su 15 Mar 2020 | Paris-Nice ended a day early yesterday, the UK Women's Tour (which has a stage finish in Felixstowe) postponed from its June start, both the Ipswich Cardinals and in Norwich the Iceni Spears have suspended training. Friday we were supposed to see Eric Church in that there London but yes, it was postponed. The world's going to be a bit duller for a while ...
fr 10 Jan 2020 | We've been to Dundee twice, a bit like Derby Day in Norwich. |
mo 2 Dec 2019 | In Norwich yesterday UEA Pirates v Birmingham Lions was abandoned in the third quarter. |
mo 30 Sep 2019 | UEA Prospects Saturday in Norwich had an impressive turnout of some 60 rookies including a woman player. (Last season several visitors had one or ... more here |
su 14 Jul 2019 | Norwich Devil #25 Joe Jacobs scoring the winning touch down last weekend has prompted comment. |
th 11 Jul 2019 | Driving from much of near the coast to Norwich there was no petrol station until Long Stratton and that one on the wrong side. Since May there's been a BP petrol station on the Scole A140/A143 roundabout near Diss. |
mo 3 Jun 2019 | The last three plays of Norwich Devils 31-31 Ipswich Cardinals yesterday seemed to confuse some of the players as much as it did us. In the event a draw ... more here |
th 4 Apr 2019 | Do you remember Alan and Henri landlords of the Framlingham Castle Inn around 2011? Henri moonlighted as a belly dancer? Stumbled across them from a roadside notice on the way to Norwich, since last year they've been the Diss Emporium.
su 3 Mar 2019 | Today drove on the A47 from Peterborough to Norwich, they does like a roundabout round there they does. |
mo 28 Jan 2019 | Yesterday in Norwich we noted that the UEA Pirates impressively had (rather like Country and Western) both kinds of running backs, big and bulling plus small and slippery. In the second quarter with the score 12-06 to UEA very regrettably #27 Jonas Eschenfelder for the visitors Imperial Immortals received a sufficient injury he couldn't be moved. After what must have been around an hour and no ambulance the game was ... more here
th 10 Jan 2019 | The Suffolk joke is There's a bloke in our village who's been to Norwich ... well he had to. We rather like Norwich with its market that always reminds us of a souq and it now has its own section on here. |
tu 11 Dec 2018 | Sunday we arrived in Norwich too late for the shaking of hands at UEA Pirates v CCU Chargers but not too late for a Charger to be ejected for illegal use of the helmet. Erin Jones 51 (one the Chargers' two women players) left injured in the first half and we think we saw she'd taken her pads off but she returned later to play offensive guard and was getting close up and personal ... more here
th 29 Nov 2018 | Norwich women's american football team the Iceni Spears are planning for the end of January joint training with the Essex and Peterborough teams followed by a seven a side contact tournament ... can't wait.
fr 9 Nov 2018 | Hotel Dunston Hall near Norwich on the A140 has already given up on Christmas and has an A board advertising a Lionel Ritchie tribute for near Valentine's.
th 1 Nov 2018 | This Sunday we will be mostly snapping the UEA Pirates v Queen Mary Vipers at the Colney Lane sports field Norwich ... a free day out. |
fr 12 Oct 2018 | Bonkers Conkers is happening this Sunday in or near(ish?) to Swainsthorpe near Norwich but that's all we know. |
su 7 Oct 2018 | The cafe in a Norwich Sainsburys has a Customer Self Clear Station ... it's a rack where you put your tray having eaten a £3 cheese sandwich. |
sa 28 Jul 2018 | It's going to be a busy Sunday tomorrow with the Dunwich Dynamo passing through near the coast in the early hours, open gardens in Double Street Framlingham, free step dancing at the Blaxhall Ship, classic car day at the Debach Airfield and St Lawrence's Brundish will be visited by The Right Reverend Martin Seeley Lord Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, probably the first visit by the diocesan bishop in sixty years and there's a picnic as well. We will be snapping the East Anglian american football derby of Norwich Devils at Ipswich Cardinals.
tu 15 May 2018 | No skate outs (when the skaters are introduced to the spectators) at Sunday's Norfolk Brawds' hosted British Championship roller derby bout in Norwich. ... more here |
tu 12 Dec 2017 | The Black Shucks v Rebellion Uprising in Norwich last Saturday observed and Norfolk Roller Derby's Christmas intra-league this Sunday.
