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th 9 Jan

Anorak Alert No.66: Canadian tv prog How It's Made it's fount not font of all knowledge.

th 31 Oct

nearthecoast digest subscriber Andy Fordyce emailed that he likes to think Victoria Coren Mitchell's 'slip' (below) was to 'amuse' her husband ... could very well be eh?

we 30 Oct
St Andrew's Day

Victoria Coren Mitchell chairing Only ConnectAnorak Alert No.65: On Monday's Only Connect (around 5:22) Victoria Coren Mitchell a little uncertainly credited the made up game Numberwang to Armstrong and Miller.  Embarrassingly it was Mitchell and Webb (Mitchell as in David Mitchell her husband).  While we're here try Eleanor Morton's parody Every Only Connect Team Intro.

sa 5 Oct

Anorak Alert No.64: The SIDS DITCH sign hasn't got an apostrophe ... ok picky picky.

tu 16 Jul

The Great on Channel 4Anorak Alert No.63: Surprisingly Peter III Emperor of Russia only ruled for the first half of 1762.  In series 1 episode 5 of The Great the royal foodie speaks of something involving loganberries.  The fruit was first crossbred in 1881 by James Harvey Logan .. picky eh?

tu 2 Jul

CERNAnorak Alert No.62: We like Tim Hartford the undercover economist and Radio 4's More or Less but last night in Skint he reckoned the world wide web is a British invention.  Well Tim Berners-Lee is British but he made the first pass at the web in Switzerland whilst working for CERN a European organisation.

fr 3 May

Billy Crystal in When Harry Met SallyAnorak Alert No.61: Early in When Harry Met Sally Billy Crystal is spitting grape pips out the passenger window, cut to medium shot of the car passing with the passenger window shut, back to BC spitting pips out the passenger window ... alright picky picky eh.

mo 25 Mar

Jimmy 'Schnozzle' DuranteAnorak Alert No.60: In the very excellent drama Eric and Ernie repeated last week on BBC 4 when Eric is clearly doing a Jimmy Schnozzle Durante impression complete with a paper cup the subtitles say it's Groucho Marx ...

tu 20 Feb

Anorak Alert No.59: During taxi driver Daniel's brilliant dash to the airport he overtakes a green Mini twice ... alright picky picky eh.

tu 23 Jan

Professor Hannah FryAnorak Alert No.58: If the second signal is inverted it's not really exactly the same Professor Fry ... alright picky picky eh:)

sa 13 Jan

Anorak Alert No.57: On Desert Island Discs Lauren Laverne maintains the urban myth that The Hollies were part of 1960s Merseybeat despite being from Manchester.

tu 14 Nov

Anorak Alert No.56: Someone at the Beeb seems to think Hollesley Bay prison is in Woodbridge.  They're only out by seven miles.

sa 7 Oct

Lola Campbell as Georgie in ScrapperAnorak Alert No.55: Really enjoyed seeing whimsical Scrapper A frame of filmat the cinema but when 12 year old Georgie's estranged dad tells her to scrape the frame numbers off the stolen bikes ...  Frame numbers are usually stamped into a lug and need filing off.

sa 22 Jul

Anorak Alert No.54:  A trope or maybe urban myth that white blues type guitarists like Jeff Beck got that rough sound by slitting their speaker cones but Dear BBC the Kinks' Dave Davies cut up his amplifier and stuck it back together with drawing pins? ♫

tu 23 May

Anorak Alert No.53: ♫ On Radio 3's In Tune last night both presenter Sean Rafferty and The Kings Singers thought Walpole just outside Aldeburgh ... from the moon it is.

su 12 Mar

Anorak Alert No.52:  Sarah Beeny's New Life In The Country might want to tell their sub-titles that it's signet as in her husband's signet ring and not cygnet which is a young swan.

mo 23 Jan

Eric Ravilious  1903-1942Anorak Alert No.51:  We like Eric Ravilious' careful and faintly other worldly watercolours.  Last week we enjoyed the feature documentary film Eric Ravilious Drawn to War but were slightly irritated by a hand shown using an open bottle of Quink and a fountain pen as a dip pen.

mo 12 Dec

TV presenter Henry ColeAnorak Alert No.50:  In series two episode nineteen of Shed and Buried presenter Henry Cole says to BFF Sam Lovegrove as they are driving to Suffolk If I went to a posh school ... Henry went to Eton for feck's sake.

fr 21 Oct
Trafalgar Day - 21 October 1805

Anorak Alert No.49:  Someone on the radio described LS Lowry's Going To The Match as nostalgic with flat caps ... he had obviously not seen the painting which has sold for £7.8 million.

sa 10 Sep
World Suicide Prevention Day

Around the World in 80 DaysAnorak Alert No.48:  On Radio 4Ex today cuddly Michael Palin recalling his return from Around the World in 80 Days after some hesitancy concluded that the container lorry that met him at Felixstowe docks took him to Ipswich railway station ... it didn't.

tu 16 Aug

2.5ltr French motorbike at Andy Tiernan'sAnorak Alert No.47:  In the first episode of Bangers & Cash: Restoring Classics when the "expert" finally identifies the French moped as a Derny stock film is shown not of Dernys but big motors pacing cycle track racing .  Once upon a time Andy Tiernan came back from a German auction with such a 2500c moto ... the Brooks saddle is British.

we 13 Jul

Portable wind up gramophoneAnorak Alert No.46:  Dodgy David Dickinson's Real Deal dealer Alison Chapman when offered a portable wind up gramophone said that 78 records were made of wax and the stereo comes out here.

tu 21 Jun

Laura Kampf - KolnAnorak Alert No.45:  Perhaps this is being overly picky as the entertaining Laura Kampf is speaking German but the sub-titles call a slug a snail.

mo 23 May

Anorak Alert No.44:  Some people don't know the difference between meter which measures something and metre the metric unit of length ... we didn't use to know either:)

fr 15 Apr

Anorak Alert No.43:  Flog It visiting seaside town Morecambe has presenter Paul Martin saying comedians Morecambe and Wise saw military service during WWII.  Well not really, Ernie was in the merchant navy and Eric was a Bevin Boy.

we 16 Mar

Anorak Alert No.42:  The graphic in this GCN YouTube on cycle speedway has the riders going round the wrong way, like roller derby, NASCAR and most grass track it's turn left.

th 27 Jan
Holocaust Remembrance Day

Oluseyi Junior Smith graduating at Leicseter UniAnorak Alert No.41:  Journalists are often vague about where Suffolk is.  They get it confused with Sussex and Norfolk.  Today BBC Suffolk news includes a dancing Leicester University graduate and on the red button a Manningtree boy who knows a lot about Harry Potter.

tu 18 Jan

Anorak Alert No.40:  On ITV3 the episode Maigret on Home Ground with Michael Gambon as the French policeman has him bribing a small boy with green grenadine and fizzy water... we don't think so.

tu 9 Nov

A concertinaAnorak Alert No.39:  On Dodgy David Dickinson's Real Deal throughout a transaction both the punter and dealer referred to a concertina as an accordion. ♫

we 3 Nov

Michael Gambon as Chief Inspector MaigretAnorak Alert No.38:  The blurb write on the back of this Maigret DVD seems to think the iconic French detective was Belgian, perhaps they're confusing him with Poirot or that author George Simenon was a Belgian.

su 19 Sep

Anorak Alert No.37:  Sir Clive Sinclair invented the pocket calculator ... we don't think so.

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