framlingham Crown fired up advertising the Tour of Britain Bridget asked what is was all about and we completely misinformed her. We now know Thursday 7 September it's coming to Fram via Debenham (so her dad can enjoy complaining about the disruption) and then on to Saxmundham.
th 29 Jun 2023 | Around the turn of the century we saw an East Anglian Film Archive show in what was the St Michael's Rooms. One short was about the four day 1931 pageant at Framlingham Castle that paid for the Pageant Field which nowadays is packed with facilities. The film is listed in the archive's catalogue but not available on line.
tu 20 Jun 2023 | Around 00:40 in this BBC vid kitten biscuits meat flavoured, not fish flavoured are recommended for hedgehogs. Here in Stately Terrace Framlingham the piggies happily tuck into herring and tuna with vegetables GoCat ... perhaps they're an Aldeburgh fishing community displaced by the high property prices.
sa 10 Jun 2023 | Last night we were standing outside the second to last house on the Badingham Road waiting for the Friday 5 to pass. The owners arrived in a car and falling into conversation with the gentleman of the house he offered us a drink and/or a chair ... Framlingham eh?
fr 9 Jun 2023 | At last week's Gala parade we met some of Framlingham Friends, Musicians and Singers. They get together in the Castle Inn twice a month to socialise and sing. ♫ |
th 1 Jun 2023 | In recent decades 22 Bridge Street Framlingham has been a watchmakers, the Munchbox, the Bridge Street Cafe and finally the Common Room. Now it's had a paint job and looks like it's going to be a corner shop not on a corner.
tu 30 May 2023 | Strangely comforting to have the Framlingham Gala Parade back yesterday. The Market Hill and the Bridge and Church Streets were packed with a resulting sea of humanity following the parade on to the Castle Meadow.
su 28 May 2023 | It's been a while since we've encountered a Framlingham wedding and Rachel and Adam's this afternoon was our first at the Unitarian Meeting House. The purple of guests Pretty Grim Border Morris was echoed in the bride's dress and the medieval knights remained non-combative. The couple left in a steam car that dripped a little and had a very LOUD horn ...
su 21 May 2023 | After over 30 years yesterday was Victoria Bell's last day in a Framlingham Bookshop busy with well wishers saying farewell and leaving goodbye cards and pressies. The bookshop will continue under the new management of Dr Chris ...
sa 5 May 2023 | Nothing except bunting on the Market Hill Framlingham to mark the Coronation but behind a closed door in St Michael's a good if quiet house is watching on a large screen.
fr 4 May 2023 | Some of the roofs in two of the new estates viewed from Victoria Mill Road Framlingham. The proposed 35 house development will block this view. |
tu 2 May 2023 | In 2019 Designated Public Place Orders (DPPO) were replaced by Public Space Protection Orders and the district council set a budget to remove the DPPO signs but then pandemic disruption occurred. Around near the coast the signs seem to have gone except for this one by College Road Framlingham which has used skillful camouflage to go feral.
mo 3 Apr 2023 | Yes, it's pretty chaotic in Framlingham this morning and for a while, when we passed it would have helped if the temporary traffic lights were actually working. |
we 29 Mar 2023 | Rolling 2017-2013 has become rolling 2018-2013 and now includes The Little Mermaid on off ice skates and in Framlingham and the demise of the Red White and Bruise Rollers and.
tu 28 Mar 2023 | Yesterday artists Anne Townshend and Julie Orpen were preparing in No 10 Church Street Framlingham (what was the Con Club) a selling show of their very accessible prints. The show runs from today until Sunday.
mo 27 Mar 2023 | JOBS Staff wanted in Framlingham for Watson and Walpole, the Ice Cream Shop and opening tomorrow week in Crown and Anchor Alley bar Beviamo (it's Italian (well it would be wouldn't it) for Let's drink apparently). |
we 8 Mar 2023 traffic lights | After two years the temporary traffic lights in Fairfield Road Framlingham have gone leaving a shiny new fence and tarmac pavement but doing nothing about the giant tree in the ditch that is the River Ore and no doubt causes the flooding. |
fr 17 Feb 2023 | The Framlingham Crown re-opens today presumably with a shiny new kitchen. |
we 15 Feb 2023 | Janet Weston's funeral is 2:00pm Saturday at St Michael's Framlingham with extra parking on the Castle Meadow. |
tu 31 Jan 2023 | John Grose in Station Road Framlingham shut three years ago today and despite some recent activity still no sign of it becoming a supermarket ... perhaps it won't. |
| Each week day in Framlingham there's a different warm space offering a hot beverage and no doubt a bit of company. |
th 26 Jan 2023
 | Similar to Framlingham's allotment expansion Woodbridge town council are looking for land to become allotments. Friend of ntc Peter Brockett has suggested the proposed Stackton Tressel allotment expansion should be careful Woodbridge tc don't snipe the land behind the Trouser Museum. |
fr 10 Feb 2023 | At the top of Fore Street Framlingham on the right there's an unmade road marked on maps as Infirmary Lane, after winding for a bit it ends at what might be has been a farmhouse and continues as a footpath. This 1947 OS map sort of marks the building as Infirmary (Infectious Diseases). Search Infirmary in the Framlingham Archive and you get a 1930 pic of the East Anglians camped near the Infirmary. CF Dowsing was Framlingham's other photographer with a studio in Double Street but we find it unlikely this Hospital Convalescence Home was at the end of Infirmary Lane.
we 11 Jan 2023 | Each week day in Framlingham there's a different warm space offering a hot beverage and no doubt a bit of company. We were uncertain of the Mills Charity Office's location but thanks to Colin now know it's next to hairdresser Ellen Ross at the mini-roundabout end of College Road. |
mo 9 Jan 2023
 | JOBS The Framlingham chippy is looking for part time staff, St Elizabeth Hospice needs furniture van drivers at the Martlesham Retail Centre and you have until tomorrow to apply as Homework Club Assistant for the Eastern Angles in Ipswich. |