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fr 22 Nov

Didn't know there's a winery in Monk Soham, they are open 11:00am-04:00pm weekend after next for Christmas shopping.

sa 16 Nov

As we've noted before the Shepherd and Dog at Forward Green still has a TO LET sign and the recently expanded Stowupland  Co-op petrol station attractively has planters on the grass verge.

tu 29 Oct

Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs) were enacted in a bunch of near theYou are in designated public place coast  towns over ten years ago.  They aren't simple drinking bans, it's not illegal to have wine with a picnic as long as a copper doesn't ask you stop ... read the question.  DPPOs have been replaced by Public Space Protection Orders and last month East Suffolk Council resolved (didn't they vote?) to remove the DPPOs (number seven in the minutes).  Impressively they also thought to remove the signs that imply Framlingham Fen Meadow is the haunt of drunken muggers rather than sober(ish) dog walkers.

mo 21 Oct

Very sad to report that the multi-talented James Holloway passed away some days back.

mo 29 Jul

The level crossing at Westerfield is open again.

th 25 Jul

The Prima Donna festival at the end of next month near Pettaugh does pretty much what it says on the tin.

th 11 Jul

Roughcast's A Midsummer's Night DreamRoughcast Theatre are touring Shakespeare's comedy A Midsummer's Night Dream around near the coast finishing with a dash over the channel for two shows in the Dordogne ... perhaps because it might be their last chance:)  Tomorrow there's a free performance at the Laxfield Low House.

Driving from much of near the coast to Norwich there was no petrol station until Long Stratton and that one on the wrong side.  Since May there's been a BP petrol station on the Scole A140/A143 roundabout near Diss.

su 9 Jun

Women's Tour 2019Expect some delays tomorrow around near the coast when the 2019 Women's Tour 2019 journeys from Beccles to Stowmarket.

th 2 May

Council elections around near the coast today but you would be hard pressed to know it.  A stunning lack of information about who the candidates are.

th 28 Mar

We've added a judge and spectators at Butley to Suffolk Gentleman and a gratifyingly side lit rider to our Flickr portfolio ... it's been a while.

su 10 Mar

Building work at the Co-op petrol station Stowupland will continue until at least May and possibly July.

we 23 Jan

It's all the go in and about near the coast, temporarily closing petrol stations to re-Haynings garage Framlingham being updatedmodel them, not an insignificant matter when there are so few to start with.  Woodbridge (has it re-opened yet?), Co-op Stowmarket (not closed but building going on), Haynings Framlingham (reportedly will have a 24 hour self service pump) and now the BP garage on the west bound A14 near Newmarket.  Fortunately services just off the A14 on the other side of Cambridge are copiously resourced ... three Costa Coffee machines!

th 3 Jan

All we could find on the web about Sunday's motorcycle trial was it was Sunday and somewhere around Butley.  In the event it was a mile or two from the village, well signposted with orange pennants, had a burger van and an enormous free car park.  Lots of women judges and unlike our last trial visit eleven! years ago there were a lot more modern bikes including two electrical jobbies.  We always like the surreal cinema image of a single motorbike making its way through the woods.

fr 15 Jun
Our eleventh birthday

Splat Quack Go Suffolk's Muddiest Mud RunHere's a new one (to us at least) Splat Quack Go Suffolk's Muddiest Mud Run. superficially a Woodbridge happening tomorrow but in fact just outside Hollesley ... entries accepted on the day and it sounds a teensie bit like those Zombie Evacuations.

su 13 May

Stonham Aspal may have lost it's pub but the village hall is very active with bingo, film, pub and quiz nights.

we 28 Feb
Shepherd and Dog

Shepherd and Dog in Forward Green - pic by Google EarthThe Shepherd and Dog at Forward Green (it's between the A140 and Stowupland) has a giant TO LET sign outside.  Tripadvisor and someone who told someone else seem to think it's closed and has been for a bit.  We're pretty sure the letting agents are Fleurets who specialise in pubs and shops but we can't find it on their web site ... maybe that's why it's got stuck.

tu 6 Feb

A fine example of enviable near the coast local authority communication skills.

th 18 Jan

A bit windy last night ... eh?

th 28 Dec

The Friston Chequers now seems to be the Friston Old Chequers and has a fresh looking coat of paint.

tu 6 Dec

Police advice on security when leaving your car unattended after Carlton and Westleton had14 vehicle break ins at the end of last month.

