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Framlingham in 2020

we 30 Dec

Police sign in Fairfield Road FramlinghamWhen the River Ore overflowed into Fairfield Road on Boxing Day we thought something had dammed the river causing the rise in level but it was a very leaning tree already there.  The police's approximated warning sign was still there this morning ...

su 13 Dec

Perhaps the reason why there were no apparent tubs (used to be tins) of Quality Street in the Wickham Market Co-op was they'd all gone to the Fram Co-op? ... we've got ours.

sa 12 Dec

Last night a festive Ho Ho Hoedown from Man and Boy in the Hats.

tu 8 Dec

The scaffolding around the the pharmacy has finally gone and The Crown is closing tomorrow until the spring.

fr 27 Nov

Ground mist in the Fen Meadow last night and the picnic tables have gone from outside the Castle Inn.

sa 21 Nov

Here's why Fairfield Road was closed by the junction with Brick Lane but as of yesterday though the Road Closed signs were still in place a car can now get through.

tu 17 Nov

Unlike last lockdown churches are open this time and the elegant simplicity of the Unitarian provides quiet reflection Tuesday mornings.

mo 16 Nov

Yesterday walking near New Road the sun appeared before petulant rain reappeared after we'd returned to Stately Terrace ... seems unlikely eh?

su 15 Nov

Recently we've noticed four maybe five parking tickets in Framlingham which is probably four maybe five more than we've noticed in the past two decades ...

fr 13 Nov

Friday the 13thHardware shop Bridges and Garrard have returned to entry from their car park at the back and some new to us faces in the shop.

sa 7 Nov

The entrance to the cemetery has been opened up and much improved by removing the two hedges.

su 18 Oct

Chloe Lawrence busking on the Market Hill FramlinghamYesterday on the Market Hill no Carl Jones fruit and veg (he's hurt his back) but new to us busker Chloe Lawrence.  Today the College's sports field in New Road has no rugby goal posts ... no doubt something to do with Covid-19. ♫

su 4 Oct

 JOBS  The College have a one year contract for an HR Assistant, applications close midday Wednesday plus Watson & Walpole are recruiting an Assistant Restaurant Manager.

tu 15 Sep

Daisy Cooper in Aldeburgh and 2010Born in Suffolk Daisy Cooper went to Fram College, was Suffolk Coastal prospective parliamentary candidate in 2010 and in 2014 looked like a shoo in for the Lib Dem presidency.  Daisy is now MP for St Albans and this week was elected deputy leader of her party ... we need more politicians called Daisy.

fr 11Sep

Bullace tree in FramlinghamPretty certain that this tree in a hedge between Fairfield Road and Infirmary Lane is a bullace.  Too much of a cowardy custard to try one.

fr 21 Aug

Green acorns in Fairfield Crescent FramlinghamToday the swirling winds of Storm Ellen have caused the oak at the end of Fairfield Crescent to copiously shed still green acorns all over the bridge and pavement.  On the the other side of the bridge the wind prompted a hollyhock to headbutt us as we passed:)

tu 18 Aug

The Framlingham in 2012-14 Facebook album has become Framlingham in 2012-15.

su 16 Aug

The Darcy B ladySome planting and pea shingle has much improved the Con Club.  Darcy B have closed their Woodbridge shop and though in Fram the lady by the entrance has gone Darcy B will be returning to the Market Hill early next month.

sa 15 Aug

Man in the HatA gratifying sign of normality Man in the Hat is playing the Railway tonight ... you'll need a ticket..

we 5 Aug

Yesterday's road accident in Station Road.

sa 1 Aug

What happened at the Crown in 2005 and 2004.

fr 31 Jul

Steady(ish) single digit daily new confirmed Covid-19 cases in Suffolk over the last week or so,  More scary a total of four deaths in Framlingham and Hacheston ... sixty fifth reason to be cheerful Kalinda with a sledgehammer.

we 29 Jul

Extremely young busker on the market yesterday making a very decent fist of Bob Dylan playing the harmonica.

sa 25 Jul

Today in Framlingham.

