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fr 7 Feb

Cannondale Bad BoyA Wilby shed was forced open between Sunday and Tuesday and a black Cannondale Bad Boy hybrid bicycle stolen.  Any info about this incident please contact Suffolk police quoting crime reference 37/6913/25, you can call 101.

we 13 Mar

Saturday the Wilby WI Craft Fair with bacon rolls until noon.

fr 17 Mar

Lots of upcoming sociability in the Wilby village hall.  Tonight pizzas, free live music and the chance to be in a film.

we 15 Feb

Suffolk ConstabularyA shed in Worlingworth Road Wilby was entered between 10pm Sunday and 7am Monday 13th and hand tools stolen plus a vehicle and equipment damaged.  Any info contact police quoting crime ref 37/8930/23, you can call 101.

sa 4 Feb

Lots of upcoming sociability in Wilby village hall starting today with the Six Nations on the big screen plus the bar open and between matches food (probably hot dogs).

fr 2 Aug

Tonight it's pub night (at club prices) in the Wilby Coronation Hall.

tu 7 Jun

It has taken us a while to notice but last month Wilby Village Hall installed electric vehicle chargers.

sa 9 Apr

It's the Grand National and Wilby are making a day of it.

su 30 Jan

Next Saturday the rugby Six Nations live on a big screen in the Wilby village hall bar 2-7pm.

th 20 Jan

It's a good looking menu for Wilby's Family Foodie Night tomorrow but regrettably no bookings still the bar will be open.

sa 30 Nov

Perhaps overly forward planning but then it is December tomorrow and Wilby is having a New Year's party.

sa 17 Nov

♫ Tonight in Wilby Coronation Hall Swing Jive/Rock & Roll, Salsa, Cajun to Caribbean, Irish and Bluegrass (they left out Choral) dancing to Buckshee.

mo 3 Sep

Expect tomorrow the Wilby village lunches to start again after the summer break, two courses (including roasties, Yorkshires, three veggies and gravy), all welcome.

th 28 Jun

The Jules Rimet TrophyThis evening Wilby village hall and bar opens at 6:45pm for 7:00pm kickoff of England v Belgium on the big screen and Saturday 11:30am-2:00pm the Wilby Primary School Summer Fair with a Science Extravaganza.

mo14 May

St Mary's Wilby has a drop in coffee morning tomorrow.

th 10 May

Wild Willy Barrett's French ConnectionWild Willy Barrett was one half of ♫ Really Free with John Otway, and surprisingly played at race driver Gerry Marshall's funeral.  Willy's current band French Connection will be playing Wilby Village Hall tomorrow... seems unlikely eh?  (BTW Otway's House of the Rising Sun is brilliant.) ♫

su 29 Apr

Wilby WIWilby Women's Institute have Diane Palmer, Amanda Austin, Alex Gwyn, Claire Evans-Hendrick and Fiona Patrick swimathoning today when they each swim 1km at Stradbroke pool in aid of Marie Curie and Cancer Research ... they are doing very well.

we 18 Apr

Nearly new sale of clothing, jewellery, handbags, stuff and refreshments by the WI 10:00-12:00pm Saturday in the Coronation Hall, Wilby.

we 16 Apr

Nearly new sale of clothing, jewellery, handbags, stuff and refreshments by the WI 10:00-12:00pm Saturday in the Coronation Hall, Wilby.

th 22 Mar

♫ Saturday Buckshee will be playing their multiple musical styles in the Wilby village hall to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. ♫

su 10 Dec

Tuesday the everybody welcome Ladybird Christmas Lunch in Wilby. bloody Christmas ... eh?

su 25 Jun

Judging by the figures/scarecrows/mannequins in people's gardens as we drove through Wilby last Sunday it was fete day ... particularly like Let's make Wilby great again.

tu 4 Apr

Driving by Wilby we saw in the distance and the corner of our eye this flash of yellow and thought Ah, the oil seed rape's out.