su 4 Sep

Living art at Maui Waui ThebertonWe arrived at the Maui Waui festival Theberton yesterday along with the first significant rain for weeks which wasn't that disruptive but OTOH didn't help.  The living art show was part burlesque part catwalk and the combination of electro swing soundtrack, highly effective lighting and a enthusiastic audience made quite an event ... looking forward to next year.

fr 15 Jul

A woman died in a motorcycle accident yesterday evening in Walpole.

su 26 Jun

Witnesham End of a RainbowDriving through Witnesham last weekend we thought That PC repair shop has gone, well it was very isolated, looks like a private house now.  Passing today we saw it's End of a Rainbow, they've been there eighteen months but sadly (if appropriately) this weekend was their last.

mo 29 Feb

Fram Con Club bar Saturday nightWe lost useful broadband Saturday morning (thank you BT) which was a pity as we wanted to tell you about wrestling that evening at the Stonham Barns and The Outlaws at the Framlingham Con Club.  Coming back from The Outlaws we passed The Railway at 10:50pm just as a nun ran past presumably not wanting to miss last orders ... honest, a nun ... a bloke but in a wimple and habit.

fr 26 Feb

Part of the Wyverstone ammunition stashThe thing about chairman of the parish council James Arnold's highly illegal 460+ firearms stash in Wyverstone (the other side of Stowmarket from near the coast) was the some 200,000 rounds of ammunition and other explosives.  Kept in close proximity and a single room if ... more here

mo 30 Nov
St Andrew's day

On a Long Stratton corner opposite the Shell garage the smaller open all hours Co-op is now Funeral Services so on Sunday nights useful to know the Stradbroke Spar is open for travellers returning to near the coast.

we 11 Mar

Last night a woman died in hospital after a two car one driver collision in Friston.

mo 23 Feb

The DAB (digital) radio network is to get 182 new transmitters with near the coast benefiting from new transmitters at Aldeburgh and Blythburgh.  Picking the bones out of a government document is an unsatisfying experience and we can't find a date for these two newbies beyond completion of all by 30 September 2016.

we 14 Jan

Internet community station Deben Radio ended broadcasting at the end of last year but listen again has remained up but today is its last day.

mo 25 Aug

The driver of a blue Fiesta died in Letheringham Saturday.

fr 20 Jun

In this part of Suffolk you're more likely to be run down by a mobility scooter than an inline skater but we do like its been here forever bumptiousness ... and though unfair to say it's still the 1950s near the coast we have heard that sugar rationing didn't end in Stackton Tressel until 1986 ...

mo 16 Jun

At the end of the nineteenth century there was no speedway or annoying hatchbacks to entertain young men so TWOKing pony and traps was popular amongst the rougher elements of near the coast.  Fortunately taking the stolen transportation to a remote spot and setting it alight had not become fashionable but in his East African column Peregrine Cuttlefish clearly thought such joy riding indicated the imminent collapse of civilization as it was then known.

th 13 Mar

Marine Watch at RamsholtA beautiful day yesterday for our first visit to Ramsholt where there was a harbour master and lots of boats but nobody much to be met and greeted by the police's second Marine Watch meet and greet of the day ... but not wasted, the cops have shown they are about and we've seen a piece of Sandlings heaven.

mo 13 Jan

Fellow Twitterer @Jaydubblah asks do any nearthecoasters know of really wheelchair friendly eating places in East Suffolk?  Need room to manoeuvre.

fr 13 Dec
Friday the 13th

Skating in Framlingham castle car parkWe can't ice skate but are told it's quite different from roller skating and at last year's highly successful skating In Framlingham we were told the dry plastic surface does make it easier ... despite that there were some spectacular falls.  So presumably expect more falls when indoor ice skating starts at Stonham Barns tomorrow.

we 4 Dec

Last weekend in Knodishall someone was poking about in cars not their own.

sa 16 Nov

The gritting lorry was out last night.

mo 28 Oct

The Orwell Bridge closed as of 9:15am and 10:30am, and a fence down in Stately Terrace Framlingham ... as of 12:30pm the Orwell Bridge now open.

su 20 Oct

This is what we love about near the coast, a fence panel in Woodbridge damaged possibly by someone sitting on it is a recorded and reported crime ...

sa 19 Oct

Shingle Street isn't the end of the world but you can see it from there.