su 19 Jul

Horses, carriages and people by the Framlingham StationBy the Station early yesterday afternoon there was a gathering of horses, carriages and people.  Fooled by some white ribbons on one of the carriages we assumed it was a wedding but no, it was friends meeting to remember other friends.

th 16 Jul

Watson and Walpole's pizza oven chimneyToday what was the Lemon Tree in Church Street fired up the pizza oven at the back in Crown and Anchor Lane.  It re-opens next week as W&W Watson and Walpole.

mo 6 Jul

East Anglia's Children's Hospices shop re-opens today.  As there's usually me too involved expect the other charity shops to do similar soonish.

sa 4 Jul

Framlingham today.

fr 3 Jul

Framlingham this week.

sa 27 Jun

Play Area ClosedThe roads on the Castle Keep development on Fairfield Road have names though Google maps have yet to catch up.  Regrettably the charming children's play area has been closed during the present coronavirus pandemic.

fr 19 Jun

That's what those F15s in formation were doing over Fram yesterday.

tu 16 Jun

Daisy popular dog walkerEncouragingly shopping hints of normality today.  Queuing to shop is the new black, what is the much missed stationers Barnes Rosher has a good looking coat of grey paint and dog walker Daisy is clearly popular.

mo 15 Jun

Shopping today.

su 14 Jun

No coffee on teh market until the new quarter next month.

tu 2 Jun

Framlingham today.

mo 1 Jun

On Saturday bar manager Adam told us the Station will be serving pizzas (take way only) from Thursday.  We do miss the Station's sociability ... and the Vic of course.

su 31 May

 JOB  Factory manager wanted, as the ideal candidate will have previous experience within Fibreglass/Composites we could make a good guess at who it is.

sa 30 May

Excellent, hardware store Bridges and Garrard has re-opened.

mo 25 May

Sally Butcher and a man who smoked a lotIn 2004 town council meetings moved to Robert Hitcham's school, the St John hut in Fairfield Road was demolished at the end of the year and Get Together Drops played at the Midsummer Madness.  Pix on that there Facepack.

th 21 May

Two Spitfires over Fram this afternoon.

tu 19 May

The Gala Princesses 2014The cancellation of next Monday's Gala Parade is only the second cancellation since 1948.  The parade was cancelled in 2007 because of torrential rain.  To prompt a little nostalgia the parade now has its own album on our Facebook page.

we 13 May

A man has been charged with the Darsham and Potter's petrol station burglaries and ramming a police car.

tu 12 May

Dumper truck in Infirmary Lane FramlnghamBack in January we noticed that construction vehicles on the A14 improvements had gained a green flashing lamp along with the amber, port and starboard?  The driver of this dumper in Infirmary Lane explained the amber lamp shows the engine is running and via a seat sensor the green that a driver is onboard.

mo 11 May

Framlingham last week (mostly).

su 10 May

Unlike today's blowy and miserable overcast yesterday was a lovely day making the market particularly pleasant.

sa 9 May

A Norfolk Constabulary police car parked in Victoria Mill Road.

sa 9 May

Last week (mostly).

we 6 May

Suffolk ConstabularyIf not a crime wave around near the coast at least a ripple.  Last night both Darsham and Potter's Framlingham petrol stations were burgled, Friday a quad bike was stolen in the Yoxford area and about the same time two expensive looking bicycles were stolen from a Woodbridge shed.

tu 5 May

Temporary traffic lights in Albert Place.

mo 4 May

Today the Co-op returned to its normal opening hours.