tu 28 Jun

Passing Saturday the hanging baskets were back outside St Mary Wilby.

su 12 Jun

The two beautifully tended hanging baskets usually at the entrance to St Mary Wilby were not there when we passed by today.

sa 4 Jul
American Independence Day

Like we said everything is happening today 4 July, Wilby school Summer Fayre, Bedfield barn dance, the Rendham fete, the monthly farmers market at the Snape Maltings and Le Tour kicks off with a prologue time trial in Holland.  'Why's it called the Tour of France if it's in Holland?'  'Oh p*ss off!'

th 7 May
Black Spot Day

10:17am  The Framlingham poll officer is already having to poke ballots in with a ruler, it does matter just bloody VOTE!

Brundish polling station03:23pm  We're hoping to see proxies (when a person nominates someone else to vote for them) of the emergency kind in use in Stradbroke.

06:50pm  Earlier we spoke to prospective parish councillor Richard Pierce-Saunderson outside the Stradbroke poll.  He was about to vote as an emergency proxy on some one else's behalf, we found it exciting.  There was a steady stream in out of the Stradbroke poll, very quiet in Wilby, quiet in Brundish and steady in Dennington.

08:21pm  Queue back to the door in Framlingham polling station.  You have to be in the queue by 10pm to get a ballot paper ... not long to go.

10:19pm  Too late now, Riverside Framlingham.

we 24 Dec

Hoxne Christmas lightsWhen we visited Hoxne three Christmases back to see Vix and the Kicks (she does make Wilby Christmas baskets the effort) we were impressed by the public festive lights and if anything they're better this year and a couple of villages away the hanging baskets at St Mary's Wilby are still being tended and have gained seasonal decorations.

tu 18 Sep

1937 LNER price listThis LNER (London and North Eastern Railway) price list shows that surprisingly (to us) in 1937 Wickham Market had markets on Mondays and Saturdays (return third class ticket from Darsham 1/6d, that's 7.5p).  Rather less surprisingly a return ticket Wilby-Ipswich (markets Tuesdays and Saturdays then in Ipswich) was just over four shillings but still a little surprising that somewhere as small as Wilby ever had a station.

tu 3 Jan

Wilby church tower may have scaffolding but the hanging baskets still look good.

tu 12 Jul

Wilby church flowersThe parked cars in Wilby Saturday for the school fete showed us that a nice day and a head teacher retiring at the end of term are a good combination ... plus the church had made an effort.

sa 26 Mar

Ballroom and sequence dancing to live music tonight in the Wilby Coronation Hall.

sa 19 Feb


Striking how many peeps from Worlingworth, Wilby and other villages in this vid (and a district councillor) all supporting save Stradbroke library.  Public meeting in Straddy community centre 7:30 pm Monday.

su 17 Aug

Bride and groom Matt and Yo

Yolande is the Worlingworth Swan's landlady's daughter so when we were told it was happening in a marquee we assumed at the Swan but that was all in darkness ... a nice lady and her husband in Wilby village hall helped us find Matt and Yo's  wedding reception in a field a Young lady dancer with Charlotte mile and a bit from Wilby.  Outside the marquee garden flares made the setting striking and the pig roast was getting a good seeing to.  Inside there was a high tech disco Bridesmaid and all out dancerprojecting pics of the dancers, draught Adnams and inevitably much good times (despite the difficulties of high heels on grass) to the straight ahead, good time music of The Outlaws (liked the acapella You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling and the crowd, as they always do to our continued surprise, knew the words.

The Outlaws prompting much dancing

th 8 Nov

Tannington by Charles LaneLandscape photographer Charles Lane will be opening his studio in Wilby 10-5pm Saturday and Sunday this weekend.

th 11 Oct

Punch Taverns have certainly made an attractive proposition out of the Stradbroke White Hart and it looks like Wilby Village Hall is getting one of those glamorous rooftop terrace cafés ... but then again maybe it isn't.

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