mo 11 Dec 2017 | The Dunston Hall Hotel on the A140 just south of Norwich has an A board advertising a Burns Night ... let's get Christmas out the way first eh? |
sa 24 Jun 2017 | Too hot for roller derby In Norwich last Sunday but we did enjoy Surrey Roller Girl Ampersand What!'s good tempered interaction with an outside ref confirming what she was being penalised for. Derby name of the day Crazy Cat Lady, not clever, not punningly witty but probably refreshingly true.
mo 24 Apr 2017 | Sunday near Norwich the Iceni Spears were training for the autumn's Opal flag football series. Flag football is no (hopefully) contact American football where you're tackled if an opponent can grab a flag from your waist. The flags can be just football socks tucked into your waistband or like the Spears yellow streamers held in place by plastic poppers. The Spears have an everybody welcome flag rookie day next month.
th 23 Mar 2017 | Men's American football team Iceni Daggers has merged with the Norwich Devils who expect to be playing league football next year. |
tu 21 Mar 2017 | At the Sewell Park Academy Norwich Saturday the caretaker (he probably has a posher job title than that) untypically was friendly (he sorted out the machine giving us the wrong coffee) and actually watched the roller derby. The officials' sweetie stash included old fashioneds and surprisingly some remembered four ... more here
we 15 Mar 2017 | Saturday we thought we were going to photograph American football in Norwich but discovered it was just part of Derby Day when UEA plays Essex Uni at seventy different sports including ultimate frisby, women's rugby, futsal?, cheerleading both dance and stunt but no roller derby. A stunning introduction for us to lacrosse, committed support from both sides and placards of which this Donald Trump parody we much enjoyed. Next year Essex will be hosting.
mo 6 Mar 2017 | Yesterday near Norwich we watched Iceni Spears women's American football walk through some plays in the changing room and then go outside to practice in icy rain ... that's commitment. The season long Sapphire series for women is five or seven a side. We couldn't imagine ... more here
th 9 Feb 2017 | The UEA Pirates lost 6-9 to the Cambridge Pythons in Norwich Sunday as their last home game in the BUCS South East. A not entirely satisfactory game but the Pirates single touchdown was a high bomb to a wide receiver dramatically at a flying full stretch ... and we didn't snap it ...
th 22 Dec 2016 | Shop in Norwich Sunday advertising Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Celebration Drink. |
we 14 Dec 2016 | Over the past couple of weekends we've seen in Norwich our first university American football. Weekend before last the UEA Pirates hosted the Kent Falcons and we were surprised how much the pass featured, were impressed by the commitment of the Falcons... more here
tu 1 Nov 2016 | The long bar at Epic Studios Norwich has been moved from one wall to another (but still a decent cup of coffee for £1.50) moving one set of roller derby spectators from along the back straight to across turns one and two for a Mustard City Rollers co-ed double bout. Suitable Halloween atmosphere, Suffolk RD skater Bella Hellatrix Pritchard ... more here
mo 19 Sep 2016 | One of the many things we like about roller derby is it usually finds a fix: at Easton College banquettes (there are such things) taken from the foyer to make a penalty box when the usual gym forms went missing. Saturday at UEA Norwich the lead connecting the laptop to the scoreboard projector was missing, so someone nipped out and bought another projector! No tutti frutti.
sa 9 Jul 2016 | ♫ At Stradisphere last night in Stradbroke as so often at events it took darkness, the approaching show end and possibly Earl Soham Vic at £3.50/pint for the good sized crowd to fill in the empty space at the stage front. Food, sweets and witty tie died babywear stalls and we much enjoyed three no bass player piece from Norwich The Signs. The festival continues today with Oasis tribute Definitely Maybe topping tonight.
th 7 Jul 2016 | ♫ Three stages at the free Global Rhythm in Ipswich Saturday. On Peppery's Martin Burley stage we can personally recommend the eleven? piece Goldmaster Allstars and from Norwich Vagaband (awful name, brilliant band) depping for an unwell Hank Wangford.
mo 9 May 2016 | ♫ Sunday is Ipswich Jazz Club's annual blues night with top of the bill Dennis Greaves and Mark Feltham founder members of Nine Below Zero. Here's all of Nine Below playing at Epic Studios Norwich where Saturday Norfolk Roller Derby had certainly made the effort for The Debutantes' Brawl. |
su 17 Apr 2016 | Brilliant Ronaldo tutti frutti ice cream at the roller derby in Norwich yesterday. |
we 23 Mar 2016 | In the Epic Studios Norwich this Saturday Norfolk Roller Derby (née Brawds) present a co-ed intra-league Sur5al format roller derby, we'll be there. |
tu 1 Mar 2016
 | Life Skills 9: Supermarkets that have a world food section (the Norwich Hartford Bridge Tesco has Nigerian 6% Guinness!) may have those large cellophane bags of ground spices at a pro rata one fifth the price of Schwartz refills. We decant them into large one time gherkin jars and even then the jars aren't big enough. Couldn't see any large bags in the Martlesham Tesco today but not surprisingly the Hackney Tesco does stock them.