Sat 2 May

Framlingham Co-op ice bucketSuffolk, or at least Co-ops near the coast, have rediscovered the ice bucket challenge.   Yesterday in front of a few socially distanced onlookers a very good handful of Co-op staff were cheerfully dunked by their co-workers.  If we'd paid more attention we would know which charity benefitted but we do know Wickham Market Co-op have been challenged to do the same thing.

sa 25 Apr

This week ... mostly queuing eh?

th 23 Apr
St George's Day

Man in the Hat♫ Man in the Hat's virtual hoedown last week was a triumph with a sea of appreciative comments.  He's doing it again tomorrow week ... well why wouldn't you?

su 19 Apr


sa 18 Apr


mo 13 Apr

Work stopped on the Castle Keep development in Fairfield Road.

su 12 Apr

Easter SundayHopefully you've found lots of Easter eggs?  The egg hunt in Stately Terrace was pretty straight forward.

su 5 Apr

This difficult time.

fr 3 Apr

Walking and clapping on the Market Hill 8pm last night we could hear saucepans being banged, a siren and clapping but it could easily do with more clappers next Thursday.

th 26 Mar

Despite an extra pharmacist the chemists are two days behind with prescriptions and the Co-op is open but the Market Hill entrance is shut.

we 25 Mar

Today ...

tu 24 Mar

PC TipsSunday we had our first virtual dinner London-Dorset-Framlingham-Zurich via Zoom and an iPad.  Quite touching to see and hear Lady KRJ's two little boys chattering and eating spaghetti.  Helps if you can get your device a little away, it puts you in context:)

su 22 Mar

 JOB  Care assistant wanted at Mills Meadow, perhaps even more so in the present circumstances.

we 18 Mar

Campsea Ashe Spring Fayre cancelledAldeburgh Cinema has closed for the duration so we won't get to see Emma this afternoon but the Woodbridge Riverside seems to be partially functioning.  The Red Rooster festival near Thetford has been postponed to September and Life Arts have postponed April's Woodbridge festival to next year.  All Snape Maltings music events cancelled until the end of April (we were lucky), the Phoenix Singers concert in Framlingham next month cancelled as is the Campsea Ashe Spring Fayre this Saturday and still only three virus cases in Suffolk.

mo 16 Mar

Plenty of paracetamol and cat litter in the Coop yesterday but judging by the shelf mouthwash is the new panic buy.

fr 13 Mar

 JOB  The Crown is recruiting a full time supervisor/team leader.

tu 3 Mar

Film @ Fram - The FarewellTomorrow's Film @ Fram (these days it's in the Unitarian and £6 for non-members) is the multilingual The Farewell.

tu 25 Feb

Stationers Barnes Rosher closing 29 Feb 2020Tragedy!  After 40 years the wonderful stationers Barnes Rosher slightly hidden in a corner of the Market Hill is closing this Saturday the 29th ... so regrettably something else we'll be buying online.  Why is everything happening on the 29th this February?  What if it wasn't a leap year?

tu 18 Feb

Shelves of toys in Bridges and GarrardWhen what is now Carley Hill Hair and Framlingham Travel was Carley & Webb it had a small but enjoyable toy department.  Shortly after C&W changed hands maybe 15 years ago we saw a supermarket trolley of toys being pushed away from from the shop.  What goes round comes round and Bridges and Garrard are filling the retail gap.

su 2 Feb

♫ New to us a youthful busker on Framlingham market yesterday.

tu 28 Jan

Kate's Reading Club for ChildrenKate's Reading Club for Children runs 10:00am-12:00pm Saturdays in the library, read your own, the school's or the library's books.

su 26 Jan
Australia Day

The Framlingham Woodcraft Folk Facebook pageWoodcraft Folk develops children's self confidence and awareness of the world, encouraging equality, friendship and co-operation.  The Framlingham group meet during term time 6:00-7:30pm Mondays in the Unitarian.

tu 21 Jan
John Grose

We thought it was going to be end of the month but John Grose in Station Road have pretty much moved out.

fr 17 Jan

Trailer Trash are back (always a good sign) at the Castle Inn tomorrow.

su 12 Jan

Last Monday of the month Stowmarket auctioneers Bishop & Miller will be valuing antiques 10:00am-01:00pm at the Crown.

th 9 Jan

Christmas' advent windows in Double Street raised £933.25 for the Ipswich Hospital Children's Appeal and Save the Children.  That's nearly 50% more than 2018's £640.

tu 7 Jan

No Coffee Pod on the market today, Antony has hurt his back.

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