sa 17 Aug

The Brewer has given us the bad news that the hop farm just Hop harvest Sibton 2006outside Sibton has given up and it might be the last one in Suffolk ... although there could be another at Monewden at least.  Either way we hope the splendidly industrial machinery at Sibton has found a home and the Brewer is modestly confident he can keep the character of his beers with other hops ... and the barley still comes from Brandeston.

mo 12 Aug

House sales around near the coastWe paid some £12,000 for our first house, it sold in May for £230,000 ... in the meantime recent house sales near the coast imply Aldeburgh's off the boil.

tu 11 Jun

Arriving back near the coast yesterday we did our shopping in the Wickham Market co-op ... it was so calm and unhurried compared with the Hackney Tescos near Chelmsford ... ahhhh (we thought) nice to be back ... on the back road to Easton we dodged two hatchbacked mums with hectic lifestyles and a flying post van ... Suffolk eh? (we thought).

we 1 May

In our happily not broad experience of near the coast county councillors they are always Tory and really fancy themselves.  Tomorrow you have a chance to try out some new faces.

fr 12 Apr

Things to do near the coast this weekend include Brief Encounter tonight at the Peasenhall Picture Palace (bring your own tissues), open day at Woottens charming plant nursery in Wenhaston tomorrow and in the evening bright as a button (and about the same size) comedienne Lucy Porter in the Haverhill Arts Centre.

sa 6 Apr

When we first moved to near the coast last century we weren't surprised but interested that the wall of model toys in HG Crisp Saxmundham was nearly all farm machinery, seems perfectly ordinary now.

su 31 Mar
world backup day

Lord Deben before he wasThough the chums we mentioned it to were aware we've only just noticed that one time and once upon a time local mp John Selwyn Gummer became Lord Deben back in 2010, good thing he didn't want to be Lord Framlingham and good thing Lord Framlingham didn't want to be Lord Brundish.

we 12 Dec

It'll be a while before we have a date like 12/12/12 again.

we 5 Dec

The Keeper's DaughterThe Keeper's Daughter starting tonight in Kelsale are out on the road around near the coast with this year's Christmas show Twas The Night Before Christmas until the 29th.  We saw the dress rehearsal Monday in Needham Norfolk and it looks another stunner with a central magnificently awful pun ... people like magnificently awful puns, that's why they buy red tops.

tu 21 Aug

Bring your own sandwiches but free bicycle coding at police picnics in Bawdsey, Boyton and Hollesley later this week and a crime reduction day with refreshments in Otley tomorrow afternoon.

th 16 Aug

We ate Sunday roast off a Lavenham decorated place mat for our teenage years so know it's picturesque, this weekend in the village hall Suffolk Exhibitions are showing Art Photography Ceramics and Textiles.

we 25 Jul

Despite the weather Central Suffolk Rabbit and Cavy Club enjoyed the Heveningham Hall Country Fair earlier this month.  Ray Everitt's Californian and P and D Nunn's black English Crested won best in show.

mo 23 Jul

Mouth to Mouth's Godspell in DebenhamWhat an nice change to have some half way decent weather yesterday for Mouth to Mouth's production of the musical Godspell in the Debenham Angel's garden.  As always quirky, original and highly entertaining we were particularly pleased to see a ukulele move from the pit to centre stage.  Mouth to Mouth's garden tour continues this coming weekend at Hoxne, Framlingham, Orford and Laxfield.

sa 14 Jul
Bastille Day

Wickham Market post officeChristmas 1931 in Framlingham, rambling near the coast in 1963, the Wickham Market post office from a time when the post arrived in the morning and the Queen's Head Dennington.

th 3 May

Police Direct reporting flooded roads around Bredfield, Debenham, Helmingham, Melton, Otley, Stowmarket and Woodbridge ... bad enough that Victoria from the Framlingham Bookshop gave up try to get from Stowupland to Fram this morning.

su 29 Apr

There were eight motorcycle fatalities in Suffolk last year and if it ever stops raining it'll be the biking season so the cops are running the fifth and sixth of ten Bikesafe workshops this coming weekend.

fr 30 Mar

Wonder what Andrea Hill Suffolk's own Tony Soprano is doing these days?

mo 6 Feb

What was a Shell garage in Stowupland is now the Co-op with Total petrol and a letterbox by the door for your repeat prescriptions, how very sensible.

su 5 Feb

Indoor snowIn Stately Terrace last night there was so much of this stuff about it was snowing indoors.

sa 7 Jan

It may have been Epiphany yesterday but Saxmundham was still looking rather lovely in her Christmas lights and last week in the charmingly named Laundry Lane Huntingfield a half hearted break in.