sa 16 Jan 2016 | Sometime in the 1960s Bowie was our solo support act and even then he was visibly creative. Despite this slight association we were soon bored by news people suddenly having an opinion about him. We seem to be alone in boredom so you'll probably be interested that Pump and Grind Ipswich will be playing non-stop Bowie this weekend and DK's Saturday Sessions Norwich is a Bowie tribute.
tu 3 Nov 2015 | The weekend before last we travelled to Easton college near Norwich expecting to make photos of a Jolly Dodgers scrimmage but what we got was a Norfolk Brawds v Grid City Division and East Anglo Smacksons v Suffolk Roller Derby double bouter.
sa 16 May 2015 | 1:50pm We're on Future Radio in Norwich and in just a bit. |
mo 29 Sep 2014 | It's just not the Woodbridge Wyvale and Deben Inns that think it's Christmas already, when we were in Norwich Saturday we saw a banner advertising Festive Lunches. Even more uncomfortable today is last day posting surface mail to Africa, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and New Zealand for Christmas!
we 24 Sep 2014
 |  In Norwich we asked the stunting cyclist on the right if he could do a back flip. He said yes, he'd learnt by practising into a swimming pool but now one of the Norwich skate parks has a foam pit. Google make us think it may be the Charge Unit indoor skate park.
su 13 Jul 2014 | Yesterday we felt the derby l♥ve in Norwich. |
su 6 Jul 2014 | As we know East Anglia tends to be more laid back than say a large town near Chelmsford though these days even the Wickham Market co-op car park can get a bit frantic. At April's Eastern Sur5val roller derby in Norwich the teams found time to play Twister.
tu 27 May 2014 | Thankfully it was sunny yesterday for the Framlingham gala parade and as always the gala princesses looked lovely with beautiful flower arrangements whilst Sunday near Norwich roller derby princesses from Leicester collided with those from the Norfolk Brawds ... the gala princesses are on the left.
mo 21 Apr 2014 | The Saturday before last the Sur5val roller derby format came to UEA Norwich. A little difficult to follow as the scoreboard had software problems and to prevent colour clashes the teams didn't wear their league jerseys but still highly enjoyable derby. Impressively Suffolk Roller Derby came fourth in their first public bout and hosts the Norfolk Brawds celebrated winning by falling to the floor prompting a mass pile up/bundle.
su 22 Dec 2013 | A tiny tastette of the Norfolk Brawds' mixed scrimmage in Norwich yesterday. |
mo 18 Nov 2013 | We visited the Norwich Open Academy Thursday for a Norfolk Brawds' weekly training scrimmage. Interestingly after each jam the skaters paused to discuss what had happened just like they don't in football. We'd noted in the ... more at roller derby
mo 19 Aug 2013 | The Billies' mascot was undoubtedly the star of Heartland East round 5 in Norwich (Romsey Town Rollerbillies 243-127 Mean Valley Roller Derby) but what gave us a nice warm feeling was the Norfolk ... more at roller derby
th 18 Oct 2012 | ♫Norwich based and Maverick festivalteers bluegrass band Feral Mouth are playing the Kai Bar on Ipswich's waterfront tonight, four support acts and just a fiver to get in.
mo 28 Nov 2011 | ♫ In the evening we went to Maverick's ranch party in Easton and got to see Norwich based Vagaband who over the past couple of years have polished up very nicely thank you. We love drummers who stand up ... especially when they use a box for their kick drum. Top of the bill Hank Wangford with his band including pedal steeler BJ Cole produced moments of pure country heaven. |
mo 30 Mar 2009 | Admittedly more than a bit of a ways off but Cajun quartet The Magnolia Sisters are playing Norwich Arts Centre 15 July. This year Maverick in Easton is the first weekend in July so maybe they'll still be round for that?
we 11 Dec 2002 | Norwich Fat Cat des' dinners 32
The fringe Lunch Club was thwarted when on entering the Norwich Fat Cat NaTCH and Lady KRJ discovered it did not serve hot food. Consequently lunch was taken in Pizza Express. No beer was drunk but conversation included how fed up Lady KRJ is of hearing about Bowling for Columbine. (first visit subsequent lunch previous lunch) |