su 1 Jan

Hopefully in 2012 we won't loose another friend before their time, Fram market will remain a venue to rant and drink good coffee, Earl Soham beer will bring its own joy, we'll get skies like this, the Maverick gigs are a continuing success, nearthecoast's great and good get greater and gooderer whilst ntc continues to be maddeningly endearing ... and roller derby having got as far as Yarmouth will finally find its way to Suffolk ... but don't hold your breath.  Happy New Year!

mo 5 Dec

Here's a scary one, a map of road fatalities and injuries 2000-2010.  Zoom in to where you live near the coast and like us be shocked at what mayhem there has been within just a few miles of your house.

fr 11 Nov
Remembrance Day

Ron Beadle MBE at the 2006 HachfestSorry to hear from Deano that St John Ambulancer and Suffolk Land Rover Owners' Club marshal Ron Beadle who was awarded the MBE at the beginning of the year passed away Saturday.

we 2 Nov

Blimey!  The Keeper's Daughter theatre company could rival James Brown for hard work, A Christmas Carol is out on the road all over December with four double headers, the first pair on the first weekend ... what's more it's Dracula in Stowupland village hall tonight.

th 2 Jun

the Suffolk Show on TwitterParking at this year's Suffolk Show plus a family ticket on the gate is £48.  Just three quid more and it'll be cheaper to supply alcohol to the under aged (£50 fine) but not to wander into a bus lane in a large town near Chelmsford (£130 fine).

sa 7 May
Black Spot Day

Shaw's Ballot PencilWell done near the coast!  So many of you turned out to vote that counting the parish/town polls Suffolk Coastal hit the pause button Friday night and will start up again Monday and Suffolk county chief exec Andrea Hill has gone on handbag leave.

we 27 Apr

Princess Margaret by Cecil BeatonDepressingly nearly three quarters of the parish and town councils in Suffolk Coastal will not have a contested election this 5 May.  Encouragingly 30 will have contested elections a significant increase on 2007 so maybe it's time for regime change where you live ... and we agree, there's probably a parish out there that hasn't had an election since Princess Margaret was a goer.

we 6 Apr

Predicted warmest day this year so far near the coast, maybe 20+°C.

we 16 Mar

Full time chef needed in Pettistree (digs available if wanted) Robert 01728 747979 and a FREE three piece suite in Framlingham.

sa 1 Jan

We predict that at in 2011 near the coast's great and good will continue to kindly agree, munch scrummy cake, vote the minutes a true and accurate record and relentlessly pursue niceness ... but also the Maverick festival will delight, The Outlaws will do the odd gig near the coast, and who knows?  Maybe roller derby will find its way to Suffolk ... but don't hold your breath.  Happy New Year!

th 30 Dec

Like yesterday another murky day near the coast. 

fr 27 Aug

Newest Suffolk Constabulary police dog is Springer spaniel Arnie.  He is trained to sniff out drugs and later this year he'll be taking a course in firearm recovery then, rumour has it, a NVQ in leisure management and perhaps one day his own boutique hotel.

No surprise is it that we are the nation who invented the Pakamac?

tu 29 Jun

Gordon Knowles  The Chicken Man of BungayThe Essex Record Office said to Sounding Board Productions The portrait pictures in your Suffolk Voices CDs are absolutely superb. What's the secret?  Yes, we took the snaps.  <blush>

th 17 Jun

black hatLooks like new Suffolk Coastal MP Therese Coffey has been hacked on Twitter.

fr 21 May

atm plate style skimmer- pic contributedThere were three cash point skimmers found near the coast last week and one on the Framlingham Barclays in 2008.  Though the  police have pointed out they do vary in appearance they seem to come in two flavours; throat and plate and both have a pinhole camera mounted above the keypad to capture the pin ... nasty.

th 6 May

just DO IT! First voter waiting for the poll to open  more pix here

we 10 Mar

No, sea eagles not sea lions.

sa 06 Mar

Say no to sea eagles Remains of Say No To Sea Eagles
Bit of a difference of opinion about sea eagles near Peasenhall.

sa 9 Jan

Sounds hairy out there, it's the hills, lorries stuck on the hill last night by what was the Farnham George and Rocket Ronnie has given up trying to get to Framlingham at what was the Sweffling White Horse.

Despite the cold these two pigeons were declaring, no doubt everlasting, love for each other this morning.  Though it's hard to believe now, spring will be on us soon enough.

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